Double Down's Profile

Joined: Jan 07, 2018 About Me: My Scale: 0 & 1: It's a Fuck You; 2: It's a Fuck You Less; 3: It's a Fuck Off; 4: So.. What The Hell? What Happened?; 5: F, yeah you get an F; 6: It's Okay; 7: Yeah! Good; 8: Great!; 9: Outstanding!!; 10: BOOM!!!

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Overall Rating
Batman (2016) #33

Jan 7, 2018

Cinematic! Story: 8/10 Art: 9/10 Chapter: 10/10 Story: I loved it. Easy read and well formatted. Quick to get in and through the premise. I haven't warmed up quite yet to this whole Batman/Catwoman dynamic yet. Still feels foreign. Art: Just delicious stuff. The page layouts, the perspectives... I felt Catwoman's green eyes on page 8! Joelle Jones is someone I will be following Chapter: As a first parter in the series, it did exactly as it needed to, built up the tension, set up the stakes, and had me itching for more. 9/10

Batman (2016) #35

Jan 8, 2018

A Let Down. Story: 4/10 Art: 6/10 Chapter: 2/10 Story: No thanks. I don't enjoy how Batman and Catwoman interact. It's oddly juvenile conversation between two people. It didn't feel genuine or authentic, it feels forced and contrived. The ongoing development between Nightwing and Damian is fantastic, as they wait together, which is immediately cut down by dumb banter on following pages... Art: After a stunning, STUNNING book with issue 33, I ripped through 34, which was weak, and 35 wasn't much better. Unfortunately, I don't feel like Batman action ongoing sequences are Joelle Jones' expertise. And that's fine... Chapter: At the end, I didn't care. I don't agree with how Catwoman sees Batman, and ultimately, as an issue I feel like needs to give a clear vision and direction of their relationship. I am not on board. Overall: 2/10

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #1

Aug 26, 2020

Boring. Story: 2/10 Art: 6/10 Overall: 3/10 Story: Great, we got the concept a year ago, so the hype wasn't helping this book. First of all, with Bruce filled with so many scars, maybe he should stop fighting crime in thin cotton material. We wasted another full page on his parents' death... and we got to 10 pages before getting anywhere. Now that we know there are 3 Jokers? One dies, so what... no weight... nothing happens in this book, and it's 50 pages long. Art: This part is subjective, of course, but this felt stiff af. Fabok isn't an interiors artist or Johns told him to use the exhausting Doomsday Clock/Watchmen panel layout, which was a horrible decision. I hate to say it, but Fabok really wanted to nail this book and it felt like he tried too hard. Overall: It's awful, what a waste of time. This could have been written over a weekend, and drawn in a month... not worth the wait. I'll try issue 2 just to give it another shot. Hoping for more on issue 2. Good luck boys.

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #2

Oct 2, 2020

Still Boring. Story: 2/10 Art: 6/10 Overall: 3/10 Story: I'm going to give this the exact same score as last time, because... I don't know what else to do! I read the issue, okay, interesting enough, sort of... but nothing really happens. This would be great if I knew this was going to play out for 10 or 12 issues, but isn't this only 3 issues long? Does anyone really care about Joe Chill anymore? Art: It's great, if it's your style. It's not mine, and I've been over that. I can appreciate the effort. Overall: a dull 3. It's not worth the money if comics aren't free. I don't know. I just... struggle getting excited. I will say, I was not impressed by issue 1, so issue 2 had more to live up to, and to me, meh... didn't do it

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #3

Oct 29, 2020

NOTHING. This book is nothing. Nothing. Story: 0/10 Art: 6/10 Overall: 2/10 Story: There is no point to read this book. It plays out like an episode in the Simpsons where we revert right back to the status quo by the end of the book. Johns created something extra, to eliminate it, and returned all the toys back in the toy chest, EXACTLY AS HE FOUND THEM. Art: Fabok drew Barbara a lot in this series, and that looked good. I mean, he really did draw the shit out of that (figuratively). So, thanks Fabok. She looked great. So did Batman's side profile. There was a lot of that too. Overall: I don't know, I'm not surprised... I had high HOPES this would really build up and blow me out of the water... proving me that I was wrong for 2 issues and that there were all these secret easter eggs that I was too stupid to see. This is a comic book tale that was written in the same style as comics in the 80s. A storyline is introduced, some shit happens, and then there is a swift and quick ending. The following issue picks up right where they left off before this tale is introduced, and no one would be the wiser if this didn't exist at all. Oh sorry, Batman forgives Joe Chill... now he has no reason to be Batman anymore... right, like that makes sense. Good one Johns.

Batman: White Knight #8

Jul 28, 2018

Yep, Middle Of The Road. Story: 7/10 Art: 10/10 Overall: 7/10 Story: I don't understand what the love is all about. It's... fine! Fine... I can't get over all this pill stuff, and the flipping back and forth with Jack and Joker. I also found Sean Murphy's excessive dialogue to be in full swing here. It's a good read. If you hate Tom King's Batman like I do, then this may give you an alternative. I guess my fight with it is that I struggled to get through this a bit. A bit. Art: His art though... wtf. I'd be literally nitpicking to say anything bad. I'd feel like a jerk. Overall: It's a good read, but it's not a light one. Get your beer or wine, or whatever you might need to slow down and take this one in. She's a hefty one.

Euthanauts #1

Aug 1, 2018

Hmmmmmm.... Story: 5/10 Art: 8/10 Overall: 7/10 Story: I have to admit, this cover really caught me. I don't know what it was, but I started thinking about the imagery... and the premise of this magic air helmet that lets you live forever... the more i looked at this cover, the more I kept thinking, and dreaming. I love this cover. Enough about the cover. Let's talk about the story, since the story didn't even touch on anything whatsoever that I had thought about. The story started off really strong, like, really strong. I was in, I was involved... and then the book took a huge left turn. That moment when the dying woman took a swing with her oxygen tank to clock our main character... I stopped and looked at my girlfriend. But then, the book goes off on a tangent. It's hard to follow and not that interesting. Art: Great, it uses creative angles and panel compositions. It's more dynamic than I was expecting, so I guess you can say it caught me off guard, in a good way. The art here will help tell the story... that cover too. Overall: I wish this book didn't go so deep. Seriously off the deep end. I'm interested enough to see the next move and I'm sure I'll keep reading this for a few more issues, unless this really goes sideways, which is possible. We'll see. Optimistically 7.

Farmhand #1

Jul 28, 2018

It's a 10 for me dawg! Story: 10/10 Art: 7/10 Chapter: 10/10 Story: Wow! Pulled me right in. Excellent job. Exactly what a number 1 needs to do. I'm hooked and excited for more. I actually can't decide whether I wait for several issues to come out and binge read, or just read them as they are released. I feel like it's that good. Art: I'm familiar with Rob Guillory's work. He's not for everyone, but what he does, he does exceptionally well. I could go on about this, but it is what it is. Even more so, this isn't exactly my style and this did not pull me away from the story. Chapter: Bang on #1. Let's hope this freight train lost its brakes! Overall: 10/10. Boom! Next!

Farmhand #2

Aug 10, 2018

The helium is escaping! Story: 6/10 Art: 7/10 Overall: 5/10 Story: The excitement and enthusiasm I felt for this book really left. I get the exposition that Rob Guillory is trying to develop, but quite honestly, I don't give a shit enough yet. There's just a lot of back and forth... and I can't say I care about any of it. The "superman" kid and his abilities, the back and forth with this foreshadowing of the sign. These thugs, it just comes across as amateur developments. The 1 thing I cared about was the last page. Should have been the 1st page. Art: It's good. The colors are there, the feeling is there, but due to the crap story, it has no room to breathe. Overall: Meh... I kind of judge this category as a holistic category, based on how I feel going into the next chapter, or if I even feel like there should be another chapter for me. It's sliding fast. I can't take a few more issues like this. It needs to be BAM BAM, YES, LOVE! AMAZING! MORE! MORE! There are 20 pages... make me feel like I read it in 5 minutes, burning through the work! This kind of sucks. A deflating 5.

Farmhand #3

Sep 24, 2018

1. I'm dropping it and selling my books. I tried reading issue 3. I got about 5 or so pages in and I don't care. I don't care about the school plot, I don't care about tertiary characters, and now, I don't care about this book. I honestly didn't read the last few pages. I put the book down. I don't care. Fail. NEXT

Hawkman: Found #1

Jan 8, 2018

What's The Point? Story: 2/10 Art: 7/10 Chapter: 0/10 Story: I usually like Jeff Lemire's stuff. I got bogged down trying to get passed all of the... and stuttering this character does in his own thought bubbles. This issue felt dragged out as well. I understand the premise, which is cool, but that's all it was. Story: Nah. Hitch was really on, at some areas, and felt wooden in others. The fighting sequences to me were oddly laid out. They all felt like they were in peculiar positions when fighting. Wooden. Then there's the shot of Hawkman dawning on his uniform again... wow! Epic drawing. But just so polarizing Chapter: Totally and utterly skippable. Not only was it not necessary for the large scope of the story arc, but the issue as a stand alone was useless too. Overall: 4/10, What a phenomenal cover though!!

Isola #1

Jul 29, 2018

BORING! (Read in Homer Simpson’s voice) Story: 4/10 Art: 8/10 Overall: 5/10 Story: I read this twice. I had to. The first time ‘reading’ it (I use quotations because this is just a picture book) I would have rated this book a 2. There’s nothing to it... aaaand it feels flat! I skipped ahead and have read issue 2, and it gets kind of better? But, not really. It’s not garbage writing, it’s just basic. This is a basic story. Art: It’s beautiful, but being an original Gotham Academy fan, having met Fletcher and Kerschl, I’ve seen them do better, a lot better. Overall: I say you can rip through this pretty easily, and with the 2nd time reading, it evoked a stronger Samurai Jack feeling, but without the charm. That’s what it’s missing. Charm. 5. It’s flat. Ironic being how nice looking it is. Wah Wah.

Return of Wolverine #1

Sep 24, 2018

Simple. I'm giving this a 4 because of the art. I love Steve McNiven's art. I grew up with BWS' Weapon X. This looks perfectly Wolverine to me. Soule's script is garbage. It's something a high school student could do, not a 'top tier industry profession', and certainly not the same guy that killed Wolverine off in the first place. The Death of Wolverine, although not a fan favourite story for some, was very well executed. This is literal trash, and most definitely the reason why McNiven dropped issues 2 to 5. STORY:0 ART:8 OVERALL:4 4 for the pretty pictures.

Return of Wolverine #3

Dec 14, 2018

Dropped. Story: 2/10 Art: 1/10 Overall 0/10 Story: Read issue 2. It sucked. Who cares? This sucks, this isn't fun, this is work. So naturally, I wasn't anticipating issue 3, and it definitely didn't disappoint! As in, I expected this to suck and it did. Epic Shit! Art: Oh man, I'm sorry. I'm not going to bash Declan here. I'll let the rating speak for itself. I give this a zero, as in dropped. But this site doesn't have 0, so I give it a 1. Good bye to my favourite Marvel character. Next!

Saga #54

Jul 28, 2018

The Hate Is Strong With This One... Story: 6/10 Art: 8/10 Overall: 4/10 Story: Disgruntled. I'm disgruntled. It might have something to do with the fact that I loved Saga from 1 to 18. L O V E D. 19 began its decline, and never recovered for me after the death of Izabel. But let's not talk about that. I just feel like I should explain myself. First of all, Marko's death is written in a way that does not make sense to me. It's just not logical. Anyone in that scenario would not have turned their backs, period... Secondly... Ah... the story is fine. BKV is obviously a talented writer and can craft compelling garbage if he had to. This was fine. The pace was on, the pages flipped quickly, albeit too quickly... Art: Fiona Staples is great. This issue in particular really stood out from the other 5 issues. It was clear that she spent time knocking this out of the park. I think there was 1 panel where the water in it stopped me in my tracks. Overall: I give it a 4, because f&^@ it. Crass but... Saga has finally derailed for me. I fell in love with Marko and Alana which is a real, monumental achievement. Seriously. Epic achievement. Bravo. This is sad for me, a sadness aligned with deaths and cliffhangers that should, ironically, evoke excitement and need for the next chapter. This is quite the opposite for me. In fact, I might forget about this by the time it returns in a year... THAT'S why it's a 4. 4 for, FOURgettingaboutit. I'm having too much fun with this. Here's to hoping that I'm wrong.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin #1

Oct 29, 2020

WICKED. Story: 9/10 Art: 8/10 Overall: 9/10 Story: The journey and exploration of the world is great. Walking through the adventure, all good stuff. Some of the dialogue is a bit clunky, but nothing off-putting. Art: It's good. Some dynamic shots, the colors are interesting and complimentary. It actually looks better than I expected. There were some bloody bits too... no complaints, honestly. Overall: Last page reveal sealed the deal. It gave so much depth in the only way it should. Anyway, bravo. This book did what I needed it to do, get me excited for book 2. Bring it on!

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #1

Dec 14, 2018

Buckle up! Story: 9/10 Art: 8/10 Overall: 9/10 Story: The story for me started... oddly. I wasn't feeling Snyder's direction, the jargon between Alfred and Bruce... the heist. But when Mr. Freeze got torched, I began to laugh (no pun intended). This is a wide ride. The gloves are off and this will be a trip to remember. I just didn't really see this stuff coming. I am on board! Art: Jock has some seriously stunning moments here. There are also some moments that fall seriously flat. It might be the coloring? I didn't like some of the angles he drew either. Whatever, being nitpicky. Overall: Get this. Open your mind and enjoy this trip. I was cautious at the beginning but this really came in full force for me at the end. Let's see where this goes. Good start! 9/10

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #2

Jan 19, 2019

Odd direction Story: 7/10 Art: 7/10 Overall: 7/10 Story: Considering the impact and awesome cliffhanger issue 1 left off with, I didn't expect this story to take this direction. It almost negates the ending of issue 1 altogether, rendering it meaningless. That being said, I mean... Okay, BWL is well written, and we are trying to flush out story. It's fine, I feel like this is a good chapter to read, but not so immersive that I couldn't put the book down. Art: No crowd pleasers in this issue, Jock. Kind of run of the mill work. It's good. It's dynamic with a great plan on panel composition... Overall: It's a good issue. Not great. That's why I give it a strong: 7/10

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #3

Feb 15, 2019

So, now we skim the top. Story: 4/10 Art: 3/10 Overall: 4/10 Story: It's tough to give a review to this issue without spoiling the ending, but basically... you can skip issue 2 and 3, because it seems like issue 4 will start off at exactly the point issue 2 should have? That's what I get from things. It all seems pretty well useless to me. Listen, I met Snyder for the 3rd time last September, and in a private VIP setting, he was pitching this story. He brought up James Gordon JR, and it all seemed really really exciting. I'm half way through the series and I can't help but ask myself, will I finish it? Art: Jock really struggling here. I'm not sure if it was the script or what, but this had no standout moments. It almost looked like he had a bad deadline. Seriously. The interaction between the Grim Knight and him, jarring... Overall: I hate giving this a 3. This sucks though, you could skip this issue almost entirely. Oh well, I guess nothing is perfect. Maybe I should have waited for the trade, because these serial monthly releases aren't working out for me. Wah wah. 4/10

Unnatural #1

Jul 29, 2018

Does sex sell? Story: 4/10 Art:8/10 Overall: 6/10 Story: It’s engaging. There’s character. I know that doesn’t sound like much, but that’s more meaningful than it sounds. I feel the environment and the day to day, I just can’t decide yet whether I care yet or not. Art: Fluid, and sexy. I’m digging the colour palette, and I want to see more. It’s strong visually. Overall: It’s got me to keep reading, at least for another issue or so. I don’t know, this is a short review. I don’t have much to say. I bought this book initially because of the Manara variant, so yeah, sex sells. Sex sells initially, now let’s see if the story can keep it alive. 6.

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