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Joined: Oct 12, 2016

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Super Sons (2017) #1  
Swamp Thing Winter Special #1

Feb 8, 2018

It's a great tribute for both Len and Bernie who both ironicly,were born in the same year (1948) and pretty much both died last year.The story is great,basicly Swamp Thing and a kid walk though the snow,from a snow monster.That's the basic premise that the comic wants you to believe.The writing is great.It's always great to see Tom King honoring this old creators.You can tell that he loves them and respects all this legends and it's pretty much is in his style (Alan Moore,Frank Miller,etc.) and it's great.Jason Fabok's art is great the way he draws the falling snow it's chilling. After this we get a well written note by the editor.Who worked with Len on his last book.She talks,about a piano that Len had,and it's pretty much is this her reasoning.Why there isn't text in this final story.Then we get the book and the plot,but not a lettering script.The book is another Swamp Thing story,but it makes you wonder about the finished book. All in all I recommend this book.This book is necessary for every Swamp Thing fan out there.I am not a fan,but this book made me one,or at least made me really interested.

Action Comics (2016) #965

Oct 12, 2016

Action Comics (2016) #975

Mar 8, 2017

Damn I feel relief and I am excited as well.We finally learn who is Creepy Kent.It's a really great twist most people won't expect who he is.My only problem is that we got only the twist and the answer we didn't get any clues or answers to other questions.But we got a great cliffhanger.I am so excited about this story like a kid waiting for his vacation to begin.

Action Comics (2016) #976

Mar 22, 2017

Great book!Dan Jurgens planned all this perfectly.

Detective Comics (2016) Annual #1

Feb 2, 2018

This new origin,changes Clayface from a henchman that has powers to a guy you feel sorry for and you can sympathize with him.And Barrows and Ferreira art is still one of my favorites.The passing is a little fast at the end.But other than that,this is a great book.

Detective Comics (2016) #942

Oct 12, 2016

Detective Comics (2016) #950

Feb 11, 2017

For some this would come across as a filler issue.But the structure is understandable because it's an anniversary special.Still is an amazing issue this book really gives more development for Orphan.Who was mostly in the background in previous issues.Introduces Azrael into the team.And both Azrael and Batwing have a great conversation about religion.And the last story is about Red Robin and Batman,and highlights both Robin detective skills and Batman's well known mania for preparation.I personally like the 3rd story the most because I am a big Tim drake fan,plus you get some interesting information,and the redbird makes a little appearance.I totally recommemd this issue.

Flash (2016) #8  
Green Lanterns #8  
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

Jan 25, 2017

A really great conclusion.For a pretty good event.

New Superman #4  
Suicide Squad (2016) #11  
All-Star Batman #3

Oct 12, 2016

All-Star Batman #4

Nov 23, 2016

Batman (2016) #10

Nov 2, 2016

Batman (2016) #12

Dec 7, 2016

I think this is gonna be my favorite issue from this series.Even true I am not sure if the rest of the people gonna like it.Because nothing really happens in this issue It's simple Batman fighting his way out so he can reach Bane,Psycho-Pirate and Catwoman.But the long monolog that accompanies this issue is great and very deep.It's about Batman and Catwoman relationship and why did Batman choose this life.The art is still fantastic especially the colors .The only problem that i have with this book is a bit short 17 pages in total and without the and the first and second cover is 11 pages and i wouldn't minded too read more.But still i think it's great and I can't wait for the next issue.

Batman (2016) #14

Jan 4, 2017

Batman (2016) #16

Feb 1, 2017

Ok.This is definitely is one of my favorite Batman issues.And is the most unpredictable comic issue in this Batman run so far.

Batman (2016) #19

Mar 17, 2017

Batman (2016) #21

Apr 19, 2017

Batman (2016) #40

Feb 7, 2018

Yup people seems to fall for this again.I give credit for Tom King for being a good emotional manipulator.It's pretty funny seeing people falling for this again and again.First Catwoman being a murderer and a traitor,Batman siding with a child murderer,and now Wonderbat kiss.It's fun reading some of those reviews.Now the comic itself it's pretty good.Seeing Batman,being loyal to Catwoman and trying to be loyal is great.He shows a little weakness,which we saw in the previous issue ending,but like many times he overcomes it.It's good to see Wonder Woman liking Catwoman,even calling him a hero.And the art is really good.I think Tom keeps learning everytime he writes.Which is one of the reasons why I love this run.

Batman (2016) #50

Jul 4, 2018

Well, I'm not gonna deny, I am disappointed. I could have seen that this will happen. Because Tom is very good at manipulating emotions judging from previous stories, but I really wanted this marriage. I will somewhat keep up with the book because it seems to me like Dr. Manhattan is somewhat behind this judging from the end panel and the ending issue of Man of steel. But Tom pulled the rug at the worst moment possible. Guess every Batman writer has to make a really really bad idea. Grant Morrison made Damian almost kill Tim, even though Tim save him from becoming dino food. Scott Snyder retconning Mr.freeze origin. And also, both of them making Batman into some sort of prep time BatGod. And now King will be remembered as the one who pulled the rug at the wrong time. I'm somewhat scared that people will look at this issue as the One More Day of Batman books. Even though it isn't that bad.

Batman (2016) Annual #1  
DC / Hanna-Barbera: Booster Gold/The Flinstones #1

Mar 29, 2017

Amazing issue.The humor is spot on and there is even a little message about revenge.My only problem is the art and the flintstones role.The art kinda tries to be cartoony,but it doesn't work.And The Flintstones don't do much.This issue is focusing mostly on Booster Gold,but I still think it's great,because I loved the back-up issue and it focuses on Booster gold soooooo well.I can't wait for the Jetsons and if they make a Booster Gold rebirth series I want Mark Russell to write it.

Damage (2018) #1

Jan 18, 2018

Great book I see a lot of potential.I don't think this is a Hulk rip-off as many people say.Turning into a strong big monster isn't the most original idea.Plus it seems different.Ethan is a soldier not a genius.He can talk to Damage,it's not the other is unconcious and other is awake,which I think it can make some really good moments.So can't wait for the next one.

Damage (2018) #2

Feb 23, 2018

This series keeps being pretty interesting.We learn a bit more in this issue.Like how Strong Damage is,Ethan having parents,etc.The art is really.People still keep bashing the book,because he is a "Hulk rip-off.Even though: 1)He seems to be different like I said in my previous review. 2)Hulk himself is a rip-off.The most common example is Solomon Grundy.He is not that original of a concept. Overall pretty interesting.Maybe one day Damage will be as big as Hulk in popularity.

Catwoman: Election Night #1  
Superman (2016) #19

Mar 15, 2017

Great issue,but it's not as good as the previous issue.First the twist is pretty much gived away in the Superwoman tie-in.It's not saying it literally the twist,but you can figure out the twist.Plus like the previous issue why don't get any clues or answers to other questions and here we don't even know how is that possible that they are ***CENSORED***.I still think this issue is great,because it's really suspenseful.The dialogs are really there are some really good lines.And the art look amazing it's definitely is the most good looking issue compared to the other 2 issues it looks really magical.I agree with the above reviews about this crossover being a Modern Classic,but it's not because of this issue it's because of the rest of the issues.

Superman (2016) #41

Feb 22, 2018

Pretty good small story.It's good to see that James didn't lost fully his mojo.He is a really good writer (Batman: face the face,Starman),but he makes a lot of meh stuff.His Wonder Woman run isn't that good for instence,but this issue and the other is pretty though provoking.Even though I am a religious person myself,and I am surprised that I wasn't offended by this.The art is way better than the previous issue Jon looks like a boy this time,but it's not amazing either.Overall pretty good and a bit thought provoking.

The Silencer #1

Jan 31, 2018

Really great issue.For one the writing reminds me a lot of Chuck Dixon's Robin,Nightwing and Detective comics runs,were the main character monologs,while fighting making the fight more engaging if you ask me.The characters seem pretty likeable.Honor seems like an interesting character and we learn a lot,about her,like how his powers work,how experienced she is in his old job.Just to name a few,although we don't know all the things,about her.His family seems to be a pretty good family.Romita's art except for one thing is really good.The book has some problems like the world building is a bit slow.And Romita isn't great at drawing faces he tries,but it's still not good,although to give him credit he does a great job drawing the bodies.Which makes him a better artist,than most current Marvel artists combined.Again great issue.And I am pretty interested of the upcoming issues.

The Silencer #4

Apr 26, 2018

Well this was a step down,from the previous 3 issues.The new artist is very generic.The first half is alright,then in the second half it somewhat picks up,but not much.I am not saying that John Romita jr's art was perfect,I mean he has a tough time drawing feminine faces,but you can fell that he loved drawing this book,and he also draw a lot fenomenal action scenes.Here it's just "getting my pay as usual",with a decent action scene and some pretty questionable choices.Like giving Honor's past self purple hair,for no reason.Also the writing is also a bit of,because the naration isn't very strong.Thanks to the fact that Victor is also co-writing the book,like JRJR did.Luckily Dan is still the main writer and it's still mostly retains the quality.Bottom line just,because you can draw good faces doesn't automatically mean that,your work is great,it only means that you are a good filler artist.I'm not happy that he sticks around,but I hope that he improves.

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