Batman / Superman #27

Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Vicente Cifuentes, Ardian Syaf Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 9, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 9
5.9Critic Rating
6.3User Rating

To defeat Vandal Savage and his barbarian hordes, Superman must become more and more brutal. And when he reaches the point of no return, it may be up to Red Hood to take him down. Plus, Gordon makes a shocking discovery about Savages ultimate plan!

  • 8.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Dec 11, 2015

    So I am of two minds with this issue. The whole plot is a bit inane and wrapped up too quickly, too neatly. And yet, this issue shows us a Superman who is a hero, who feels he wants to be trusted, who is a planner trying to save people. That characterization does carry the book for me. But Savage needed a portable sun to power a Nazi gunship? Really? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Tyler Saldaa Dec 9, 2015

    I still find the art to be a little rough. There wasnt as many oddly-drawn characters as last issue. I still do think theyre drawing Batgirl a lot bigger than she is in any other book which is fine. However, it can just look weird. Also, I enjoyed how some of the flashback panels captured previous generations art styles. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComiConverse - Kyle King Dec 10, 2015

    Greg Pak had a lot to do in this issue, but the theme came through, restoring trust for the characters and readers alike. Read Full Review

  • 5.7
    IGN - Levi Hunt Dec 10, 2015

    Ultimately, the story winds up as a bit of a jumbled and rushed mess paired with some muddy action art, but there's just enough there to remind you of what a strong voice Pak gave to this duo. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Batman-News - Jay Yaws Dec 22, 2015

    What's good is really good, but what isn't really drags it down. As an exploration of Bruce and Clark's relationship it works very well, but the actual bulk of the story just feels silly and empty. The attempt to redeem Gordon and Clark's respect for each other was a valiant effort and could have yielded some good storytelling possibilities, but it's undone by the pointless inclusion of Batman's allies, a silly villainous plot, bad characterization, and just okay artwork. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Dec 11, 2015

    I understand what Greg Pak is doing here, but I question the timing.  Instead of pushing the current Superman story that we've been forced into forward, Pak uses this issue to get Jim Gordon and Clark Kent on the same page when it comes to their part in being the new version of the World's Finest. While I'm sure that those who want the old Superman back will like this book more than me, I want to finish this current story in a decent fashion before moving along to the inevitable return that we all want.  All that aside, this issue is a story telling mess with art that doesn't do it any favors so I'm sure you can figure out that I can't recommend this issue. Read Full Review

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