Kayla Goulet's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: All-Comic Reviews: 16
8.8Avg. Review Rating

It's clear that the creators have put their hearts and souls into every little bit"It's a stunning book every time, and it's well worth the wait.

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This series has a really great ensemble of people putting it together, so it's hard to say just who has done the best job.The art is perfect, and the story, while rushed, is great too – it's easy enough to just say that every name involved here has done a great job. It'll be a shame when this series, which didn't seem to have the best chance in the world, ends… but for now, just pick up this issue and wait for the next one!

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Giant-Size Little Marvel: AvX is every bit as fantastic as theOz series Skottie was a part of, as well as the issues ofRocket Raccoon he did with Jean-Francois Beaulieu. Both are incredibly talented comic creators, and this is a series that could on forever and continue to be just as entertaining. It's definitely one, again, that everyone needs to be reading!

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So yes, Archie really is one of the best books out there right now. Definitely worth the read, for those who've never read an Archie book in their lives, or for those who grew up on them. Two issues in and it's already lived up to everyone's high expectations. It's rare that a book wows you right out of the gate, but this one has done that and continues to do that. Bring on issue three!

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Marvel's Secret Wars event has been exciting, and it's great that they have been able to include this fun little series in that. It's a must-read for sure, because everyone needs something that's going to make them laugh. Grown-ups need to read this issue and so do the kids " in fact, this series is an excellent one to get kids into comics!

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It is never easy to say goodbye to a series that has been amazing from the start. But nothing can last forever! It could have been wonderful to see these two continue to put out amazing issue after amazing issue ofBlack Widow, but all good things must come to and end. Hopefully there are wonderful things on the horizon from both Edmondon and Noto.

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Sabrina is not really like anything else that's out there – how often do you get to read a book with a title character from everyone's childhood, in a grown-up book? It's absolutely something that every comic fan should be reading. Not only that, but every horror fan should be reading it, and everyone who ever read a Sabrina story as a child. This is a book that could turn non-comic fans into comic fans, it's that good.

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People have been eagerly anticipating this book forever, it seems, and when something is that hyped up it can easily go either way; it can be everything fans dreamed it would be or it can end up thoroughly disappointing. But Mark Waid and Fiona Staples definitely do not disappoint. The first issue was worth all the anticipation, and worth the wait. It's something any Archie fan is going to absolutely love, and probably even something that's going to create new Archie fans. Everything is just right; the art is fantastic, the story is Archie perfection, and it seems as though it's going to stay just as good.

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Issue nineteen was kind of a confusing read, at first, but a good one nonetheless. It's another Marvel book that will be hard to say goodbye to when it ends, but it seems as though it's going out with a bang!

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It will really be a shame to say goodbye to this series (to make way for the new number ones coming out in the fall). It has really been one of Marvel's best series for quite some time. But don't start mourning it now, it's not over yet.

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Definitely pick up this first issue; either for the kids or not, it's very enjoyable. Of course it's just one more fantastic book that Marvel is putting out right now, but it's absolutely one to add to the list, for a bit of a light read with a few laughs. It'll leave you eager to see what shenanigans the little Avengers and the little X-Men can get into next!

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There is absolutely nothing bad anyone can say about this series. It's one of the best books out there, and, at least pre-Secret Wars, it was probably one of Marvel's best books. The quality hasn't wavered once, and this issue is no different. There are not enough synonyms for the word “awesome” that will accurately describe it. And just when you think it's beginning to wind down – nope, something happens and you begin to wonder, instead, what's going to happen next. This issue, like it's seventeen predecessors, isdefinitely worth reading all the way through.

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Again, this seems to be more of a “filler” issue, but it's definitely still worth the read.

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Let it be known: this issue will leave you hanging, and wondering… and generally just eager for the next issue, so fingers crossed we don't have to wait too long for issue #9!

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Any Adventure Time book is a fun read, and always something that should be picked up. It's just a fun read, and it can be enjoyed by anyone. This issue on its own is nothing wonderful (aside from the flashbacks), but the whole Marceline series promises to be a good one.

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As with all Adventure Time books, Marceline Gone Adrift is something you must read. If anything, it's a fun filler book between, perhaps, more serious reads and it's a definite must-read if you're into the cartoon. Just remember: anything is possible in the post-apocalyptic world of the Land of Ooo. So, since this issue ends with a cliff-hanger, who knows what could possibly happen next!

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