Well THAT could have gone better. Superboy and Robin have been defeated at the hands of Vandal Savage and Felix Faust, and it seems as though all hope is lost. Welp, guess it’s time to pack it up folks – everybody! Book’s closed, we can all go home now! Looks like I’ll just clock out and—wait a tick…who’s that there to save the day? It’s Rora! And a couple of nasty looking trolls who clearly did NOT care much for being used as doorstops last chapter! All right Super Sons – time to get back to the future! Great Scott!
Challenge of the Super Sons has just been so good from the start that I'm really going to be unhappy that it's coming to a close in two more issues. There needs to be more of this without relying on big interconnected storytelling of the mainline books. This issue wraps up most of the events of the past and gets us moving forward again and I really like the dynamic that we get between everyone. I'm also really enjoying Stanley's artwork even if some might call it too cartoonish as it fits everything that's going on and it delivers a really good look for everyone involved. This is a thoroughly fun and enjoyable series that's easy to recommend to one and all. Read Full Review
Perfect for young readers but still entertaining for adults, Challenge of the Super Sons kicks off with snappy comments and fun moments, giving fans another story to add to their collection. I'm happy to once again be reading a story centering around Robin and Superboy and I'm ready to sit down, buckle up, and enjoy the ride! Read Full Review