Green Lantern Corps #18

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Jamal Igle, Patrick Gleason Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 28, 2007 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 13
6.5Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

Sinestro Corps War Part 10: Hammer to Fall
The fires burn, the dead are many, and the Green Lantern Corps rises from the ashes to rebuild and continue their mission to protect the universe as the Guardians' recent decision in the midst of the Sinestro Corps War reverberates within the ranks and alters the Corps forever!

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Nov 29, 2007

    The review might read a little negative, but this is really another great addition to the Sinestro Corps War and the only thing I'm worried about is the final part in next month's Green Lantern #25. That issue already looks like it will be jam packed trying to wrap up all the loose ends and, with Prime still undefeated or seriously injured at the end of this issue, it looks like they've left another huge plot point to be wrapped up in GL #25. I'm just worried it's going to be a rushed ending that spoils an otherwise perfect story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Nov 28, 2007

    The few segments of this issue that aren't taken up by the Sodam/Prime brawl are spent on a flashback to Sodam Yat's youth and origin story, and these segments are by far the best parts of the issue. I have no idea whether or not Sodam Yat's origin story has already been told (I only started reading GL Corps once this event started), but I thoroughly enjoyed learning how this Daxamite came to join the Green Lantern Corps, and I specifically enjoyed seeing how this character is essentially Mon-El with a power ring. Still, my enjoyment of the flashback portions of this issue doesn't change the fact that they'd probably fit better outside the confines of the Sinestro Corps War story, which again, tells me this issue was slapped together to buy time for the finale. In the end, my heart still raced and my eyes still widened while I followed the action, but I wasn't nearly as thrilled as I was by every previous installment of this fantastic story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Comic Addiction - Corwin C. Crowl Nov 5, 2007

    Peter Tomasi jumps on this issue as the new writer while leaving his editor position over at Green Lantern. He balances the flashback and current day sequences especially well keeping you hooked until the end of the issue. This issue is also the pay off to last issue’s set up but its importance is still yet to be seen. There is no story progress with Sinestro or any views of what is going on around the world. While totally enjoyable it lacks a certain connection to previous events. Of course I could be wrong, maybe Prime or Ion will play a vital role in winning the war. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Nov 30, 2007

    While the story at the heart of this issue is strong and the action is decent, there are just two many things happening overall that hinder this issue. Theres some good artwork and a decent origin story of Sodom Yat, but there is something missing in the grander scheme of things. Not to mention that whole Countdown thing. The final chapter of this series will have the ultimate good vs. evil battle, Sinestro vs. Hal Jordan and the fanboy in me cant wait. Based on solicitations, we know how its going to end, but its rare to see two arch-enemies duke it out this day and age. Not to mention, Sinestro will finally be in action since this madness started. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Dec 3, 2007

    Green Lantern Corps #18 was a solid issue that was really hampered by DC's continued bungling of the events over on Countdown. And that is a real shame. This issue would have been such a more emotional read had the reader not already known the outcome of this battle. Having said that, this issue still treats the reader to one awesome battle between two powerhouse characters. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Murman Dec 6, 2007

    This issue was predictable from start to finish, maybe even a touch clich, but I blame the direction of the crossover for that. Taken on the merits that this was a battle between two very super-powered individuals for an entire book (with some flashback scenes to add flavor) and dizzying art effect to add to the fray, this book wasnt half bad. Dont be asking for a higher rating, though. My principles wont allow a "Sinestro Corps" book to be much higher than this. Read Full Review

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