The All Star adventures of the Man of Steel take another startling turn when Lois Lane transforms from Superman's girlfriend into a Kryptonian Superwoman! Meanwhile, Lex Luthor's plans simmer as the criminal mastermind exerts his charisma and intellect over the hardcore inmates who share his maximum-security prison.
The dialogue can be quite beautiful at times as can the artwork. Morrison and Quitely have a forte for expressing super-heroes. Perhaps it's because they actually like them. Read Full Review
Summation: What works here, aside from Quitelys quirky yet crystalline art, is Loiss subjective experience of the day. Shes fought over, shes endangered, and shes entertained, enough to tire out even the most vibrant of reporters. Supermans chivalrous concern for her throughout is very touching. Read Full Review
I loved this. It was wacky in all the best ways. And Quitely is simply crushing it with his incredible art.
Not where I was expecting this to go with how the last issue ended, but I still enjoyed it for what it was. It would have been nice to see Lois use the powers more, though, aside from flying around a bit and being able to breathe on the moon. Quitely's art continues to be fairly nice here, as well.