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Joined: Dec 12, 2019

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Batman (2016) #85

Dec 18, 2019

Probably the most disappointing & pointless issue of King's run, King never understood Batman. What was supposed to end with a bang ends with a fizzle, Thomas Wayne gets beat up by Catwoman before holding Bruce at gunpoint and ranting to stop being the Bat. You'd think Thomas who has suffered like Bruce will understand he won't stop no matter what but not for Tom King. King's Batman is the worst - a psychotic, accepting he has been a child since ten and claiming he now chooses happiness with Cat (but won't marry) as well as staying Batman. The whole point of why Bruce doesn't get into long-term relationships is that Gotham comes before him, his relationships will get strained due to his life and there will always be a risk to his partners. He could easily have happiness if he wanted but he isn't selfish, a point King misses. Not to mention how Bruce first says no one understands him, then hilariously accepts the claim of Gotham Girl that Selina does, a claim which will require some or good understanding of Bruce on Gotham Girl's part. How can someone who still sometimes does criminal acts understand him? Regardless, how does Gotham Girl know Selina does when she (ie Gotham Girl) hasn't been with him for nearly that long? Even his closest friend Superman had difficulty understanding what he saw in Selina. And we also get a glimpse of Joker deciding it's time for a final battle (hinting at 5G?). Most pointless thing - the message of hope that is delivered is lost. It is shown through a football player down on his luck but scores a touchdown despite the crowd being against him. Football as analogy for war on crime. What? The end defeat of Thomas is as pointless, he lets Bruce go out of love and tries to make him undestand to stop being Batman, but gets knocked out in return by Bruce who claims he's not his father. Did him never killing you while trying to make you understand didn't make it clear he is but just one inflicted with tragedy? Rebirth Batman is an overgrown man-child and this is the first time I say it but Superman has been far better than Bat. Batman #85 is a prime example of overall bad writing.

Batman (2016) Annual #5

Jan 3, 2021

A great story and really made me sympathetic towards the Clownhunter, especially as to how Batman and the world failed to help him. I know Tom King fanboys will be upset and downvoting, but that just shows how petty they are.

Detective Comics (2016) #1017

Mar 15, 2020

A great issue that hits all the emotional notes. It's not your usual Batman story about beating up villains, but it doesn't have to be, nor it's about endless BatCat romance which Tom King solely made his run about. It is in its core a Batman story of today, people fall through cracks while Bruce mostly focuses on being Batman. Deals with crime and corruption, official neglect of destitutes and how Batman has overtaken Bruce so much he barely makes efforts to reconcile with his son. The issue of both Bruce and Damian being distressed over being unable to save the dying orphan, but trying to be there both emotionally and physically really tugs at heart. That and Batman trying to cheer him up by saying that Superman is his favorite hero. Lucas Fox may not have the same dynamic as Alfred but he does try to fill the shoes admirably, by reminding Bruce that it's his orphanage and he should be more than just Batman.

Kingdom Come #4

Feb 11, 2022

I'm honestly surprised that some people consider this as a great series when it has a wafer-thin plot and nothing going on for it except heroes killing bad guys is wrong.

Superman (2018) #18

Dec 12, 2019

A pretty solid issue. I loved the little snippets of Perry getting emotional and Jimmy laughing at Clark. Lois did try to tell Clark that she was going to inform Jimmy, but he was busy with Perry, and knowing that Jimmy's been her close and much longer friend, it is fitting that Lois informs him as she knew he would react very emotionally, and especially not to keep lies with the bad fate of Jor-El due to his secrets and Jon growing up but Clark not having enough time with him. I don't know why some people are complaining that Lois told him first, especially as she did try to discuss it with Clark. And no Lois didn't reveal Clark's secret identity during Event Leviathan or betray his trust. She told her dad during "Leviathan Rises" arc, and she only did it so they could reconcile and he could stop his hate for Superman who didn't feel betrayed in any way. Why would she betray Superman when she was angry at Amanda Waller for betraying Superman's trust. It's fitting that Jimmy be playful with Clark instead of crying. Knowing that she's been supportive of her husband despite her loss also warmed the heart. Although I do feel she hasn't been represented how she should be, Bendis rarely gives them private time and they rarely have time to focus on each other with their hectic lives and so many villains out for them, and Lois has been mostly been reduced to occasional appearances. Some would be questioning the logic, but given how some villains especially Leviathan and government agencies already know who he is, it's not a bad decision. We already know though Metropolis will be attacked anyway by Legion of Doom, so his identity reveal likely won't matter for now.

Superman (2018) #19

Jan 22, 2020

The only worthwhile reading parts are the interaction showing the love between Lois and Clark plus the talk with Trish Q. All of them however are woefully short. Plus, Mongul looks badass but he's being wasted in fighting United Planets.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #1

Jun 9, 2022

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #2

Jun 9, 2022

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #3

Jun 9, 2022

This issue was very political and I loved it.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #4

Jun 9, 2022

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #5

Jun 9, 2022

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #6

Jun 9, 2022

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #8

Jun 9, 2022

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #9

Jun 9, 2022

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #10

Jun 9, 2022

The series starts picking up steam again with issue 10.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #11

Jun 9, 2022

Best issue of the series asides from the 1st one.

Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol. 1: The Truth

Jun 9, 2022

Loved this collection. Vol 1's issues are certainly excellent in quality.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) Annual: 2021

Jun 9, 2022

The Lex story was interesting.

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