TWO SIDES OF THE SAME STORY, SHOWN HERE IN ONE INCREDIBLE SPECIAL! Wonder Woman, child of Themyscira turned vampire, and Alfred, Butler of the Waynes turned Green Lantern. Their paths couldn't be any different. But for each, a chance encounter will force them to reexamine what it means to survive in a world ruled by darkness. Showcasing two sides o...
Intro issue heavy on exposition, but it's pretty good.
lol at the Rhinoceros Knight and I laughed at that conversation between Talia and Grodd.
The smash-hit series returns! It’s the dead of winter, and any hope for a fragile truce between the Green Arrow-led human heroes and vampire queen Barbara Gordon’s army has been dashed by Damian Wayne and his guerrilla fighters. He’s the only one fighting back against the bloodthirsty hordes, leaving Green Arrow with a choice: Does he stand...
The Ultimates search for a means of destroying the Maker's most powerful pawn, the Hulk! And in the process they uncover an army of Hulks hidden away from the world... ...with She-Hulk at the helm!
Rated T+
And you may find yourself living in a record store. And you may find yourself in another part of the world. And you may find yourself behind the walls of an unknown city. And you may find yourself in a beautiful field, with a beautiful dog. And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did we get here?"
While I understand some of the complains with this issue (I myself was baffled at the treatment of Superman, for example, felt completely unnecessary), I had a blast.
Batman falling from orbit is the kind of thing that looks and sounds ridiculpus on paper, but the way it was written felt strangely in-character, and it pivoted back into awesomeness.
The final chapter in the Failsafe arc reaches its brutal and stunning conclusion! Batman has one desperate, final option...will he walk away from it? The answer will shock you! The early days of the Dark Knight and his relationship with Zur-En-Arrh continues!
The cataclysmic final issue of the bestselling series will end with a bang and a whimper! Green Arrow will lead humanity’s final charge from the blood mines of Smallville. Supergirl’s mission to get off-world comes to an explosive end. And it’s Batgirl versus Nightwing for the fate of the entire planet-the stakes couldn’t be higher as the f...
The grand finale! With the dying embers of their hope rekindled at the eleventh hour, what’s left of John Constantine’s Suicide Squad attempts to traverse the badlands with precious cargo in tow. But just as final victory over the vampires and their endless night seems all but assured, the team must contend with their most powerful and terrifyi...
Betrayed and out of options, the pitiful remnants of the team head to a bleak and desolate Central City for one last Hail Mary as Baron Cinder's terrifying lieutenants close in. Will a Marvel Family showdown at the end of the world snuff out humanity's last hope, or will the team's final desperate gamble pay off?
After last issue's bombshell revelation, the Dallas brothers turn to the one person who can save them: SAMMY SOCKEM! Note to speculators: this is the first appearance of "Sammy Sockem."
The (presumably) hit series by CHIP ZDARSKY (SEX CRIMINALS, Batman) continues!
Humanity's final battles against King Nightwing and his vampire armies have seemingly failed on all three fronts. Who lives? Who dies? As all hope is extinguished, will the surviving heroes be able to stop the extinction of the human race?
A good issue but the pacing feels like I'm strapped into a rocket-
Failsafe has countered every move Batman and the Justice League have attempted. Is the Dark Knight out of options on...Earth? The bestselling Failsafe arc continues! In the back-up, we travel back to the early years of the Dark Knight Detective, revisiting his most psychedelic/mind-breaking period and the dawn of his backup protection system...ZUR-...
The war for Earth takes a decisive turn as the heroes prepare to strike back! Can Supergirl and her team in Australia escape to space? Will the Birds of Prey's infiltration of Gotham City go unnoticed by the Vampire King? Can Green Arrow save the human cattle from the Blood Farm? The shocking answers await!
With Baron Cinder and his lieutenants kept occupied by the mother of all diversions, the team attempts a daring raid on the Blood Farm to retrieve the one person who can bring sunlight back to the world. However, they have not reckoned on the terrifying presence of the Baron's vampire knights-familiar faces whose blades are every bit as bloodthirst...
Batman has battled all manner of criminals, monsters, and super-villains, but nothing could have prepared him for what's coming with Failsafe, an unstoppable foe that can outfight and outthink the Dark Knight-but could a dark connection to Batman's past be the answer? In the backup, Catwoman is piecing together the lineage of one of Gotham's most n...
With brutal efficiency, Failsafe hunts the Dark Knight, leaving a trail of injured heroes! Batman retreats to the manor as he prepares for a final assault...will the last few surprises he has in store be enough? And in the backup, Catwoman reaches a shocking conclusion in her search!
Failsafe has taken his family, his allies, and now his city...Broken and beaten, Batman retreats to the last place on Earth he can hide...but nothing can truly hide from Failsafe!
In the backup...Batman has prepared his mind for anything, or so he thought. We go back to his early days and a chilling case that led to...Failsafe!
Road trip! Our heroes split up and spread out across the globe to prepare for the final strikes against the vampire kingdom! Will Green Arrow's mission force him to battle one of his oldest friends? What horrors await the Birds of Prey inside the ruins of Gotham? And does Black Manta's secret mean a watery grave for Supergirl?
The apocalyptic Suicide Squad team are planning for an all-out assault at the Blood Farm when one of Gotham's daughters finds them first. Batwoman gives them the chance to risk it all to save one of their own...but will this new mission give them the power they need to take on the mysterious Lord Cinder and his lieutenants? Or are they playing righ...
The survivors of a horrifying vampire attack, led by Deathstroke, take shelter with Talia al Ghul. With intel from a hero recently saved from vampirism, John Constantine prepares them for a (suicide) mission, while Midnighter goes through every scenario in his head and finds out the dark truth. Meanwhile the mysterious vampire Lord Cinder has becom...
One of the last secret, underground human cities is facing total annihilation and its leader-John Constantine-must plan a suicide mission to assassinate a key lieutenant in the vampire empire! Against unreal odds and with an unlikely team including Booster Gold, Deathstroke, and Mary Marvel, does the Hellblazer have one more trick up his sleeve? A ...
A look back at the night known as "Cityfall" finds a father on the run with his children, but the road can only take you so far. And as one society collapses, another begins to form. But what role do the Strangers play in both?
Syd Dallas is responsible for pop culture's greatest hero: THE DOMAIN! But his sons Miles and David have a complicated relationship with both the creation and their creator. Can they convince their dad to fight for their family's legacy?
This fun and heartfelt series written and illustrated by Eisner winner CHIP ZDARSKY (SEX CRIMINALS, Dar...
Prufrock chases a ghost, Oberon fights for his life, and Alabama's deal to save her family collapses before her eyes. It's the end of the road for the Academy as they know it, but they are going down swinging in this shocking conclusion to the first arc. After this, n...
APPROPRIATE-SIZED FIFTH ISSUE! There are fights to be fought, bargains to be struck, and roads to be hit. But when it all comes together, will it be enough to tear the gang apart? Alabama is betting her life that it won't.
Also, are you reading CROSSOVER? I love that book so much.
In the shadow of the new Vampire World Order, Harley Quinn rules the human underworld in this age of darkness. She has survived by only looking out for herself...but she might have just found the key to saving the world.
The Carnival has come to town and everyone is here! But the Academy has a dark secret, and if it gets out now, this may be the end of the journey. But wait...
Is that Sid?
The gang finds a clue about Sid’s disappearance, but it’s not what they hoped for. And sometimes a cozy home, a cup of cocoa, and a slice of raccoon pie aren’t as kind as they seem. Time to fight some Grown-Ups!
With Sid missing, her family must leave the comfort of their home in a desperate search for her. But the world beyond their walls is not a friendly place. Ask the wrong questions, and you may find out the hard way that you can never go home.
A postapocalyptic coming-of-age story from 4 Kids Walk into a Bank's TYLER BOSS &
The world has ended. All that remains are gangs of children living among the ruins. But Sid believes there must be something more out there. When she disappears into the wastelands, her gang wil...