The Man of Steel has faced twelve super-challenges. Now, as Lex Luthor's brilliant, criminal machinations come together, what fate awaits the doomed Superman? This is the final, dramatic chapter of the incredible, award-winning 12-issue run of ALL STAR SUPERMAN by Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely and Jamie Grant – don't miss it!
Is this overpraising the book? Maybe so, but it's definitely something to make Superman seem so amazingly heroic, self-sacrificing, and, well, human. To make a seventy-year-old character seem fresh and new is not an easy task, but Morrison and Quitely seem to be able to do anything they wish. It's a treat to watch them work, and it's sad that this is their final outing. Of course, the final page all but promises a sequel, but who knows when or if that will ever happen. Still, it's something to hope for; in the meantime, poring over the details of Quitely's art and pondering all the wild concepts Morrison comes up with will make for some excellent re-reading. Long live All-Star Superman! Read Full Review
Morrison has done the phenomenal. Rather than cheapen Superman by nullifying his power. He has instead created a super man in both mind and body. He has given Superman senses beyond ours and the intelligence to comprehend practically everything, even the wonderfully chaotic humans that he defends. He has made Superman an alien raised human and therefore gifted with humility. For the sake of drama, Morrison crafted menaces that often dwarfed Superman in power. By doing that, Morrison reminded comic book readers that before there were all these copies of Superman flitting about, there was only one Superman, and often he was the only one who could save us all. Read Full Review
If you think Superman is an old, tired character, with no stories left to tell, then this series will show you there's still plenty of life left in the old boy - he is, after all, the first great comic book superhero, and he's apparently just getting warmed up. Read Full Review
I'm so sad this one's over. It's not just one of the greatest Superman stories ever told, it's one of the greatest superhero tales of our time. Read Full Review
Crown's Score: 9.8 Read Full Review
A great series that belongs on everyones book shelf or in their box of comics. I hope Morrison and Quitely team up again in the future. Read Full Review
Quitely has said that when it came to this book, he simply drew what was in the script (one panel description of the Kandor we saw in issue 10 was purported to span five pages), and so we must give equal commendation to Grant Morrison, of course, for how successful this book has been at telling a story. The collaboration between these two creators has led to fantastic comics for a long time now, each one more impressive than the last. As groundbreaking as their work on "New X-Men" and "We3" might have been, "All Star Superman" raises the bar yet again. Existing in its own glass bubble of continuity (while making reference to any number of previous Morrison DCU comics), Morrison and Quitely told what is in many ways the ultimate Superman story. It shows us what he stands for in every moral degree. It shows us the world he fights for in every level of detail. It is an exacting, inspiring, and poignant accomplishment in the realm of Superhero comics. Almost fable-like in its dir Read Full Review
I could have bashed my head against the keyboard and put out some mangled review and I'd still expect you people to buy this book without the need for a review, but it had to be done. Buy this book! Read Full Review
Despite this final issue not quite reaching the heights of some previous installments, I have no doubt that this 12-issue run is going to be remembered as one of the defining takes on the character. All-Star Superman has been an imaginative, unique, and unexpectedly emotional interpretation of the Superman legend, and a milestone achievement in the superhero genre altogether. I'm already starting to feel sad that we haven't got another issue to look forward to in future, and I can only hope that the two creators decided to collaborate again in the near future, because I've grown very fond of my regular fix of Morrison and Quitely. Read Full Review
Perhaps the worst thing about this issue is that it is a little too 'pat'-- the conclusion was too easy. Considering this comic is not set in the continuity of the mainstream DC Comics universe, they could have come up with something drastically different for the final chapter. What we do get is a hint of a sequel, which isn't such a bad thing considering the quality of this book so far. Read Full Review
"Umm there's me, Lex I ah think maybe you should stop threatening my friends." Simply brilliant, and I can't think of a better multi-purpose homage. Like Reeve, Morrison and Quitely in this arc have truly embodied the best that Superman can be. Read Full Review
A solid finale to an excellent Superman story.
Honestly the perfect Superman story of all time and it shows why Superman is the Greatest superhero of all time. Superman always finds a way, he never gives up, he is really inspirational and even with all of his godly powers he still sees himself as equals to humans.
This is a far superior version of Superman: Up in the Sky and its an instant classic that anyone should read. Its technically a 10 out of 10 for me.
I finally understand why this series is beloved by so many.
A really nice finale to the series, in my opinion. Superman's perseverance was handled greatly by Morrison here, and I think they showed how well they understand the character. Furthermore, I wasn't too sure on Quitely's art at the beginning of this series, but he definitely sold me as time went on. A really good read throughout with this one.