Str4yK1d's Profile

Joined: Nov 23, 2023

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Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #1

Nov 23, 2023

I don't like the whole mystery thing, but Peter's relationships with his friends reminded me of the old Peter. Also, it's clear that something big is coming and I'm interested to know what happened to MJ during this period.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #2

Nov 23, 2023

I found it a bit filler. Furthermore, MJ is on the cover and synopsis, but she doesn't participate, it was a bit of a bait. At least we had the first clue as to what happened to Peter in these 6 months and it involves Norman. I'm interested to know how it will unfold.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #3

Nov 24, 2023

Great secondary characters, great sequence, great cliffhanger and great villain story. This comic shows PEter in a powerless way, different from what I was used to seeing when I read it in 2014 where he had all his industry, machinery and assistants. Peter is alone and has no one to help him. Lápide has been a great idea, I was never very close to this enemy but I believe that telling his origin story now was very important for us to create an affection for him. Furthermore, who is Paul? And because he decided to help the spider even though he was unpleasant in his relationship with MJ. This is another character I want to meet. So I was happy with this edition, which despite not having any great characters other than Spider, it is moving the story towards something that seems to be very good. p.s: so the tombstone didn't really approve of the marriage. Did the pink attack change him, or did he never approve?

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #4

Dec 2, 2023

Oh, well Peter, how stupid of you. After all the tension created in the previous edition, two things were expected. 1: everything would go wrong for Peter (less unlikely), 2: Someone would show up at the last minute to save him. Based on the appearance of Black Cat at the beginning of the issue, I would be sure that she would appear at the last minute to save him. Little did I know that Peter was actually being deceived, a very well constructed plot. We don't know exactly what Peter did in those 6 months, and it's cool that this was the first edition that didn't explore that, but we know that during that time Peter changed, became more mature and more attentive, but fortunately he still continues with his mentality of protecting everything and everyone, more than himself. So, he falls into the tombstone's plan and goes blindly after the henchmen, thus, solving for the tombstone what would be his problem. I don't think this will make Peter change his personality, but it should make him more caring. After all, he ended up getting involved in a gang war that harms him in some way. Because until now Peter had not directly attacked Rosa, after this attack, I believe that the villain will retaliate much more against Peter than the tombstone. Apparently the tombstone accepted Janice's marriage. This added to his origin story in the last edition makes him more "human". I don't think the gang war arc is over, because I believe Spider-Man should get satisfaction from it, so I'm looking forward to knowing what moves the villain will make in the next issues. About the black cat, why does she look for him? Did something happen between the two during their last months? I imagine this should escalate and be the plot of the following editions after this tombstone arc ends. Regarding the art, despite not having all the tension and violence of the last edition, it was still a little bloody. I believe that the fights were a little "disconnected" but it was interesting to see and understand all the tricks that the spider used to defeat the villains.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #5

Dec 3, 2023

End of the first arc. Is Peter back to being Peter? With the end of the first arc of the new volume, we can see that things are returning to normal. There wasn't much progress in terms of Lore, Rosa was arrested and thombstone continues to dominate his place. However, the first had almost zero participation, not interfering in anything, and the second continues where it left off. The only thing that remained for the following editions is this possible partnership between Peter and the tombstone. We've already seen that Peter is fine with Norman, is he willing to work with another of his villains? Regarding the great mystery of the volume, we haven't advanced that much either. But, we can see that nothing tragic happened between the spider and the black cat. I even thought she was a little lost with the situation. but, although she is not aware of everything that happened, she was important enough to give some tips and get Peter back on track. He is going through a very low moment, he was even deceived by enemies, all he needed was to talk to his friend and know that he should smile and be himself again. Peter attending dinner with May shows this evolution of him returning to who he is. I hope this plot progresses so that we can solve this mystery soon.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #6

Dec 12, 2023

A great standalone, but not a special edition for the volume. So Spider-Man arrived in his 900th issue and after all these adventures, Spider-Man remains the same, as do his villains. This spider story works very well as a standalone, but I don't believe it works so well for a special edition. It is expected that these editions will have large participations and even some twists and revelations for the heroes, but it does not add much. In fact, it seems that it could have occurred at any time-space of the hero, as we see no influence from the adventures and mysteries of this volume or advances in the story. Everyone who participated is cool and interesting, including the villains, but the lack of MJ was a mistake. We know how important she is to the hero's story and not having her participate in such an important edition greatly diminishes its grandeur. The return of the sinister sextet seems to have been a success, but in the end it was more of the same as what these villains already do. I think this issue would do much better as a Spider-Man anniversary special than a 900-issue commemorative issue.

Avengers (2023) #1

Dec 14, 2023

New times for the Avengers and a new time for Carol. The new volume of the avengers lives with a new team, which despite being well-known faces, are characters from different areas. We have a millionaire, ex-king, god, witch, android, soldier and the most powerful woman in the world to command them. This edition presents itself as an introduction, you see this team being recruited and already see it in action, where we can see that Carol was successful in recruiting this team as it fills all the gaps that a superhero team needs. The villain has no purpose or depth in this edition, especially because he only serves as an introduction to the team. However, the consequences of their battle lead to what could be the initial plot of this volume, as we have one of the biggest villains of this team and a character that is on the rise throughout the cinematic universe. The art was suited to expressing the heroes' struggle and danger. In addition to providing the appropriate characteristics in both the illustration and text. This text is very well written to help us get to know and delve deeper into the purposes of the heroes within this team.

Edge of Spider-Verse (2022) #1

Nov 25, 2023

Edge of Spider-Verse (2022) #2

Nov 27, 2023

Edge of spider-verse #2 loses in presenting spiders that aren't that interesting, but wins in presenting the villain. However, the origin of the villain's story doesn't seem interesting/motivating enough for all the chaos that is happening. Captain Spider's story seemed like the main story of this edition, but it wasn't engaging enough, perhaps because the characters that participate aren't interesting enough to create a relationship. I hope that in the next editions they advance the spiders' arc to something beyond what is happening in each universe. Ranking of stories in this comic were: Sharthra > Mini Spider > Spider-Ghost and Captain Spider.

Edge of Spider-Verse (2022) #3

Dec 10, 2023

Edge of Spider-verse remains a book much more about presenting different Spider-Man verses than a grand adventure with a villain. This comic suffers the same problem as the others, where everything seems like little unconnected adventures, where on the final page they are recruited in some way, and in some adventures, not even that. This recruitment to face a villain, who doesn't even remember who he is, is not enough to express the importance of this comic book. Of the 3 stories, Indian Spider-Man was the weakest. In addition to having nothing to connect his adventure to others, he was a hero we already knew. Sakura Spider and Night-Spider were good, especially the second one for not being a "hero" version of the spider. But even so, it wasn't enough to make this entire edition worth it.

Excalibur (2019) #1

Nov 28, 2023

Elizabeth Braddock will never spend an issue being just Betsy Braddock. Now that the mutants haven't found any other mutant enemies (yet), they're betting on magic as a weapon against their race. Excalibur #01 is very effective in presenting what it sets out to do, harking back to old Excaliburs and going one step further. It makes a connection between the Braddocks in the UK and the mutants in Krakoa. Despite being a comic book with a different focus, it fits in very well with Dawn of X, making reference to X-men #01 (Cyclops' house on the moon) and keeping the focus on the portals of Krakoa, just like Marauders #01. The team seems to be quite interesting, and it's funny that the comic relief came from Apocalypse trying to use a new name. The only negative point was Jubilee's random fit, it wasn't organic, but if she was brought into this team it must be because of some importance she will take on in the coming issues. As for the vampire, what did she absorb and what is she now? Did she absorb magic or the power to create portals? We already have the power to create portals through Magic and a few others, but I believe she can give a different essence to the connection with Krakoa or the magical world. Excalibur #01 has done very well to "mix worlds", I think the dynamic of the Braddock family with the resurrected Jamie and Betsy as Captain Britannia will give this comic a different feel.

Excalibur (2019) #2

Jan 8, 2024

This edition advanced the plot of the first edition and it was quite clear that they will follow a path of magic, away from the political plot of Krakoa. Although we don't have big steps, we can see a little more of the team's interaction. Gambit remains the weak piece of time, he appears quite out of place with only the role of companion to Rogue who really seems to have become a part of Krakoa. Apocalypse remains the most interesting part, despite the volume looking like a solo Betsy magazine. I think Shogo's transformation into a dragon was the big event of the volume, but it's not like it's something we care about.

Excalibur (2019) #3

Jan 18, 2024

The Braddock brothers' battle finally arrives, but it doesn't progress that far, as the fight was interrupted by the dragon Shogo. This seems to have been the highlight of the edition. Only now did I realize that the uniforms changed, so Shogo's change was something interesting that worked as comic relief. Will he remain a dragon throughout his time in Avalon? Apocalypse continues to move his pieces to master magic, and this time recruiting a new mutant to the team, Rictor. The Apocalypse arc is the most interesting in the title, even more than the dispute between the brothers, so I'm curious to know the mutant's next steps.

Fallen Angels (2019) #1

Dec 7, 2023

Owner of her own body, owner of her own comic book. Fallen Angels is the first of the mutant relaunches to enter as a limited series. A good move by Marvel, as after separating Betsy from Psylocke after these years. This character deserves more prominence and her own story. This book shows how Marvel is really paying attention to mutant titles and creating a connection between the re-releases. There are facts contained in this book that make references to other previous titles with the participation of different characters. It's also quite interesting how they managed to highlight X-Men villains in different books. We have Apocalypse in Excalibur, Shaw and Emma in Marauders, Magneto in X-Men, Black Tom in X-Force and Sinister in Fallen Angels. I'm really excited to see what everyone will do on their adventures. The story of Fallen Angels focuses on action and knowledge, kind of an origin story. We don't know much about Kwannon, so everything seems new. The book is full of action and I found it very similar to X-force, I even preferred the story of Fallen Angels to the previous one. The art is beautiful and the lines refer to Japanese culture, Kudranski was a hit. Very interesting how each page has its own style, following the psyche of psylocke as well as Sinister's house.

Fallen Angels (2019) #2

Jan 6, 2024

Fallen Angels continues to distance itself from Dawn of X. Not only in terms of story, but also in terms of quality. The edition lacks in different points, art, writing and character development. The art is dark, with frames displaced on parts of the characters' faces, the stories are uninteresting, both from Kwannon's past and present, and the characters, especially X-23 and Cable (who are so strong) are poorly written. X-23 is called Wolverine. Regarding the villain, no one cares about Apoth and his disproportionate strength makes no sense. I don't know where the story is going, but with such interesting things happening in Dawn of X. I don't see the need to follow this title.

Fallen Angels (2019) #3

Jan 16, 2024

And this title can only make it worse. In addition to a totally uninteresting story, the art reaches unacceptable levels. It even seems like the people working on this title want it to be canceled. First, for the title to make sense, a known villain had to be used who really sent the danger signal. You can't sell Apoth as a god and Kwannon as the mother of someone who is the only one capable of stopping, both characters are uninteresting and this doesn't convey the necessary sense of danger. Cable and X-23 are completely involved in this title, it even seems like they were forced to participate in this adventure due to some penalty. It's sad for both characters with no narrative and no effort from the team to write something for them. I don't know where this arc is going and it doesn't seem like it's going anywhere. They want to stop Apoth and save the children, which is wonderful, but the path to get there is slow and drawn out. The art remains dark and this time it gets worse, with minimal care not being taken. Some drawings are incomplete and meaningless, like a log on Kwannon's ass. There is reuse of painting, the faces are ugly (in one painting Kwannon looks like a horror doll), the shading does not favor the characters and it seems that there is a laziness in drawing some things, such as uniforms and faces, as in many paintings, they are just completely black faces.

Immortal Thor (2023) #1

Jan 23, 2024

Thor debuts a new volume with an essence of back to origins. We have all his friends, Loki and the mythology of Asgard. However, he debuts a new villain who appears to be one of his biggest challenges. The art is perfect.

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #1

Dec 15, 2023

What are the other demons besides the bottle? Iron Man returns in the new volume, giving a very personal touch to the character. He puts on the armor against a villain, but the biggest fight in this edition is internal. Tony has already lost everything, but it seems that there is someone who wants him to lose even more, those around him.

Marauders (2019) #1

Nov 26, 2023

Fun, Fun, Fun! That's the best way to describe Marauders. The One Piecezation that Kitty, or rather, Kate, is going through promises to be the fun role of the new era of the X-men. Secondly, how ironic that she is working with Emma to do questionable things. A partner that promises a lot. Shadowcat has always been an adventure-loving character, so her going out to save mutants who "can't access Krakoa" seems like a pretty fun plot device. However, why can't she access Krakoa herself? This seems like a topic I'm quite interested in discovering.

Marauders (2019) #2

Dec 13, 2023

Marauders #02 follows a very different path for mutants that ends up mischaracterizing some characters. Who would have thought that in a mutant book where we have Shadowcat, the most interesting thing to watch would be the interaction between Shaw and Emma. The adventure in this edition deviates from the story we thought we would follow in the first edition. What we thought would be a team that would solve/save mutants who can't access Krakoa, turned into a team that does dubious services for the Hellfire Club. Unfortunately, this is causing Kate to lose her essence. The pirate aesthetic seemed to be a new path for her, but how far are they going to distort her appearance to make her more "badass"? The fight scenes are still cool and the adventure is promising. The issue continues to match Dawn of X by making references to other mutant volumes, we just need those responsible to get the tone of the comic right.

Marauders (2019) #3

Jan 22, 2024

We are witnessing a new war in Krakoa that is much more internal than everyone imagines. Will this be the first Krakoan villain to return against the X? With an edition focused on Sebastian Shaw, we know a little more about his objective as part of Hellfire. Using manipulation and lying tactics, he intends to use his son to defeat Emma and Kitty. This edition avoids the mischaracterization of characters that this title had been suffering, but even so, it does not make its objective clear. Is it about saving mutants who don't have access to Krakoa or a power struggle between mutants?

New Mutants (2019) #1

Dec 4, 2023

Young and free.....and dangerous. I love this essence that the new mutants have of maintaining the team despite different volumes and years apart. It brings to the comic something that goes beyond just a team of heroes, but rather a family. Which brings up the first plot of this volume. We need to get the family together, let's go get Sam. Despite being a plot that doesn't match Dawn of X, New mutants presents points that make it clear that this comic is an important point in the continuity of this great event. First, we have Wolfsbane being resurrected by the five. Next we have Modo, a new addition to the team, who creates a connection with Krakoa at the behest of the cipher. Finally, we have Corsair, who participated in the issue of X-men #01 and returns here, doing what he does best, being a space pirate. New mutants, as well as marauders, appear to be the most "fun" volumes in this new era. Despite New Mutants' potential to be much more fun and ironic due to having a "younger" team than Marauders. This young tone made the plot quite fun, I don't like space plots and I'm very excited to know what comes next. Who's the team's lawyer, Broo? And who is Corsário's client? Will it appear in New Mutants or another team? This would increase a connection to dawn of x. Of all the titles, this is my favorite art and it was quite capable of conveying all the emotions and actions of the characters. Of all the titles, this is my favorite art and it was quite capable of conveying all the emotions and actions of the characters.

New Mutants (2019) #2

Jan 9, 2024

New Mutants continues as the comic relief of the new era of the X-Men. Each title has a different adventure and this one stands out for having space adventures, which can also be considered a home for mutants. The mutants have a perfect friendship that makes the pace of the edition very fun and joyful. However, his behavior being portrayed as a bit of a "teenager" ends up discouraging me a little.

New Mutants (2019) #3

Jan 21, 2024

After an adventure of new mutants in space, we see a another-time adventure on Earth, which appears to be a filler arc. Armor and Glob intend to search for mutants who have not yet arrived on Krakoa. Despite its importance to Dawn of X, this adventure seems to be weaker when compared to other titles.

X-Force (2019) #1

Dec 6, 2023

We knew that humans would fight back at some point. X-force arrives bringing the bloodthirsty action that mutants needed. While some other comics invoke the political aspect and space adventures, X-Force aims to be the "down to earth" mutant adventure. X-force plans to make it clear from the beginning that this "mutant sanctuary" is not that easy, with danger existing on the island of Krakoa itself. Wolverine didn't have as many highlights, or any highlights, in other mutant adventures. So, bringing him with his vision of danger to this edition is a great success. After all, nothing screams X-force more than Wolverine. This volume makes it clear that Dawn of X is more united than we thought. This edition serves as a continuation of marauders. We saw in Marauders #1 that Kitty, I mean..."Kate", went to save other mutants and here we can see that they also went to get Colossus, an addition to this title. The only title missing is Fallen Angels, but I believe they won't make a mistake and will maintain the continuity of Dawn of X. Regarding the villains of this edition, we have those who have always represented the greatest danger to mutanity, humans. I'm quite curious to know who they are, because we know that there are many people unhappy with the nation of Krakoa. From the first pages of Domino, I believe that there is a kind of society that is willing to eradicate mutants, but why would they steal a chartered flight to carry out such an action? They did not make it clear what real power this society has. It seems like if the mutants had just been more careful, this all would have been avoided. With this attack, we just hope that they learn and stop thinking that Krakoa is just a party but rather the continuation of a fight. Finally, we had the final plot twist. We know that "the five" can easily resurrect Xavier. But with the brain destroyed, who would be able to pass on all the memories to the new mutant? Did he create a copy? I believe that the destroyed brain would be interesting to make this "immortality" of mutants a little more difficult. Cassara's art gives the sensation of movement that this comic needs, after all it is full of action. However, the pace was slow, only in the final pages can we see the path she was following and I believe she held back on the plot twist to convey the need to continue following.

X-Force (2019) #2

Jan 8, 2024

X-Force appears to be the comic book, in addition to X-Men, that will focus on X-Men's relations with Krakoa. And if that is the objective, it has everything to do very well. This volume takes the events of the first edition and enhances it, making great advances in the history and mythology of the new phase of mutants. Killing Xavier in the first issue was quite courageous and leaving his resurrection in Jean's hands demonstrates that she really is the second strongest telepath on the island. The datapages in this volume work very well, are informative and complement the story. In the first datapage we had additional information from the first edition and in the second we discovered Xavier and Domino's relationship, which was actually at the behest of Professor X. In this edition we return with Quentin Quire's famous interaction with Wolverine, it always works, although some people are already fed up with it. Quire can be considered quite annoying with all his arrogance, so situations in which his power is neutralized make his appearances quite interesting as he needs to survive while being quite vulnerable. The art is beautiful and detailed in a way that matches what this title intends to present and sets it apart from others. The plot is also becoming something quite specific, but it matches closely with the political advances that Dawn of X is taking.

X-Force (2019) #3

Jan 19, 2024

X-Force presents a solid arc moving forward in leaps and bounds with each issue. This issue goes back to the rebirth mythology of the new era of mutants and raises a solid question "Should we fear death?" Jean's history doesn't lie, she is the mutant who has witnessed "death" the most and having her this time resurrect the leader of the mutant revolution is significant. This makes X-force the most important team at the moment, as it deals directly with the forces that are attacking the Krakoa community. We meet a new group of villains, the Xeno. The peacock tattoo on his leader's hand gives an interesting characteristic to the character that should be explored in more depth in future editions. Furthermore, we know that there is someone from the island of Krakoa helping them, who perhaps feels favored by this group? The characters are well written, it doesn't seem like they are supporting characters in a character's arc, but rather that they are all leads. Furthermore, the philosophical survey gave a special touch to this edition.

X-Men (2019) #1

Nov 25, 2023

I believe it was a good introduction to what could come for mutants. It was a good idea to focus on Cyclops' family for issue #1 because he is the "leader" of the mutants. So, meeting the whole family, including Vulcan, and close friends makes the new "status quo" that the magazine finds itself clearer. I would really like to have seen an interaction between Lorna and Alex, they have always been one of my favorite couples. About the villains, after the attack on the mother mold during House of X, they lost great strength. As long as they don't show a weapon as dangerous as the one they had before, they will continue to be beaten by the X-Men. At the end, when Alia says she can revive her husband, it made me curious what they can do. I'm looking forward to knowing a little more about that stone. ps: Krakoa really gives the feeling that Magneto managed to achieve his dream.

X-Men (2019) #2

Jan 11, 2024

X-men #2 continues following the Summers family, but this time in an adventure between father and sons. This story doesn't follow directly the previous number, but he continuos inside the Dawn of X era mainly with the new mutants title due to cypher's travel to space. This story is a little more comic than the regular, Cyclops is not the direct serious guy, but a fun dad who wants to travel with his kids, Cable was in a "dumb teenager" role and Rachel was the serious one. This title show a new character and a new adventure, we don't know yet what that island and that summoner wants, but is looking like Apocalypse will have a big impact in this arc.

X-Men (2019) #3

Jan 15, 2024

X-men #3 achieves the perfect measure of humor and adventure while inserting a new group of "villains" into its mythology. This edition follows what was proposed in the last edition, it is more of an introduction to a specific point than the continuation of an arc. While last time we had the appearance of the summoner, this time we had hordiculture. If it goes this way, the next edition will probably not continue with this arc but will introduce something new. We had some fun interactions in this issue, especially within the Summers/Grey/Frost core. We still don't know where Scott is in relation to the two women, but it looks like he's more friendly than competitive. It was a little difficult to believe that Hordiculture couldn't be defeated, after all they were just old ladies. Shaw had his power nullified, but Scott did not. Maybe the mutants went easy on them due to their intention of not hurting humans, but they would have to keep in mind that they attacked and in addition it was the second attack they suffered (the first being in x-force #1), so It is necessary for them to start working hard before they are considered "weak".

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