A Dawg Most Dirty's Profile

Joined: Jul 13, 2018

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Action Comics (2016) #1001

Jul 26, 2018

Really loved the start of this series. I love how Brian Michael bendis is taking the two Superman books in two completely different directions. I can’t wait to find out who red cloud is!

Action Comics (2016) #1002

Aug 29, 2018

I really enjoyed this issue. Bendis shows he can write Superman very well. The Superman book is a different story...

Batman Vol. 1: I Am Gotham

Aug 2, 2018

A unique start for Tom king. It seems like a more personal take on Batman that isn’t dark and gritty. It’s a shame what happened to Gotham once Bruce considers moving on from the Batman mantle.

Batman Vol. 2: I Am Suicide

Aug 2, 2018

I did not like this volume that much. Everything Tom king set up in the first volume regarding Batman seems gone here. Nothing is explained and he is making decisions that don’t seem like Batman. I hope king improves in the next one.

Batman Vol. 3: I Am Bane

Aug 3, 2018

This was a lot more satisfying to read than the last volume but I still feel like a lot is left on the table. Some things not explained and Batman still feels off. The rooftops issues were very pleasant to read and I hope king develops that relationship.

Batman Vol. 4: The War Of Jokes & Riddles

Aug 3, 2018

The only character I feel confident that Tom King can write is the joker. This is not Batman. Letting all of these people die? The worlds greatest detective? And the riddler set up the whole war to get the joker to laugh? I’m laughing at how much of a joke this volume was.

Batman and Robin Vol. 1: Batman Reborn

Aug 29, 2018

This duo is so much fun to read! Two of my favorite characters together as the dynamic duo. Batman and robin switching their traditional personalities leads to a more unique take on the team. I can’t wait to read the next trade.

Detective Comics (2016) #984

Jul 16, 2018

Nice to see a batman that seems like batman. Excited to learn more about karma!

Flash (2016) #50  
Justice League (2018) #4

Jul 18, 2018

This run has been so much fun! So much action! It’s great to read something that seems to be leading to huge changes to our heroes.

Justice League Dark (2018) #1

Jul 26, 2018

Holy shit I loved this issue. Horror, comedy, action. This issue had it all and it sets up the series to be one of the best ongoing dc titles.

Justice League Dark (2018) #2

Aug 29, 2018

So good! Continues to be an intriguing story with a pinch of horror.

Superman (2018) #1

Jul 16, 2018

There were so many good moments in this issue and man of steel series but that interaction between superman and MM was so weird and off :(

Superman (2018) #2

Aug 15, 2018

This issue was a combination of recapping and stalling. I probably could have skipped this issue and moved onto the third issue.

Teen Titans (2016) #20

Sep 8, 2018

This team seems so much more fun than the last one! There is a good variety of personality that meshes together to create fun adventures. I see so much potential here

Teen Titans (2016) #21

Sep 8, 2018

Another fun issue! I was cracking up constantly. Damian has grown as a leader and is on display here. Roundhouse seems like a bundle of laughter......Fingers crossed

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