AshWatson's Profile

Joined: Aug 10, 2016

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Overall Rating
All-Star Batman #1

Aug 10, 2016

I really didn't enjoy this book. I've long since had my fill of Snyder's writing style in which every story has someone monologuing about what they symbolise or what Gotham symbolises. This trope continues here with Two Face waxing lyrical about being a dark mirror or some such. Try something different once in a while is all I'm saying. A note on Romita Jr's art: the time he doesn't spend making people look like people actually look does seem to be spent wisely elsewhere, I.e backgrounds and props. It's this book's only saving grace.

All-Star Batman #2

Sep 14, 2016

Batman seriously makes a "-- called and it wants it's -- back" joke. Coupled with JRjr's horrendous depiction of Killer Croc makes this the last issue of All Star I'll read.

All-Star Batman #5

Dec 28, 2016

A mess of Deus ex machina and Snyder's patented exposition dumps. This was awful. Personally I'm sticking with Tom King on the main Batman book rather than read any more of this.

Batman (2016) #56

Oct 3, 2018

I absolutely loved this. Batman losing weeks (maybe months) and millions of dollars worth of bat-tech hunting the man who shot his kid. What's not to like?

Batman (2016) #61

Dec 20, 2018

I've suffered this year. And I found this issue particularly poignant. King writes intelligently and astutely, but maybe a superhero comic isn't the best place for it. Some people just want to see the Joker get punched in the face.

Batman: White Knight #1

Oct 4, 2017

The art's great and all, but the plot is obvious. It'll turn out the pills did nothing and Joker is as nuts/maybe-not-nuts as ever. He'll run for mayor, win, and then just as all seems lost he'll whisper to Batman that he poisoned Alfred, setting all this in motion. And Batman will record that and be vindicated.

Black Panther (2016) #5

Aug 13, 2016

While Coates' plot is still unlike anything else in superhero comics (and brilliant for it) I found the change in artist jarring. Chris Sprouse isn't on the same level as Brian Stelfreeze was and it's a shame that recalls Declan Shalvey's departure from Moon Knight not so long ago.

Eternity Girl #1

Mar 17, 2018

Perfect little comic. Portrays mental health issues I've dealt with really well.

Rumble #14

Sep 25, 2016

The most action-packed issue yet. I love this series.

Seven to Eternity (2016) #1

Sep 25, 2016

Has the potential to be Remender's Saga. His magnum opus if he can avoid familiar ground.

The Black Monday Murders #1

Aug 13, 2016

I absolutely loved this. A rich world of details and dark delights for us to gradually delve into. Protagonist Detective Dumas is immensely likable despite very little time in the spotlight. And at 54 pages who could argue the value for money? Waiting eagerly for the next issue.

VS #2

Mar 14, 2018

Confusing and aimless. Beyond the basic premise that rips off 1999'S Unreal Tournament I have no idea what the hell is going on. Points for Esad Ribic's art alone.

X-Men (2019) #1

Oct 16, 2019

Really didn't enjoy the "man should know when he's beaten" dialogue exchange from Cyclops and Storm. Felt racist in the most literal way. Add to that the extended tour through Scott's new Brady-Bunch-On-The-Moon house where Jean's only dialogue was about getting dinner ready. Creepy, disturbing, wrong.

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