Infinite Crisis #3

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Andy Lanning, George Perez, Phil Jimenez Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 21, 2005 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 15
7.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

War is brought home as Wonder Woman leads the Amazons in a struggle to maintain their control of Paradise Island in the face of a full-on OMAC onslaught--just as the Spectre turns his vengeful eye toward Atlantis! As the DCU is plunged into chaos, Batman is offered one last chance at the life he's always wanted...but at what price?

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Bailey Jan 16, 2006

    In The End: The series keeps getting better and better. Geoff Johns has given us a fantastic story that keeps upping the ante as far as what will happen next. Phil Jimenez and crew keep delivering solid art that can keep the reader busy for hours staring at all of the little bits of business they throw into the background. This series is the best thing to happen to DC in well over a decade, and I have a good feeling that the ending will be a real kick in the teeth. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Dec 30, 2005

    Otherwise, this is shaping up to be a fine series. We get some solid character dialogue, major emotional moments, and some good old-fashioned nostalgia, (Anti-Monitor)! And when has Phil Jimenez ever done a bad job at art? Well worth the $4. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - John Hays Dec 30, 2005

    Overall, I like the twists and turns, but I really hope things start to come together before everythings all said and done. We have been teased that one single entity is responsible for all of the things occurring, and I dont want that to be forgotten. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks Dec 30, 2005

    Fun comic. I liked it. Now go read the other 326 reviews out there on the 'net. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Dec 30, 2005

    Jiminez is doing a great job of unearthing the emotional elements in this tale where he can find them, but these brief glimpses dont quite a story make. With all these goings on, there should be some sense of going somewhere, and some answers as to why. Is it all just the Luthors vying for control, or is it something more? Compared to these stunningly beautiful patchworks, Power Girls recent JSA: Classified origin tale was crystal clear. And believe me, it wasnt. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Dec 30, 2005

    All in all, I have to say Johns is the wrong person for this job. I know he has his fans, and that DC is especially fond of him but his style does not fit for this kind of story. His strength is in solid, if bland, character work, not epic universe-shattering plot-driven stories, and it shows in the erratic and confused storytelling. When DC have Grant Morrison working for them, someone who thrives on this kind of story, assigning Johns to something like this is a baffling decision, and it becomes increasingly so with each issue of this weak and shambling miniseries. The DC Zombies (does DC have zombies? Revenants? Ghouls?) will love it of course, and its better than both House of M and The Other, but a story event like this needs to be the best it can be, not just better than the competition, and this is a long way from that. Read Full Review

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