DayDreamer's Profile

Location: Somewhere on Earth Joined: Dec 14, 2017

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Overall Rating
Exiles (2018) #5

Jul 11, 2018

A decent conclusion to the arc. The score is lowered because the end battle can been considered so fast-paced it comes off anti-climactic. But again, seems it's just the start for more things. But everyone's characterization is still on point, and we are given a lot of heart when the team suffers a great loss. And for fans of the original Exiles series, we have another very good cameo that is cut short due to the fast pace of action. But this character will be back in future chapters, given the solicits. Blink's auntie also makes another appearance as Blink is looking to take a break and spend some time there with her new friends. An overall good issue that still only feels like the beginning, despite being the end to this particular arc.

Exiles (2018) #6

Aug 12, 2018

This chapter was an improvement over the previous. Here, the pace slows down a bit & we get to see the characters interact & begin building their friendship. As a result, everyone comes into their own more here when they're in a relaxed setting. Eventually, Blink begins to worry about her old comrades, and wants to find them, so they begin their travel again. They're brought to the Old West, where one of Blink's comrades was last seen, but before she can find them, she encounters Old West Magneto & his Brotherhood, which leads to a nice surprise visit at the chapter's end. This is a step in the right direction, and I hope the book keeps its good paced balance so it doesn't end like Train's Generation X.

House of X #1

Jul 26, 2019

I will say this was an overall good issue. For once, this feels like a start that really will give the X-Men direction again. The art by Larraz and Gracia is wonderful and the Director's Cut features the scripts from Hickman, along with Inks by Larraz and raw colored pages, which is definitely a must have for people who really love beautiful artwork. So far things seem perfect for the mutants, but despite how peaceful things seem, there is an ominous feel to the entire new world that will probably reveal itself later. The only negative I could think to give the book is Sabretooth. He's one of my top favorites (when well-written), so I am very critical of the character. If anyone's voice seemed a bit off, it was his. I got Greg Pak vibes from Hickman during his writing for Creed, which isn't a good thing. He also came off as useless in this issue, but we will see where things go -if anywhere for him. I also didn't care for him being a part of Brotherhood & with Mystique again. The former was something that started in the movies and shows, and the comics have not let go of the concept since Austen started putting him there. And his relationship with Mystique is bland & tiresome, so it'd be nice if that dynamic could sink and not be brought up again. But thus far, no luck with Hickman dropping it. Things 3 things were the only negative I saw in this entire story. which is why my score dropped to a 9.0. Otherwise, it would've been a 10.

House of X #3

Aug 30, 2019

I pretty good issue overall. For those, like myself, who care more about present-day, this was for you. The last four issues of the series, from POX 1 to POX 3 focused on past events, and from there, straight to future events. Nothing but cameos on the present-day, and very few X-Men shown outside of Logan. Here, we finally get to the present day mission, with X-Men that we are more familiar with. Cyclops is assigned what may be known as a suicide mission with a team consisting of Jean, Nightcrawler, Monet, Husk, Archangel, Logan, and Mystique. They are tasked with destroying Mother Mold before the creation of Nimrod comes to fruition. Meanwhile, something close to a B story, is Sabretooth's arrest from the first issue coming up, and Emma Frost showing up to speak as his attorney for his return back to Krakoa. The issue was very well done. The art team of Larraz & Gracia is top notch with beautiful panels for Emma, her Cuckoos, and a wonderful splash page of Creed. While the issue was mostly good, things are still lagging in terms of the characters. While it's true this issue had more current X-characters, only Emma & Creed really stood out. The core X-team isn't very personable or distinctive. Only Kurt had a moment to shine. It has always been a critique that Hickman tends to ignore personal characterization & relationships in favor of larger plots, and this was on display here. So for those reading for character interaction, there's very few stand-outs in that regard.

Hunt For Wolverine: Claws Of A Killer #1

May 16, 2018

The book starts off good with the main cast. It's only the first chapter, but Tamaki already seems to have a better voice for Yuriko & Creed than Pak has in 22 chapters of Weapon X. They sound like themselves, rather than the "hip" frat kids Pak seemed to be going for. Yuriko has called Sabretooth & Daken to discuss Wolverine. Daken is the wild card of the team it appears. He doesn't want to be there, doesn't trust Yuriko, and even releases his pheromones to threaten her on the off chance she's plotting to kill him. When they decide to work together, they drive to a ghost town. Daken insists Wolverine ins't there, because he doesn't smell him. Creed & Yuriko agree to look around since they're already there. Daken wanders off on his own, which leads him into trouble -to be continued. Sabretooth's characterization seems solid thus far. Unlike Weapon X, he's not bumbling comedy relief. He's also the one who seems to be keeping an eye on Daken, such as telling him to settle down & listen in the diner and taking the car keys when Daken doesn't wanna cooperate & help them search. Yuriko is the level-head. Daken is the more wild card, and Sabretooth is in the middle. So far, the characterization is enjoyable on every end, making me interested in the next installment. Hopefully the characterization will stick.

Hunt For Wolverine: Claws Of A Killer #3

Jul 18, 2018

Iron Fist (2017) #77

Feb 9, 2018

The score is only lowered to an 8 for me due to the art style. Not my cup of tea. Other than that, the arc has been great. The story, and this chapter continues to have a good balance between action, comedy, and character development & progression. Brisson has done great with Sabretooth as a guest star for the arc, and has thus far, been the only writer to understand and do Creed any justice since the ResurrXion relaunch started last year. All the other writers for Creed, consisting of Taylor, Rosenberg, and Pak seem like they don't understand the character and don't know that he's supposed to be Inverted from AXIS, or simply do know how to write his inverted self. Pak makes Sabretooth comedy relief and dumbs him down considerably in addition to writing him as evil. Taylor & Rosenberg write him more evil, but didn't give him much focus. Brisson has done well balancing Creed's gruffness with his newfound compassion.I look forward to seeing him continue with the character in the future, as he does mention wanting to write him again.

War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #2

May 24, 2019

War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #3

Aug 14, 2019

As a former favorite villain, Sabretooth's "debut" was overall terrible. He is pretty much treated like a red-shirt D-lister in this run, and bland as ever. He was better off & doing fine under Bunn as an anti-hero rather than going back to bland villain that you can't care about.

Weapon X (2017) #1

May 16, 2018

Weapon X (2017) #2

May 16, 2018

Weapon X (2017) #10

May 16, 2018

Weapon X (2017) #11

May 16, 2018

Weapon X (2017) #12

Dec 14, 2017

Pak has not been good to the main cast. Domino & Sabretooth are caricatures and Lady Deathstrike is just a prop. All of these are problems throughout the series. But Domino & Sabretooth's characterization is bleh. Going into the caricature I mentioned with Domino. The entire opening scene, she's obsessing about money and brings up robbing banks three times to get some. Since when is Neena a common bank robber? Warpath gets a distressed message from an acquaintance in Santo Marco, which sets up their next mission. With that, Domino is excited because Santo Marco has a bank that's notorious for drug money they could get. Neena has been reduced to a money-fetish. Next is Sabretooth. In this chapter, Creed complains the team is boring because all they wanna do is hunt monsters and not kill them. Since AXIS, Sabretooth has been a good guy. But Pak just made him evil again. Creed is also an assassin, criminal mastermind, hunting & stealth expert, in addition to being a former CIA operative with numerous years of combat training. He's also shown to be able to work on a team and cooperate with others if need be. But Pak ignores all of that and just has Creed around to cause trouble, be hard-headed, and act stupid. This chapter shows it once again. Sabretooth is nothing but an idiot. When they get to Santo Marco, he doesn't listen to anybody & just goes off half-cocked. He charges right into a building of enemy soldiers, runs right into traps, and gets torn a new ass. Numerous strikes for Pak on making Sabretooth into a dumb brute. Pak didn't seem to know or care about these characters before he started writing them. In addition to how contradictory he is with Warpath's random powers based on whatever the plot needs. Pak hasn't done any of these characters justice.

Weapon X (2017) #13

Jan 20, 2018

What can I say. The characterization still sucks. Domino & Sabretooth are still caricatures of themselves. Lady Deathstrike is still a prop. Warpath still has powers that come and go with plot. No improvement from the last 12 chapters.

Weapon X (2017) #14

May 16, 2018

Weapon X (2017) #15

Mar 27, 2018

Bland plot that erases any character development Sabretooth has had over the last few years. We have plenty of Sabretooth vs. Wolverine fights. We didn't need to spend chapters rehashing that. And the fact that Sabretooth is clearly evil again is not addressed. They couldn't work in the inversion gradually wearing off and showing Creed's struggle. No, he's just maniacally evil again. This chapter doesn't even have the high spot of good art. The style just doesn't work. The ooc characterization strikes again. OML & Creed are using smartphones, and Creed sends numerous emojis to Logan in a birthday text. Seems like Pak just threw this in to make himself look "hip" for the younger crowd, rather than honestly thinking if it fit. In the first chapter of this book, Pak had Creed living in a rusty cabin in the woods. He had no milk, doesn't wear shoes, and Pak writes that he can't use a keyboard. Yet he's got a smartphone? Pak goes back & forth. One minute, Creed is a dumb barefoot hick. The next minute, he's using smartphones, emojis, texting, and has an online dating profile. Pak can't keep his own continuity straight, and changes the characters based on whatever he thinks is cool or funny at the time. Such as Warpath being able to fly whenever it's convenient.

Weapon X (2017) #16

Apr 18, 2018

Another 1 for this issue. Sadly, I have nothing good to say about this. Like I mentioned the last chapter, the story is about Sabretooth fighting Logan, which we didn't need more of. And it just seems to erase the development Creed was getting under Cullen Bunn. Throughout this series, Pak seemed to be writing a standard evil & one-note Sabretooth, only to spoon feed to us this chapter that there's still good in him (maybe). At the chapter's end, Logan says the Victor he knew was evil through & through, but our Sabretooth has something more in him. Pak has to TELL us that because he hasn't done a good job of showing it. Sometimes, he went out of his way to have Sabretooth doing things that show he's bad. The very last chapter is an example. Rather than seeing a hint of goodness in Creed, Logan observes him & Yuriko on a monitor and deduces them both as evil villains, and figures he has to find more monsters for them to fight before they snap. And once again, the "fight" is nothing special. Once again, it's Logan's time to shine, and Creed is never a threat at any point in this. He's just an annoyance that Logan is sick of. So, all in all, the chapter just seemed useless and unneeded.

Weapon X (2017) #17

May 2, 2018

On decent notes. Domino's characterization was better. We didn't get the ditsy party girl. We. imo, got a decent balance of a fun Domino, who also can be serious. Yuriko clarifies that she's a cyborg. Great, since she was lumped in with mutants in the first arc & Taylor's ANW. It's also good Pak made an attempt to acknowledge what this team does. They're the hunting unit in charge of dealing with threats. Kitty has them as an official team, and lent them some wings for the black ops missions. Still holes there, but good some effort was made to answer why this team still exists. Now for the bad. There's timeline issues. Since chapter 16, we time-skipped a good bit. Domino is in her new solo outfit & Logan has all of his injuries from his solo series. However, Logan says his injuries are from the monsters during his birthday fight with Creed. If he's not lying, then the continuity is off. Logan was perfectly fine after that fight. Then there's Domino's solo series. In the first chapter, Warpath is included in her group of ex boyfriends. but they're clearly still together in this. Finally, Creed's characterization is still bad. There's the opening scene where he's appointed leader. Warpath doesn't condone the choice & Creed starts yelling at Warpath to drop and give him 20. He comes off like a 5-year-old playing soldier. His later telling of a "Yo mama" jokes really cements how little Pak understands this character, and how far he goes in depicting him suffering from arrested development. The ending drives this home further, but I won't spoil.

Weapon X (2017) #18

May 23, 2018

I'm tough but fair, and this issue was definitely a step up in quality. Warpath, Omega Red, and Sabretooth really came into their own here. There was legit conflict among the team -not just childish bickering, but a clear difference in beliefs that divides them. Omega Red has been tampered with, but is persuaded to join Sabretooth when the latter saves his life, and promises to help him. Finally Creed also comes into his own. Every single complaint to be had about Sabretooth's characterization was seemingly addressed here, and will continue to be fixed here after. If Pak can keep this up, while adding more depth to the story, then we can see a wonderful turn-around for this series. I only give a 7.5 as there was still a few flaws that can easily be seen, but they weren't as glaring as previous chapters.

Weapon X (2017) #19

Jun 7, 2018

Not as good as chapter 18. Honestly the entire chapter was a bit average, but that's still considerable improvement over the first 17 chapters. We did still get some decent character work. The characterization on Creed & Domino was better, but still flawed. Domino still suffers her money fetish, but at least has left the frat party girl ditz territory she was in. Creed comes off in a more intelligent manner, rather than the childish moron he has been. And he's the one trying to stop the needless fighting amongst each other & unite everyone, since they're all in the same boat. But some of the too silly Sabretooth still pops up in this, such as the horrid meme dialogue during his fight with the Titanium Men. In addition to the ending with Omega Red. So wasn't happy with those blurbs. The ending sets up nicely for the feud that's to come with him & Warpath, who's had issues with Sabretooth for several chapters now.

Weapon X (2017) #20

Jul 6, 2018

Weapon X (2017) #21

Aug 1, 2018

Weapon X (2017) #22

Aug 16, 2018

This was a better chapter. In improves from the last 3 issues & is much better than the first 17. An argument can be made that it's still too light in tone for the characters. I agree, but it was light without making the characters seem to childish. The biggest prop for this chapter is it finally addressing a hanging thread regarding one of the character's past relationships that has been left unresolved for almost 2 years now. It was a pleasant surprise, and good to finally have it come up again since it seemed like it had just been erased. I recommend the chapter on that alone, being a fan of the relationship between the two characters. It's hinted there may still be romantic feelings on one party's end, but said party insists it's not like that. Where the relationship heads from here is anyone's guess. Whether it will become romantic like intended in the last series they were in, or if it really will be just a platonic love. Sadly, I can only rate the chapter a 6.0 because it has good few continuity issues. which I can't get into without spoilers.

Weapon X (2017) #23

Sep 6, 2018

Like chapter 22, this issue was decent enough to enjoy, but heavily flawed. Some dialogue is still very corny & uncomfortable for the cast -mainly from Sabretooth & Domino. The issue has still maintained a decent quality that, while sometimes annoying, is not angering like earlier chapters. At this point, the book isn't going to change. Pak is set on writing it as a light-hearted action comedy. So if you go into it with that in mind, it may save disappointment. Despite the cast, this is not a gritty tale like many fans would like. Moving from occasional cringey dialogue, the #1 issue in this chapter is in the paragraph below. The chapter's biggest issue is how Deadpool comes in & manhandles everyone. While Wade is a clever fighter & skilled combatant, he should NOT be able to easily defeat Sabretooth, Omega Red, or Monet one-on-one, let alone simultaneously. In fact, Sabretooth was shown to be superior to him in the last Weapon X series by Frank Tierri, with Wade admitting he couldn't take him due to just one slash from Victor almost severing his spine. So for Wade to casually shrug off a slash from Creed, and easily dispatch of him & Omega Red together was not believable at all. This shows a clear bias in Marvel these days where certain characters get written below their level to hype up a fan-favorite, or pet-character. Monet has super strength rivaling Rogue, but isn't shown clobbering Wade as well as Rogue did. One move from Wade leaves Monet scarred, with a bald spot in her head. She's taken greater damage without such issues. VERY clear bias regarding Deadpool in this issue when he's made to look better than what he is, at the expense of the rest of the cast. This alone was enough to take off half the score points.

Weapon X (2017) #24

Oct 5, 2018

This was a pretty good issue. Better than issues 22 & 23, imo. The story gets a bit darker in tone, which is appreciated with these characters. The comedy & silliness was toned down a good bit, which is a welcome change. Deadpool has his silly moment at the start, and some background stuff here & there, but not too much like the previous issue. There were no notable continuity flaws, except one very minor thing at the end, and it's a background gag, so not worth taking seriously.In fact, most probably won't notice it unless I point it out. There's a scene at the beginning between Sabretooth & Monet that is very touching, where Creed shows more heart there than he has throughout this entire book. That alone makes it one of the best chapters, along with issue 18. Lastly, the art. This was Pizzari's first chapter, so I don't judge his art too harshly. Like Cinar, it was wonderful in some areas, but very lacking in others. But Cinar was one of the best artists on the book after his first issue. I think Pizzari will be the same. Still finding his footing with his look for the characters, and will probably have things more stabilized by issue 25.

Weapon X (2017) #25

Nov 7, 2018

Definitely the low point so far since issue 22. Things were a bit too silly at times, going back to how it was issues 19-21, which takes points off. But the latter half of the issue was better. It's was interesting seeing Azazel again, and his feelings toward Sabretooth given his history with Mystique.

Weapon X (2017) #26

Nov 22, 2018

Weapon X (2017) #27

Dec 12, 2018

SPOILERS FOLLOWING This is the lowest I have ever rated an issue and it is due to one major fact. Sabretooth's inversion is officially erased this issue. That's right. 4 years of development with lots of unused potential thrown down the drain to revert Sabretooth to fodder Wolverine punching-bag. That's all that's needed to give this the lowest marks. If we had negative scoring systems, it would be there.

X-Men: Blue (2017) #33  

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