Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1: Sinestros Law
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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1: Sinestros Law

Writer: Robert Venditti Artist: Rafael Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona Publisher: DC Comics Trade Paperback: February 8, 2017, $17.99 Issues: 8, Issue Reviews: 464
7.8Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

Hal Jordan is about to go from head of the Green Lantern Corps to an army of one. The Green Lantern Corps has disappeared, and now Sinestro's own Corps of Yellow Lanterns enforces his unique brand of law and order in the universe. As a result, Jordan has no ring to sling-or Sector 2814 to call home! This DC Rebirth collection features HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #1-7 and HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS: REBIRTH #1!

  • 9.0
    Criminology. Feb 11, 2022

    I think that this is a good, but also slow volume, not that I mind it. Where Venditti shines the most is the way he writes these characters. He translates his understanding of those characters very well to the page, something that I think he fails to do in later volumes, where he kinda overdoes it a little bit, that it seems forced. Don't get me wrong, at times he can fall to the normal comics cliches of monologuing and sharing a little bit too much, but that's mostly to make the things more understandable and add depth to the story, the relationships and the characters. Also there are some really character defining quotes here, which again ties to the understanding Venditti has for those guys.

    Sinestro, Hal, Guy, John even Soranik, all are very well written and constructed, while obviously Sinestro is the shinning star, given the premise. And the premise is actually awesome. It's one of those "that had to happen at some moment", type things. We were bound to get a story that deals with the same things at some point, it's just the natural evolution of the green lantern mythos. But in the same time, the story happened in a very logical time. Like the premise was not forced, it did not happen, because it had to happen. Given the situation, it's logical for those things to happen.

    As much as the next guy, i love badass moment and without spoiling anything, there some really badass moments here, especially the one in the beginning.

    Not much happens here, the progression is really slow, at times not existing, especially in the parts dealing with John and the rest of the corps, but still I was constantly interested in what's coming next. Again part of the reason for it, is that Venditti just knows how to write these guys, like i just enjoy their interactions with each other, plus the issues can be read really fast.

  • 8.5
    Letters Mar 12, 2023

    the idea of him turning into pure will is really cool

  • 7.0
    Melkor Feb 3, 2017

    A comic with plenty of action.Not bad.

  • 7.0
    Wallin6 May 9, 2017

    Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1 Sinestro’s Law is DC’s opening act in their new Rebirth sage that takes over from their New 52 reboot, unlike The New 52, Rebirth isn’t a reboot, but rather a new launching off point for new readers that for the most part picks up where The New 52 left off. DC has tasked Robert Venditti with the writing of this first leg of the new line of stories for Hal Jordan, and alongside Venditti are Jordi Tarragona and Ethan van Sciver who take up the role of penciling the artwork for these stories.

    This story more or less picks up where The New 52 line left off with the Green Lanterns disappearing from the universe leaving one mighty power vacuum and Hal Jordan slowly loosing himself to the emotional spectrum, however all is not lost, Jordan is introduced from the start as an absolute force of will, strong enough to reconstitute himself and his own power ring just from his insurmountable force of willpower, however his reasons acting in this story are initially outlined clearly enough they often drift and waft a bit for the first half of the book or so.

    There is a Wonderful air of mystery and intrigue surrounding the introduction of Sinestro which drives the reader completely, as if being pulled by the nose by the readers own curiosity. This new Sinestro has all of the cunning and calculation precision typical of his character in past stories, but if anything Venditti adds a level of brutality that illustrates Senestro’s own conviction to him new cause of protector of order in the universe, and Jordi Tarragona and Ethan van Sciver’s penciling gives Sinestro a level of epicenes deserving of a character such as Sinestro.

    Vendetti doesn’t leave Hal and Sensestro to have all of the fun, with Vendetti’s writing we also see the return of the Green Lantern Corps and along with the Corps are Lantern veterans John Stewart and Guy Gardner. Guy Gardner is his typical breath of fresh air in an otherwise serious arch of s

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