DCeased: Hope At World's End #6

Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Renato Guedes Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 29, 2020 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 17
7.8Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Black Adam and his Anti-Life army have arrived at Jotunhueim and a fierce struggle for survival begins! Can the impenetrable fortress hold out until help arrives? Will anyone survive this first battle of the Anti-Life War?!

  • 8.5
    Beyond The Panel - Jideobi Odunze Jul 29, 2020

    Overall, before you call it a war, remember what kind of story this is first. It was great to get back into this story with DCeased: Hope at World's End #6. For the focus on Wink, The Aerie, and all the madness inbetween. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 4, 2020

    Even when I don't have a strong connection to the characters that are operating there's a lot to enjoy. The larger-scale movements of what's going on are a lot of fun to watch unfold and seeing a good attempt at taking down Black Adam is always going to be a delight. Taylor keeps things moving well and brings Wonder Woman in with the right kind of dramatic effect. Guede is solid with the artwork here and I really like the details to some of the characters such as Aerie. It's not a big issue with a lot going on but it ramps up the tension nicely. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jul 31, 2020

    DCeased: Hope at World's End #6 isn't bad in any way. It's a middle chapter so not a place to start and not an issue you can pick up and dive in to. It has its roller coaster of a ride moments and leaves us awaiting the next chapter to see what happens next. As part of the larger picture, it does its job well but this isn't a chapter that really stands on its own. As part of the series its a nice chapter and for those who have been reading, you should enjoy it. For those new to the series, there's other places to start. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Aug 2, 2020

    DCeased: Hope At World's End Chapter 6 continues the trend of excellence that this entire franchise has been known for. Tom Taylor expertly makes you care for every character that appears in this issue. In the process he is able to elevate new characters in Wink, who steps up in a major way throughout this issue. The appearance of Anti-Living Black Adam at the end of this issue provides a strong hook that gets you to question what will happen next. Read Full Review

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