Nothing can stand against the Man of Steel! The 2007 Eisner Award Winner for "Best Continuing Series" keeps getting better when the new issue of ALL STAR SUPERMAN explodes!
I cant say enough about this issue, and yet I dont want to say too much. Anyone who has not read this issue and has any interest in superhero comics whatsoever -- even if you used to as a child, but that interest has since faded -- please go and pay the $3 to show DC Comics and the industry in general what kind of stories we respond to as readers. Spend the $3 to reward Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely for this kind of heartfelt, ground-breaking work. Its the best $3 you could ever spend. Read Full Review
"All-Star Superman" #10 establishes that Superman isn't a concept that humans created, humanity is a concept that Superman created. Read Full Review
Normally, a bi-monthly book like this would bother me, but because Morrison manages to keep stories somewhat self-contained (while keeping an underlying story arc), it's very easy to jump back on aboard. This issue is the most personal and moving stories of the series thus far. It's also the best. Read Full Review
Superman saves a life during his daily patrol. He does not catch this life out of the sky. He does not snatch that life from the certain doom of a death ray. He saves this life with his presence, his words and his honesty. He saves the life by simply being Superman. The scene is perfectly executed, and it is why All-Star Superman isn't merely a good book but a great book. Read Full Review
There are very few comic books which make you feel in awe of their creators for the sheer skill and craftsmanship with which they have been put together, but All-Star Superman is one of them. I can't recommend it highly enough. Read Full Review
Every All-Star Superman release comes as an unequivocal treat. It maintains all of the nostalgia and marvels inherit in golden and silver age comics, while substituting wit for the era's over-abundant camp. I find it funny that Grant Morrison, with all of his high concept masterpieces, may be doing the best work of his career on a title which combines his brilliant convolution with nothing more than a stripped down re-imagining of the very things that drew all of us to comics in the first place. He takes the basic joys of comic storytelling and packs each of these principles exuberantly into every issue, and in the process has created a book that continues to assert itself as the best superhero comic in recent memory. Read Full Review
This creative team has done something I really never expected to see, ever. They've crafted a wonderfully complex, touching, inspiring, and addictive Superman story. This issue is one of the best yet. I'm not going to bother with the details, since I'm sure the other reviewers will provide far more insight and history to this book than I could ever hope to. Superman is outside of my field of experience and interest, but this is a book I could never pass up. Read Full Review
Biologically incompatible through normal copulation? As Lois pointed out, "There's always a way. That's what you always say." Read Full Review
Seriously, I could go on about at least a dozen more single panel or one off things that happen in this issue that I didn't list in the overly long review as it is. Hell, one panel randomly has Superman counting off his DNA strands that ties in later to his developing a means to possibly clone himself. Sorry, this closing remark will go on forever if I start listing random things again. For Christ's sake, Superman makes his own universe in this issue! Buy it! Read Full Review
Absolutely beautiful.
A really nice issue here. I especially loved THAT page, of course. Also known as the one almost everyone shares from this series, in which Clark saves Regan before they commit suicide. Rightfully so, by the way, That page is very emotional and very well-crafted. Either way, this was good stuff.