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Joined: Mar 01, 2020

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Wella27 reviewed Justice League #60 Apr 22, 2021

It was what I expected. Bendis is a sign of failure. Thank you DC. In the last two years, You managed to stop me from reading the Superman and Action Comics books and now I am going to stop reading the Justice League. I still gave the opportunity and read this. But the dialogue and the decisions of the characters reminded me of all of Bendis' "work" in DC.

Justice League #60

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Xermanico
Released: Apr 21, 2021

Superman, Batman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Aquaman, and Hawkgirl join forces with Black Adam to fight an all-new world conqueror! But how do they stop the unstoppable power known as Brutus? Enter new mega-power sensation Naomi, who comes face to face with the League and brings along Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons for a blockbuster battle for the ...

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Bats44121 - Apr 22, 2021

I wonder if stop reading them is a "bad" thing. We have had this trend for years of growing support for killers and mass-murderers reimagined in the "hero" community. The first that I remember was Black Widow trained as an assassin, who was with a Soviet killer Boris Turgeno. It was shocking in 1964, but she didn't kill the scientist. Then we have assassin Elektra glamorized in the 1980s. But the re-invention of mass murderer Black Adam is a different level of killer as hero.

Wella27 - Apr 19, 2022

I understand what you're saying. And a year after our comment, it really proved that I did or we did well to stop reading them.

Wella27 reviewed Justice League #74 Apr 19, 2022

It completely amazes me, how we had so many volumes and so many books with Bendis! Nothing helps in this book and the only reason I could give it more than 1 is because it's the last. I wish Bendis the best of luck in other projects, but please DC, get organized and do a good job.

Justice League #74

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Phil Hester
Released: Mar 16, 2022

Justice League Dark crossover conclusion! Another full double-size issue crossover spectacular as Xanadoth, the original Lord of Chaos, has returned. With unlimited power and revenge against all on its mind, the Lord of chaos has taken the form of Black Adam and no. One. Is. Safe. The final chapter of the Eisner-winning Bendis Justice League run wr...

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Emma reviewed Future State: Wonder Woman #1 Jan 8, 2021

Sorry, maybe because of the criticism I expected something different, I was not convinced much to spend my money on this issue. Maybe later.

Future State: Wonder Woman #1

By: Joelle Jones
Released: Jan 6, 2021

Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest lies a hero of mythic legend...Wonder Woman! But in the absence of Diana, Yara Flor has risen out of obscurity to protect Man’s World from the magic that lies within it. Along with her trusty steed, she journeys to the Underworld to rescue one of her Themysciran sisters from the grasp of Hades. Will she ...

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Wella27 reviewed Future State: Wonder Woman #1 Mar 15, 2021

Unoriginal. Good art, but story for children! An example; She steals someone's coins and then fights that person as if she were right to steal the coins. I hope this is not the path of DC ..

Future State: Wonder Woman #1

By: Joelle Jones
Released: Jan 6, 2021

Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest lies a hero of mythic legend...Wonder Woman! But in the absence of Diana, Yara Flor has risen out of obscurity to protect Man’s World from the magic that lies within it. Along with her trusty steed, she journeys to the Underworld to rescue one of her Themysciran sisters from the grasp of Hades. Will she ...

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RKS reviewed Future State: Wonder Woman #1 Jan 5, 2021

This book was horrible. Don't waste your money. That is all.

Future State: Wonder Woman #1

By: Joelle Jones
Released: Jan 6, 2021

Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest lies a hero of mythic legend...Wonder Woman! But in the absence of Diana, Yara Flor has risen out of obscurity to protect Man’s World from the magic that lies within it. Along with her trusty steed, she journeys to the Underworld to rescue one of her Themysciran sisters from the grasp of Hades. Will she ...

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