Orcam03's Profile

Joined: Sep 22, 2018

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #5

Sep 22, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #6

Sep 26, 2018

Amazing issue, really funny

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #7

Oct 11, 2018

Great book, this shows us that Nick Spencer can write a Spider-Man book without Spider-Man. We get to see Peter and Boomerang grow as people which I really enjoyed and got to see a different side of Boomerang, excited for the next one

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #9

Nov 14, 2018

Really enjoyed this, there wasn't much superheroing going on but the story was still great. Spidey and Felicia's conflict was handled in a way I wasn't expecting, which i'm fine with. The rest of this arc looks really promising. MJ's story was really good too, looking forward to where that goes as well.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #14

Feb 11, 2019

I absolutely adore Chris Bachalo's art in this book, its outstanding. The story was pretty good and flowed well with the art, i really like this personnal take that Spencer is doing with these characters, the action is always it bit toned down for introspective writting about these characters, these next few issues seem to focusing on aunt May, im assuming its gonna end well, since Hunted is starting next, really excited for that. Overall this was a very good issue!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #15

Feb 20, 2019

I really liked this issue and its art, and am very excited for the Hunted story to come. Although, since Kraven is going after animal based heroes and villains, does that mean Kraven will betray Black Ant. Cant wait to see it start soon

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #18

Apr 3, 2019

Great continuation to Hunted, its really starting to have weight, which i really like. I also fucking loved the cliffhanger at the end and am really freaking excited for the role that will play in the issues to come.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #20

Apr 25, 2019

Great twist in this issue, its definitely better than the first half of this event. I loved Black Cats hero moment, im excited to see the showdown between Spidey and Kraven(wether its young, old or both). And im excited to see wether the Centepede will play a bigger role, since we didnt see him in this issue.

Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1: Back To Basics

Feb 26, 2019

Very good first arc that understands spider-man very well. Ottley's art is amazing and the colors just pop. Its quite funny at times and always entertaining. I strongly recommend this.

Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2: Friends and Foes

Feb 26, 2019

I thought this was better than the first volume. The art by Humberto Ramos i thought was very good. The character not only on spider-man, but also his supporting was exquisite. I really, really enjoyed this. Pick it up if you can.

Avengers (2018) #8

Sep 22, 2018

Avengers (2018) #9

Oct 11, 2018

We get to see the avengers work more as a team, and spend a whole lot of time with Naymor, which I adored, hope he won’t be a one off villain. Besides that really excited for the conflict to come

Avengers (2018) #10

Nov 14, 2018

I just read this, and oh my god this was good. I"m assuming this is the end of Namors arc and that was handled really well, i loved the introduction of the winter guard, i'm assuming they're gonna keep showing up as a rival team. The character of the red widow is really intriguing. The entire story between Ghost Rider and Odin was god-like. Loki made a reappearance and that was really fun. Thunderbolt Ross is planning some stuff that i'm looking forward to seeing. And the new member that was promised did not disappoint. Overall, this was a fantastic issue, can not recommend this enough, really looking forward to what Jason Aaron has in stores for us.

Avengers (2018) #14

Feb 11, 2019

Fun start to a Vampire v Avengers arc, its just sad that this will be pretty small since War of the Realms is starting on issue 17 i think. The art was good, the new villain is really badass, Blade is a really cool addition, Ghost Rider is getting more of the spotlight and im not complaining, excited for whats to come.

Avengers (2018) #15

Feb 20, 2019

I think this is really fun and cool storyline. Im liking Blades integration, although he wasn't too prevalent in this issue. Dracula's conversation with Tony with was really cool and I hope it actually has some consequences on him. Overall a good issue

Avengers (2018) #18

Apr 25, 2019

I thought this was a great issue, i loved the twist and really enjoyed these characters and story. I look forward to seeing how their story will play out after the War of the Realms is over.

Avengers Vol. 1: Final Host

Feb 26, 2019

I really like what Aaron and McGuiness are doing on this book, Ghost Rider is the stand out character for sure, but everyone else is written well. I thought Loki's threat was a good reason to bring back the avengers. The actions scenes were cool and interesting. This is just overall a really good book that is worth picking up.

Captain America (2018) #3

Sep 22, 2018

Captain America (2018) #4

Oct 11, 2018

Loved seeing task master in there, still curious about what’s to come. Side note: All the covers are been way too good, hope this trend keeps up.

Captain America (2018) #5

Nov 14, 2018

At first the cover would have seemed like a cheap trick, but i think its more of a preview of whats to come. Caps fight with Taskmaster was really cool. Ta-Nehisi is definitely planning more than he's showing. Great issue, great series.

Captain America Vol. 1: Winter In America

Feb 26, 2019

I freaking loved this. I thought Ta-Nehisi did a really greta job with Steve, this feels like a more introspective book, most of the dialogue is thought boxes. The fights in here were fun and engaging. The reveal towards the end is also really good. I'm thoroughly enjoying this.

Daredevil (2019) #1

Feb 11, 2019

I really loved this, the art was amazing, the story seems to have resemblances to DD season 3, in the fact that its going to go deep into Matt's mind, looking at his crime fighting as an addiction and not as being good for the sake of being good. It also seems like its gonna focus on his religion, which i dont mind either. Honestly just pick this up, its amazing and its definitely going to be series to keep an eye on.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #1

Feb 11, 2019

Donny Cates is really on roll nowadays. Guardians really does not disappoint, the premise is ingenious, having Thanos transfer his consciousness into somebody and then have the characters go on a goose chase to find and kill that person. The new team is really cool, im looking forward to seeing their dynamic. I really hope Cates just goes insane with this and gives the most awesome shit possible.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #2

Feb 20, 2019

I really enjoyed this. The art was great. I thought it was really funny at times, especially the Groot and Cosmic Ghost Rider battle. The new team introduced seem like its gonna make a fun rivalry. I really hope the character shown at the end joins the team. Overall im just really hyped for whats to come.

Justice League (2018) #8  
Middlewest #1

Nov 21, 2018

I thoroughly enjoyed this. Skottie Young has set up a fantastical world that leaves me wanting more. The art in this was also gorgeous, I can’t wait to read the next issue

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