Location: Australia, mate.Joined: Jul 03, 2018About Me: I'm a fan who likes to review and prefers to be positive rather than negative. Here's the scale I utilise for my reviews. (Examples provided are taken from my reviews and opinions.)
1-4.5: Actively ruining one or more characters (E.g. Ric Grayson).
5: Issue is plain boring. (E.g. Most of the Absolute Carnage tie-in miniseries).
5.5-7.0: Issue isn't passable but it has some redeeming factors or sense of enjoyability. (E.g. Hills' Fallen Angels).
7.5: A passing grade. The Good equals The Bad. (E.g. Hills' Batman and the Outsiders).
8-8.5: Differing degrees of how likely I would recommend this to a fan of the character/team (Minor, Medium, Major rec). (E.g. Venditti's Hal and Pals).
9: A minor recommend to someone who hasn't read this character/team before. (Batman: Universe)
9.5: I would recommend this to someone on a general basis or introductory to a character that they haven't read. (E.g. Johns' Aquaman).
10: This is a masterpiece of storytelling. In my opinion, you are actively missing out if you aren't reading this. (E.g. Hickman's House of X/Powers of X).more