Axolotl's Profile

Joined: Sep 11, 2019

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Overall Rating
Captain Marvel (2019) #10

Sep 11, 2019

I really enjoyed this issue. Ripley Ryan as Star was SUPER obvious, I would have been more surprised if she wasn't Star. And her backstory isn't terrible, she gets kidnapped by Nuclear Man in the first issue and goes of the deep-end realizing how breakable her average human body is and wants superpowers to feel safe. She makes a deal with a mad scientist to get those powers. But now shes gone full psycho and is hurting innocent people because POOOOWWWEEEEERRRRRR!!!!! And I like how there's an air of mystery as to weather she was always this psycho, went psycho because Nuclear Man kidnapped her, went psycho from Minerva's experimentation or went psycho from obtaining Carol's Powers. Maybe a mix of all four? I like how done with all this power stealing Carol is. You and me both girl. Carol had lost her powers way too much. But why didn't she have Tony remove the device when he found it? There was no need to rip it out of your chest girl! Star has real potential as a super villain, the fact she was able to effect all of New York City with a virus without anyone noticing is cool. (Also with all the heroes running around NYC one would think Star infected one and can use there power now.) One plot flaw, all in all I liked it.

Captain Marvel (2019) #11

Oct 16, 2019

Arc was wrapped up nicely while leaving an interesting cliff hanger.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #0

Mar 3, 2021

This book was meant to be a teaser for things to come, which is indeed what it felt like. Some characters get more screen time than others, especially Batman who gets a lot of pages for his story. I don't know why they felt the need to give Batman so many pages when his book comes out the same day. Other characters stories could have used a few extra pages, the Titans story felt especially lacking and didn't even have the Titans in it. There is also a scene in which the Spectre just goes off on Jon Kent, and while the Spectre give his reasoning it felt bizarre since Jon has never shown any indication of becoming a tyrant like the Spectre claims he will be. I don't really know what they point of that story was or what it was supposed to tease. But I think this pushes many characters in the right direction, and at least interests me on what's to come.

Justice League Dark (2018) #15

Sep 25, 2019

This has by far been the most consistently enjoyable comic I have read all year. Many comics have there high and low points but I can always count on Justice League Dark for a bone chillingly enjoyable comic.

New Mutants: War Children (2019) #1

Sep 25, 2019

The story was solid. Art fit the tone perfectly. The lettering was amazing. Lettering can really add subtext to a story if done properly and this is an example of that.

Star (2020) #1

Jan 8, 2020

Good start for a character we know so little about. Wish we could have learned more about her this issue.

Suicide Squad (2021) #1

Mar 3, 2021

If you read Future State: Suicide Squad, then nothing surprising happened this issue since it was all spoiled in those two Future State issues. Because of that, this first issue just feels like a month wasted on trying to surprise readers with plot twist most fans already knew about. At least it sets up a potentially interesting prison escape. Hopefully the next few issues won't retread old ground.

Wonder Woman (2016) #772  

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