BatQuinn's Profile

Joined: Aug 02, 2020

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Overall Rating
Batman #604

Aug 2, 2020

This is a very well written issue, showing a side of Batman that's rarely seen. It also puts an end to the rumours of "Bruce Wayne is just a mask! Batman is who he Is!" As it states that he is both Batman AND Bruce Wayne and the two are not seperate beings

Batman (2016) #50

Aug 3, 2020

If I could rate this 0, I would, this doesn't even read clearly and it feels like such a waste of time and money

Batman Begins #1

Aug 2, 2020

An okay adaptation, however is missing parts from the movie whereas other adaptations ADD to the story, the art was an eyesore to add to this.

Batman Legends of the Dark Knight #168

Aug 2, 2020

This is a great issue; it shows the mentality of Batman and the reputation being Batman holds as different Gotham citizens help him. I'm not a fan of the art, this however is my own personal taste so it's unfair for me to say this is actually a problem in of itself **SPOILER ALERT** the only problem besides the art is there is little re-read value to this issue as once you learn it's not actually Bruce Wayne and is just some random guy

Batman: Gotham Adventures (1998) #59

Aug 4, 2020

A good issue from a fantastic series, a couple flaws however these are outshined by every other aspect

Detective Comics #757

Aug 2, 2020

A very good Batman read, showing the high standards Bruce puts himself through with nice art to pair with it (and a helpful tip for survival!)

Harley Quinn (2016) #56

Aug 2, 2020

As someone who loves Harley and has been reading her for years, this issue insult in all honesty; it doesn't fit canonically with Harley suddenly having a bad allergy to cats, despite her entire third floor being filled with animals including cats, it did however have some okay political stature and the art was great but overall, the issue itself sucks

Harley Quinn (2016) #69

Aug 2, 2020

While better than issue 56 which had the same writer, this issue leaves the reader asking "what in the world did I just read?!" With a guy with a burger for a head, someone who's skin was bleached by Mountain Dew. It also lists Harley as an "amateur landlady" despite her having owned and rented property for years now, however the art is nice and its far from the worst issue.

inFamous #1

Aug 3, 2020

A great issue, picking up where the game ended. It does a very good job of setting up a plot while showing the aftereffects of Zekes betrayal.

inFamous #2

Aug 3, 2020

This issue continues on it's path, furthering the plot and even showing Moya to have lived up to her threat of invading the city

inFamous #3

Aug 3, 2020

This is a good issue, not as good as previous however, but it shows how Cole would fair against David and gives us an idea on what happened to Sasha

inFamous #5

Aug 3, 2020

This issue is great, it puts down the final framework for the finale in a brilliant way

inFamous #6

Aug 3, 2020

A great finale that delivers on every level it promised, leaving no loose ends behind and completes the bridge to the second game

Injustice 2 #1

Aug 4, 2020

Injustice 2 #2

Aug 4, 2020

Red Hood And The Outlaws #9

Aug 3, 2020

A good read with great art; seeing Jason have the heart to heart that he did to it's intensity was nice to see, as well as the surprise Batgirl cameo, however it would of been nice for a translation box to know what Kori was saying

Red Hood And The Outlaws #10

Aug 3, 2020

A good issue, but the final segment feels disjointed

The Batman Adventures (1992) #4

Nov 13, 2021

The Batman Adventures (1992) #5

Nov 13, 2021

honestly, its such a great 2 parter, more so for fans of the DCAU and the ending hits like an absolute truck, god damn

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