SteelEagle's Profile

Joined: Apr 23, 2013

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Overall Rating

The best micro yet released, and one of the better depictions of the character. The writing and art were fantastic and it stands horn to horn with anything else that has been produced!

Extremely fun, well-written and drawn. Third favorite issue of MLP released thus far!

Loved every panel. fantastic.

A slam bang first issue and introduction to the world, hits all the right notes and walks off leaving you wanting more.

The best issue of the series to date, with fantastic art and a superb characterization of Chrysalis.

Red Handed: The Fine Art of Strange Crimes #1 May 21, 2013
The Black Beetle #3 May 2, 2013
Thor: God of Thunder #2 Apr 23, 2013
Thor: God of Thunder #5 Apr 23, 2013
Thor: God of Thunder #9 Jun 15, 2013
Thor: God of Thunder #10 Oct 4, 2013
Thor: God of Thunder #11 Aug 17, 2013
Thor: God of Thunder #12 Aug 28, 2013
Thor: God of Thunder #20 Mar 20, 2014
Breath of Bones: A Tale of the Golem #2 Aug 8, 2013

Reviewing one of the new Cap books is difficult because the story is so unusual. Perhaps that works to the benefit of the reader in a sense, as this sense of subtle unease brings you into the horror of Rogers' current situation and keeps you emotionally invested in what would otherwise be a somewhat off-putting scenario.

A superb effort that is done only by the fact that a like story has been done before in the series. Still, a fantastic issue. Highly enjoyable!

If you're a fan of the series and the ongoing comic, you will love this issue. The second best issue so far with the best ending of any issue.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #8 Jun 12, 2013
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #9 Aug 3, 2013
Captain America (2012) #7 May 31, 2013
Infinity #1 Aug 15, 2013
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #7 May 14, 2013
Thor: God of Thunder #3 Apr 23, 2013
Thor: God of Thunder #7 Apr 23, 2013
Thor: God of Thunder #8 Oct 4, 2013

A great slice of life story that has an unusual art stle straddling the line between simplicity and complexity, ends up being a good read.

A solid start to the second arc that lacks the certain something that set the others apart.

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #18 Sep 21, 2013
Thor: God of Thunder #4 Apr 23, 2013

Still a good issue, but my least favorite of the series thus far.

Perhaps the weakest issue of any released so far that has the weakest plot and dialogue of the bunch. However, good characterization, interesting villains, and fantastic visuals make it a solid buy.

It's okay. Story has some funny moments, good dialogue, and the writer has Fluttershy's voice down, but the story is mostly a sputtering affair.

A solid climax to an excellent first arc that manages to miss greatness due a rushed ending.

Avengers (2012) #18 Aug 26, 2013
Iron Man (2012) #14 Aug 12, 2013
Thor: God of Thunder #6 Apr 23, 2013

A story that is hampered by a need for speed that isn't required, and an undead situation which focuses more on the brutality of the 'zombies' rather than the supposed war that is being fought. Going from zero to apocalypse is rather boring. The style is unique and so is the cause so I don't necessarily regret buying it, but the story was far too rushed for my tastes.

Did not enjoy the story in the slightest.

Iron Man (2012) #4 Apr 23, 2013

Uggh. I bought it and it didn't even make it out of the store before it found a new home as a shelter for rats.

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