TJMB3891's Profile

Joined: Dec 15, 2019

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Aquaman (2025) #1

Jan 9, 2025

I'm giving this a 10 because I absolutely loved it, but also because I've been dying for an Aquaman book for years. Jeremy Adams is the perfect person to write this book, to me, he's like the new Geoff Johns. The art was fantastic, the colors were fantastic. What a crazy cliffhanger at the end, I cannot wait for #2.

Aquaman (2025) #2

Feb 26, 2025

Cable (2020) #1  
Children of the Atom (2021) #1

Mar 17, 2021

I'll give it this much, it's better than her New Mutants but still not that great. Vita Ayla is overhyped, she's not really that great of a writer. C-Level at best. I don't know what all the hype is with her or why people are hiring her like crazy and throwing big opportunities her way because I've read all of her books and only a handful of them have been okay. I think she's going to end up like Rosenberg and Brisson once the hype wears off and just end up being work for hire here and there. Her New Mutants is the most boring drivel on the face of the planet, her second issue into her new run on that title and I couldn't keep my eyes open, I fell asleep twice. She's tanking that book and I love New Mutants, I've been waiting forever for a new long run and she's just not the writer for it.

Eddie Brock: Carnage (2025) #2

Mar 21, 2025

This book is solid and well written as hell. The art is fantastic, Hollingsworth is one of the best colorists in the business. It's a great recipe for a good book. Soule can be hit or miss at the Big 2 but this for sure hits with me. It's so damn good. I've enjoyed the first two issues immensely.

Green Lantern (2021) #1

Apr 6, 2021

I gave it a 5 because I love Dexter Soy so those points are only for him and I subtracted for life points because the writing was a mess. Geoffrey Thorne is kind of a jerk, if you've seen his Twitter you know this but maybe you didn't know that he's also bad at writing comic books. This issue wasn't terrible but it wasn't far off and for some strange reason he's using Teen Lantern who is just a pointless character that didn't need to be created because Earth has way too many Green lanterns to begin with. Isn't she from Brazil? Don't they speak Portuguese in Brazil? Then why is she speaking Spanish in this issue? I love Dexter Soy and I absolutely love Green Lantern but the 2 things I really don't want are 1 Teen Lantern and 2 Geoffrey Thorne writing Green Lantern. This guy needs to go. I wish we got a better writer.

Green Lantern Corps (2025) #1  
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #1

Jan 25, 2020

This was an incredible start. Great story, great art. It picks up right where we leave off from the last Guardians run (which in this one issue it manages to be better than) and also picks up big threads from last year's Avengers No Road Home with the Reborn Olympian God's. I loved it and can't wait for more.

Heroes Reborn (2021): Hyperion & The Imperial Guard #1

May 15, 2021

I don't have the time to write some kind of in-depth review but I loved this book from tip to stern. I would totally read a 12 issue elseworld about the Starjammers story from the backup and I would also read the previous "120 issues" of Hyperion & The Imperial Guard. Hope to see more from Ryan Cady at Marvel. Bandini and Byrne did a kick-a** job on art too.

Justice League: Last Ride #1  
Kang the Conqueror (2021) #1

Sep 20, 2021

I thought this was great. There really isn't anything too new here but it's a nice dive into Kang for people who don't know much about Kang. It's extremely well written and the art is fantastic. I'm not normally a fan of these writers, much like Merlyn, they've never really done anything that I've enjoyed but this was fantastic. Carlos Magno and Espen's colors make a wonderful combination. The art is really good. Definitely worth the price of admission.

Kang the Conqueror (2021) #2

Sep 20, 2021

I enjoy this issue as much as I enjoyed the first. The narration is so damn good. It's so beautifully written. I think this whole miniseries is going to be fantastic. Definitely worth buying all the single issues and I will also be buying the trade.

Moon Knight (2021) #1

Jul 23, 2021

I loved it!!! I had absolutely no problems with it, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. It honors what came before but it also moves in a new direction. I just finished reading it so I'm really hyped on it, hence the score. Maybe when I have more time with it it might come down a point five but I doubt it. I honestly CANNOT wait for #2. Jed MacKay has been seriously kicking ass at Marvel. Seriously, the guy hasn't written a single thing that I haven't liked.

Planet-Size X-Men (2021) #1

Jun 17, 2021

I'm giving this a 9. I wanted to give it a 10 but I'm kind of tired of data pages, even though I do enjoy them sometimes. I thought this issue was fantastic all around. It might be the best thing Gerry Duggan has ever done. The art was ridiculously gorgeous, pencils and color. What a damn beautiful book. It's not just about the art though the idea of Mutants creating their own planet within a few hours and even a brand new S.W.O.R.D. space station is just absolutely bonkers. I see some low scores up and down but not everything can be everyone's cup of tea, I guess. I think this is the most exciting X-Men has been in decades and I feel like there's absolutely no reason to ever go back. This new era, they've been building so much, to ever wind back the clock would just be a disgrace. Here's the moving forward with this wonderful new Mutant world, Hickman and Company have been doing incredible work! Cheers 🥂.

Sentinels (2024) #1

Nov 8, 2024

I feel like the art fit the tone of the book. It's like a B- grade level artist but he does a hell of a job. There's also room for him to grow. The story though, the story was fantastic. I'm not going to get too deep into it because I'm not trying to review the book like a normal reviewer. I'll just say there are a few kinds of books. Books that I struggle to get through because they're so boring and not that well written, and books that I burn through and reread pages because it's so damn good. This book was the latter. I had little to no trouble reading this book because I was so engaged. I wasn't even going to buy this book and now it's on my pull list. The End.

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #1

Jan 22, 2021

I don't have a single solitary complaint about this book. The art was great, the story was great, never really heard of the colorist before but they did a fantastic job too. I can't for the next issue.

Strange Academy (2020) #1  
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #1

Jun 16, 2021

I was going to give it a 1 but I liked the art so I gave it a 2. Jesus, when will they stop letting Tom King ruin everything. Tom King lovers can hold their breath. I don't need you to try and tell me that I've never read a Tom King book. I've read every issue of every comic he's ever written, what can I say, I'm a glutton for punishment. I liked his early stuff but damn, he's gone downhill, hard. I don't know why it happened or when it happened but somewhere along the way of everyone kissing his a**, he got lazy or just thought he could do no wrong, I don't know. He tries to do that terrible thing that Bendis used to be good at but is awful at now, where they think they're writing people as they speak in real life. Ugh 🙄. That stuff made a good portion of his Batman unreadable. Normally I could get through most of the issues but that stuff was terrible. All that "Bat, Cat" back and forth turd fest. Crap like that made Bendis' Legion run unreadable. Well, it was that and him believing he had to make every, single, character, on every page say something, ugh. That was supremely painful because the art was gorgeous in that book. That's usually the case with Tom King these days, the art is gorgeous but the dialogue is near painful to read. I don't want to rag on him too much because there are some things he has going that I enjoy here and there like Rorschach and Strange Adventures. I don't love them or anything but with a little tweaking they could be a lot better. They just need to get him and Jamie S Rich separated. I just feel like Rich let him do whatever he wants to do, consequences be damned. End Rant

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #1

Jul 29, 2021

Very strong start. I wanted to give it a 9, 9.5 but there was a lot of recap. Now I understand, this is a new jumping on point and people who aren't too familiar with Jonathan needed this information and it was done very well. Someone else who reviewed it on here said it was the "best older Jon has been written" and I would definitely have to agree with that because...I mean, ya know...Bendis is a total hack. John Timms' art was fantastic and Gabe Eltaeb's colors were beautiful. Maybe the best color job I've ever seen him do. The pages where he's in the middle of the wildfire just looked gorgeous. Tom Taylor knows how to write fun stories with a lot of heart and if you're going to write a Superman story that's pretty much the recipe that's required. Now, this definitely rates a 9 in my heart but I'm very familiar with the character and didn't need the recap so personally it gets an 8.5 but we're off to a great start.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #1

Jul 25, 2021

I gave this a 5. It's all for the art not the story, Rafa Sandoval and Alejandro Sanchez are amazing together. I do the art on a 1 to 5 and I do the same for the writing, add those two numbers together and that's my score. The writing was trash. Well, maybe not complete trash but it was really bad. The characters were not really that fleshed out at all, they just threw everything and the kitchen sink at you and the story was a bit of a mess. The dialogue was so cringe-worthy a good amount of the time too. I really don't want to waste too many words on this but we all know Teen Titans was the worst Future State book. I already believed that but someone else wrote her for you and said that also, they were right. If you want something similar to this that's leaps and bounds better, read Strange Academy. I'm going to try out Teen Titans Academy for the next 3 issues but I'm not hopeful. They should have given this title to Jeremy Adams, that dude is killing it on Flash.

The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) #5

Jul 27, 2021

Not many people review this book anymore and that should tell you something right there. I'm curious about the sales. Quoting someone from a previous review "It's extremely well written and the art is fantastic". MY problem with the book is that all the characters seem to be written out of character. He's referencing story arcs and runs and in a good amount of instances it feels like he's revising the history to fit his very political narrative. It's ridiculously off putting. There's no nuance to this book whatsoever.

X-Men (2019) #7

Feb 27, 2020

Truly amazing. It's always been my dream to have Hickman on X-Men and he has not disappointed me, if anything he has exceeded my expectations in every way. Finally, the X-Men are what they should have always been. This is the best X-Men I've read and close to 10 years probably more.

Year of the Villain: Ocean Master #1

Dec 15, 2019

This was an amazing issue and truly stands out from all the rest of the Year of the Villain one-shots. Dan Watters shines here and shows us why he's an amazing up-and-coming writer. He really did his homework when it comes to what's been going on in Aquaman and with Orm/Ocean Master in the continuity of Aquaman. Definitely someone to watch out for. Miguel Mendonca does an incredible job on pencils with some gorgeous colors from Ivan Plascencia's to match. This something I highly recommend.

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