Khamul's Profile

Joined: Mar 28, 2019

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80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Catwoman #1

Jun 3, 2020


Batman: Black & White (2020) #3

Feb 23, 2021

A pretty great issue,every story really showed a lot of imagination.But in a terrific collection of stories 'Unquiet Knight' really really stands out.Tim Seely creates a Batman I've never seen and it was powerful.A lot of that is probably do to his collaborator as well,Kelley Jones,who was born to draw Batman,and is a masters master in black and white.More from these two please!

Batman: Kings of Fear #1

Mar 28, 2019

My much to talk about here...but man, that 26 panel page...I WANT THAT AS A POSTER!

Batman: Kings of Fear #2

Mar 28, 2019

The cover says it all....pure comics goodness, and Kelley Jones is a master.

Batman: Kings of Fear #3

Mar 28, 2019

Great story and one of the most memorable touching scenes ever in comics...ok,but at least in the last ten years or so.This title is why I'm a comic fan.I wish more books were like this.

Batman: Kings of Fear #4

Mar 28, 2019

There is more going on in this one issue than any six issues of any comic you can buy.What a ride this book is!!

Batman: Kings of Fear #5

Mar 28, 2019

What a stunning issue and Kelley Jones still reminds you that comic art can be transcendent.Get this book.

Batman: Kings of Fear #6

Mar 28, 2019

Simply the best miniseries of the past year.Finally a real Batman story and one thats an instant classic.The art and story meshed so well it restores your faith that comics can be made with wonder and amazement as chief ingredients, not cop out stunts and mediocre one size fits all art. Batman at his most awesome, and the single finest Scarecrow appearance ever.EVER! Get this book. Highest recommendation

Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #4

Aug 22, 2023

Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #13

May 29, 2024

Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #14

Jun 25, 2024

The Seeley /Jones Nightwing Deadman story is worth the price of admission. Something very special with what they’re doing.

Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #15

Jul 24, 2024

A really excellent issue with strong stories by all involved. This is what an anthology book should be. The Nightwing Deadman chapter is remarkable.

Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #16

Aug 29, 2024

Daphne Byrne #1

Jan 8, 2020

Remarkable comics are few and far between, and horror comics even more so. The true masters of the craft one can name on just a few severed fingers.So I came to this with a tad of trepidation.See,I love horror. I will say nothing about the story other than its seductive as hell.Within a few pages you are fascinated with this world, and the character of Daphne Byrne herself.You begin to care almost immediately about her.She's one of the most interesting characters in comics of recent times. The story is written by Laura Marks,a writer new to comics, but you would never know.Marks seems to do something unique anymore, she respects her readers.No endless expository balloons or pointing out the obvious with cranked up fake emotions. Nope.Marks just tell you story with increasing tension.For a first issue I am telling you go out and get it.Its that good.I'm gonna watch for more from Marks as she's a breath of fresh cold creepy air! As to the art. Wow.All I'll say is wow. Kelley Jones and Michelle Madsen are in a league by themselves.There are terrific shots to be sure, but each panel is filled with such beauty and menace that you will gaze at them for a long time.This really is on par with there great work on last years Batman Kings of Fear. Buy this, read this.Cherish this.It's that good.

Daphne Byrne #2

Feb 5, 2020

So much beauty and tension in this book.I will say that this comic has become genuinely frightening. The last page was as upsetting and scary a page as I've read in many years.

Daphne Byrne #3

Mar 8, 2020

Rare now are comics like Daphne Byrne.Extremely well written and respects its audience as intelligent.One doesn't find an American comic that entertains and delivers an compelling philosophy of life and death. The terror of change is one of its themes...and the resistance to it.The art is exquisite.There are scenes which will never leave me in these panels.Terror is hard to put to paper, but here that terror lies. True gothic horror. Get Daphne Byrne and escape to another world.

Daphne Byrne #4

Apr 29, 2020

For any comic to resonate it has to be greater than the sum of its parts, and that's so rare that you could write a very thin volume about those moments in comics.But if there was such a book that accomplishes that its Daphne Byrne . This is one of DC Comics finest efforts to date,the Hill House imprint notwithstanding , and what makes it so amazing is that the redefinition of horror comes from a classically written and drawn book. Marks writes with such subtle depth that when the tension mounts I found myself drawing up my arms and legs as if expecting a body blow. This is a most seductive book, nervously turning each page, taking in the realization that this little ripple is becoming a tidal wave.And thats in no small part due to Kelley Jones.One of the great artists in comics and among the short list of greatest horror artists ever. Jones haunts this book. The panels are filled with amazing images.Jones always seems to choose the absolute best angle,and his vision is utterly unique.And no one works with light and shadow any where near his level of touch and skill.I will never forget some of what he's done in this series.Its a sin if you don't get this title. 10/10

Daphne Byrne #5

Jun 17, 2020

Just a terrific and actually frightening book. And damn...Kelley Jones art is unbelievably unsettling and great.10/10

Daphne Byrne #6

Jul 17, 2020

The finale really was a rollercoaster! Exciting and satisfying, and as in all great characterization, deeds and actions make clear what a person is rather than endless dialog. Horror is the realization of that which cannot happen happening, terror is that you did it yourself. Laura Marks did that with wonderful craft and skill. Daphne is the emerging from her chrysalis and is something actually new. The visuals are so sensitive and visceral that they become something to linger and study. Kelley Jones seems to do this thing where he taps into the readers emotion and force you to look at that thing you don’t want to with joy. He is a master of this and panels in this series will burn into your memory. This is an amazing book.

DC Horror Presents The Conjuring: The Lover #3

Aug 3, 2021

This third issue gets things really rolling and Browns work is nice and phrenetic. The stars of this book though are Seeley and Jones. Accordion Monkey is one of the most frightening horror stories ever . These guys on a book now.

DC's Terrors Through Time (2022) #1

Oct 12, 2022

If only for the Deadman story by Seeley and Jones( man I want more Deadman by Jones!) this is a good book. Several good stories and it felt like a good Halloween book. Highly recommended.

Detective Comics (2016) #1000

Mar 28, 2019

Really outstanding collection. Rarely do these kind of books live up to expectations, but this really does. No spoilers here's that's part of the charm to see what each creator or creative team delivers, but I will say this though,the Geoff Johns and Kelley Jones entry really was touching, and Jones is just wonderful as always. Get this book and enjoy what comics are about, joy and wonder!

Eerie Comics #6

Sep 30, 2023

Great adaption of M.R James the Ash Tree! Worth it for this alone!

Future State (2021): Catwoman #2  
Harley Quinn (2021) #32

Sep 27, 2023

The Nosferatu Joker by Jones is worth the price of admission. Great issue overall!

Harley Quinn (2021) #37

Apr 18, 2024

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #4

Jan 5, 2023

Muddled and scattershot. Nothing here seems above a highschool level effort. This issues only use is to show as evidence why American comics are dying if not dead. Where’s a new Denny O’Neil to save us.

Lucifer (2018) #9

Jun 21, 2019

Horror comics now tend to all have something in common...they lack horror.They are cynical...or more concerned about socially commenting on whatever outrage of the minute strikes them.But lets be clear...they don't horrify.They also don't have tension.They also don't have atmosphere. All things that a great horror book must have.These are difficult objectives to hit in a comic,but its what creators must strive for in this genre. Then Lucifer #9 comes out and refreshes us with a tale worthy of any put to paper in years.Chilling and relentless, it is a masterpiece of what the French call...frission,translated,Terror.I won't spoil this story with reveals, other than you dont really need to read Lucifer as a series to understand this book.It is a tale of sin.And a tale of evil.And a tale of....well,you will find out. Dan Watters can write horror, and does a stellar job in weaving this by telling two tales that lead to one ending. The star though is the art. Brilliantly manipulating the reader with stunning imagery.The artist is Kelley Jones.Known for his iconic Batman(it is awesome, check out his latest book with the caped crusader,Kings of Fear and be amazed!) I haven't seen a horror story this well drawn in many years as Jones makes each page a glorious experience into the macabre.He's easily the finest practitioner of evil on the page in comics right now. Get this book. Now.

Masters of the Universe: Masterverse #1  
Poison Ivy (2022) #13

Jun 7, 2023

When Batman appears is awesome.

Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader's Castle #2

Oct 13, 2019

Sometimes something really wonderful happens, and it happened here with the second issue of Star Wars Vaders Castle.That something is Kelley Jones. No spoiling Cavan Scotts wonderful and tight little tale, but Jones brings a charge to Star Wars that I haven't seen in a long time.It FEELS like Star Wars and has the great scope of the early classic films.Tarkin is brilliantly depicted in story and art, and makes one wish that Lucasfilm would hire Jones to do something on an epic scale with the classic universe.Michelle Madsen colors on this are so striking that it is a wonder to experience...from her delicious work on the characters to the almost 'hear' it sound on the expulsions and action. Buy it and relish it.

Titans: Beast World (2023): Tour Gotham #1  

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