Tommy faces a shocking betrayal within the Foot Clan that puts him in the crosshairs of their leader - Shredder! But can the Rangers and Turtles put their differences aside before Shredder unleashes his ultimate weapon? No Rangers or Turtles fan can miss this shocking last page!
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hit the ground running with a phenomenal debut issue, and somehow they managed to catch lightning twice. Read Full Review
This is just the perfect mashup between two beloved properties. More insights into character and motivations are revealed along with dynamic art. This is a comic book that will put you in a good mood. Read Full Review
MMPR/TMNT #2 improves every aspect of its first issue while making for a fun read. All of those nights of playing with each franchises toys making your own crossover has finally paid off in a bombastic comic. Read Full Review
MMPR/TMNT #2 is just plain and simple fun. If you are a fan of either of these properties there is no reason not to enjoy this. If the other three issues are just as good then we are in for a treat. It is hard for me to read this issue without a smile on my face, and the final page stinger is just wonderful. It really does deliver everything you could want from both of these properties. The story nor the art is "phoning it in" either. There is a lot of heart and love going into it. Read Full Review
The news of this crossover was something really surprising and this issue was very surprising for what is to come, I really liked what I read and I think that this particular number will be one of the great titles of 2020, good art and good script combine in this limited series. Read Full Review
All these things come together to make this story a smooth transition from the introduction point of the narrative to the escalation that is sure to come. With the plot's hook dropped on the last page of this issue I cannot wait to see how things progress from here. Even with both the Turtles and the Rangers working together they may still find their hands full with this situation. Read Full Review
Simone Di Meo is God-Tier, we can start shilling this title there. Power Rangers/TMNT is a gorgeous comic book. I'm reading this mini-series and also catching up on the main series "Beyond the Grid" arc. Between each series, Simone has displayed tremendous growth.
If you're a fan of either franchise this issue is absolutely perfect. Ryan portrays ideal versions of both intellectual properties which borrowing from various incarnations of the characters. In one scene Mikey and Zack bond over bizarre pizza recipes. This was clearly a homage to the 1987 animated series and was hilarious. All of the interactions between the Rangers and Turtles are beautifully crafted and left a smile on my face.
The creative team deserves more
Okay, yeah you gotta get to the last page, my friends !
-We must fight! Actually, never mind, let's be friends with very little justification because that's how crossovers work.
-Well in that case, Power Rangers whom we just met, come to our secret lair.
-Why thank you! In that case, let's all reveal our closely guarded secret identities for no reason.
-Well, in that case, you should meet our friend, she's NEWS REPORTER.
-Don't worry, I'll go against my own career interests by both keeping your identities secret and by giving you access to my employer's secure database.
-By the way, I invented a device that can alter the mass of objects in defiance of physics. I built it in a sewer out of junk, no big deal. I'm sure it won't come up later.
Well, at least the l more