jac's picks's Profile

Joined: Aug 06, 2013

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Another great issue. Hickmans' on some kind of run. In my decades of reading I've never seen anything like it.

This is a truly great comic about Tony Starks first love. I think this is what adult superhero comics will be like in 5 to 10 years. Bendis is always ahead of the curve.

Kirkman is still the king of cliffhangers. This issue and even the last dozen or so have been next level.

This is the best single issue of the year. Stokoe is one of the best creators working today. It felt like reading a comic from 50 years in the future!

This issue is a flashback concerning Private Hendricks' debilitating war injury. As brutal as the battle was it fell in comparison to the treatment she received during recovery. This one gave me a gut punch.

I love this book. Jean is out of control and no Prof X around to rein her in. Future brotherhood is so much fun. Absolutely beautiful comic.

This was way cool until I realized it was the final issue. Millar has a massive history for this universe that I got to read more of. Can't wait till the next mini!

This story is insane. Every issue gets more and more intense. I really believe something bad is going to happen. Hickman is sweet!

Great issue, just wish there wasn't a long wait for the next one.

The idea that a new group of survivors don't trust Rick and the others is exciting to me. Cant wait for the next issue. As usual.

This is the creative team that should be on Uncanny X-Men! Marvel dropped the ball on this one. Bennett and Norton make truly amazing X-Men comics.

Very enjoyable issue. Wish there was another one next month.

Another solid issue of the most sophisticated superhero comic in years. Read it! Love it!

The book is so strong that a reboot will only get me more excited for what's next.

This was better than #1. I really enjoyed this one. Don't care about all the haters, read this for some space opera fun.

As a person who read Inferno when it came out originally this book is a great follow-up.

A good first issue. Anything is better than that irrelevant #0. I don't like this small teams of random heroes story type. It seems a little played out.

The trio of Bucky, Gammy, and Moony are worthy of their own title. The Orb is handled very well by Aaron, he wrote the character previously in Ghost Rider. Why does it always seem like Bucky knows more than the entirety of the Marvel Universe?

This is a book that will certainly be read repeatedly by many for years to come.

This is a solid debut. There are panels that were totally Star Wars. I really hope this book ends up like the awesome 80's series.

Another cool issue. You can almost feel the fun Millar was having dreaming this up. Oh yeah, the art is friggin amazing to!

A very good wrap up. Not sure if there will be more but I am interested. Parlov is a unique artist and I want more.

I love the idea that this is a story written in 2061. Such a cool concept. A lot of the reviewers don't seem to get it. It makes me happy to imagine these characters(X-Men) still having adventures 50 years from now. This was really a good read.

Jen Van Meter is the person who should be writing FF. Love the 100th anniversary concept. This issue was packed with storylines that could sustain a monthly series and I would happily buy it.

This book is so cool. The new baddie Grumpy is scary. I really like how he keeps growing stronger, it reminds me of Akira a little. There is also some panels that are perfect.

Its apparent Bendis has fun with this title. This is one of my favs. Bradshaw is the man.

I don't know what is going on here but it looks so good .

The dead monsters are being stockpiled. O.K. that's cool. And then I get Dr. Midas and Exterminatrix, two of my favs from the Marvelboy mini, this story just got my full attention. One more thing, why is Tony Stark wearing a robe and helmet? Very weird choice Deodato.

This first issue was good. The idea of an evil rocket is cool. I just don't care for the colors.

This book is no that hard to follow. It's some kind of stupid hipster joke to hate on this title.

Not as good as the first issue. Still the best Spidey for me, love the pre brand new day Peter Parker.

This is first Robinson issue that actually felt like reading FF. I also enjoyed the art by Marc Laming. His Torch and Dragon Man were sweet.

This was a fun quick read. Not so sure if the book will get better but I like this character so ill hang around for a few more.

Don't trust all the good reviews. The book is good but its nothing new, if you know Doc then this is more of the same. I think people are a little to excited about the character right now.

What this issue has to do with the next 8 is not apparent. I don't really enjoy Waid's stories, they just seem very nineties to me. Chueng and Medina's art is very good though.

A very cool story but the Acuna art does not do it for me.

This story was not Bendis' best. And Bachalo is a mess as always. I'll never understand his work.

This issue just did not live up to the standard of previous ones. The art was way off. Green was good on Arena but this one is very sloppy. Arena is a great concept that needs to be revisited every 16 months to 2 years. Undercover is a concept that NEVER needs to be revisited again.

Not impressed with Aarons work on this event. I love Marvel events and this one is the worst I've read in all my 25 years of reading. No more big stories for this guy please.

This title is what it is. Spencer is taking random duo's and positioning them all around the planet. No incursion. No past x-men. No me. This was my last Avengers World.

If you are still reading DC you may enjoy. But all other reviews are wrong, DC is a mess and has z zero continuity. Take away the main Batman title and look at what's left,all crap!!!

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