The Sheriff Of Babylon Deluxe
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The Sheriff Of Babylon Deluxe

Writer: Tom King Artist: Mitch Gerards Publisher: Vertigo Hardcover: March 14, 2018, $39.99 Issues: 12, Issue Reviews: 367
9.1Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

Baghdad, 2003. In an effort to establish some semblance of order in the war-torn city, Florida cop-turned-military-consultant Chris Henry has been assigned to train cadets in law enforcement. But good intentions are not immune to the chaos found in the post-9/11 Middle East. When one of Henry's trainees is found dead, he's forced to ally himself with Nassir, the last policeman in Baghdad, to unravel a bloody mystery. While Henry and Nassir search for answers, forces in the shadows are pulling strings that these men don't even know they're tied to. Collects the entire 12-issue miniseries.  

  • 8.0
    Merlyn Feb 20, 2022

    Pretty decent book, I feel like this is more King's wheelhouse than superhero stories are.

  • 10
    JTM Mar 28, 2023

    Wow, wow, with a side of wow. Storytelling at it's finest as evidenced by starting with a "oh, let's see what this is about," and a few hours later having completed it. Beautiful words, beautiful pages.

  • 8.5
    Kalaoui Feb 7, 2025

    It's a decent attempt by a former CIA officer at making sense of his time in Baghdad during the first year of the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003. It comes with characters who lost and will lose their souls fighting for and against the invader. Chris is the closest thing to a good guy here but by the end lines are blurred and he can't escape from the cesspool. Saffiya/Sofia being the lady who has a foot in both worlds and pays for it dearly as she navigates both sides. But it's Nassir who pays the heaviest of prices as a former cop who served Saddam's regime and trying to find meaning after losing all of his family and his country. Many things are spot on and others are not accurate but is also what somebody would have learned as a foreigner invading a country. Many small details can be mentioned like how Hassan the Kurd leader calls Saffiya with her American name Sofia speaks volumes and works on the many layers of this society. Bob is the epitome of the arrogant guy representing the core of the inherent racist ideology of the way the US behaved after 9/11. Will he even get what he deserves? Those panels in green/night vision say so much. This brings me to Mitch Gerards on art who makes this book work. The scenery is great and the way he makes characters drive the emotions with their bodies or what they're holding along with their facial expressions is spot on.

  • 1.0
    myconius Aug 10, 2021

    absolute SHYTE!!!

    terrible art for an even MORE terrible story!
    not even good enough to wipe your butt with if you run out of toilet paper.

  • 10
    Kgphil01 Mar 23, 2018

  • 9.0
    ADB94 Jan 9, 2024

  • 7.5
    MaxOfSteel616 Jul 19, 2023

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