How do you announce winter is coming to an end? You spring it on them! Welcome the springtime with a celebration of DC’s greenest and greatest. As the flowers bloom, breathe in that Swamp Thing smell. Watch the Blue Beetles fly out from Titans West. Pick a Captain Carrot or two from Floronic Man’s garden, but make sure to avoid the Poison Ivy. The season may go by in a Flash, but don’t worry-stories like these last forever. Oh, and Wonder Woman will be there, too!
These seasonal anthologies usually follow the same pattern: one or two standout stories, one or two clunkers, and the rest somewhere in-between those extremes. DC's Legion of Bloom breaks that mold. The Titans West, Flash and Swamp Thing, Captain Carrot, and Superman stories all stand out as something special. The other half of the stories are still quite enjoyable. There's not a clunker or even a mediocre story in the collection, so this may be the best seasonal anthology from DC yet. Read Full Review
Overall, not every story in this issue fits, but I do think this book as a higher hit record than the last few anthologies with a few truly exceptional ones. Read Full Review
DC's Legion of Bloom #1 is a nice way to celebrate the coming of spring. We've made it this far, things are starting to warm up, and even our favorite heroes have tough days, but there's always tomorrow. DC's Legion of Bloom reminds us where flowers bloom, so does hope. Read Full Review
A fun exploration of all the greenest and greatest plant-based characters in the DCU. The publisher once again proves it knows how to put together a blockbuster anthology, this time celebrating all things spring. Read Full Review
Seasonal one-shots with DC can be rather hit-or-miss. Legion of Bloom is a particularly nice embrace of a new season. It feels a bit like a feverishly packed spring break from the big crossover with the Lazarus Planet and the emerging Dawn of DC shake-ups that seem to be coming down the line in the months to come. Its a nice little break with a whole bunch of stories before things get serious again this coming summer and beyond. Read Full Review
Beyond two standouts, DCs Legion of Bloom #1 has stories that never manage to truly shine, but none of them are bad either. With fan favorites like Poison Ivy, Wonder Woman, and Blue Beetle getting into various styles of adventure, the rest of the book provides a good amount of variety through its stories, art, and lettering, even if none of them ever truly stand out. Read Full Review
It's fun to see characters like Hawk, Dove, Blue Beetle, Swamp Thing, and Poison Ivy given the spotlight, and fans may even get to see some of these creators on more titles down the road. Read Full Review
Most of the stories were not extraordinary. But these are new writers (for most of them, I think), in full progress. And the Superman story, “We Just Have to Make it to Spring.”, had a profound effect on me. And even though I'm not the biggest Superman fan, Because it's one of the most complicated superheroes to write correctly, when an author understands the character, it always makes for particularly touching, interesting and strong stories. For that one (and one or two other stories) it deserves a high rating.
Some of these stories were cool. Like, Growing Pains, and The Peculiar Pieces of Pierre O'Neil. I liked Babies' Day Out as well. The rest were a mix of perfectly fine stories, but not ones I'd recommend reading.