Infinite Crisis #7
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Infinite Crisis #7

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Joe Bennett, Phil Jimenez, George Perez, Ivan Reis Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 3, 2006 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 15
6.0Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

The final chapter in the universe-changing event by writer Geoff Johns! Heroes live, heroes die, and all-out war rocks the entirety of the DC Universe. It's the final stand of the heroes of the universe against Superboy Prime and Alexander Luthor!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Bailey May 7, 2006

    Or it could all tank and everything could change again five years from now. Either way, this was still an amazing series and worthy of being a sequel to the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin T. Brown May 7, 2006

    One countdown, one day of vengeance, one interstellar war, one satellite run amok, many villains united into one society, and one crisis of infinite proportions. The end result is this issue. An issue that from page one to page thirty-six is filled with nearly everything imaginable. To just call it non-stop action would be a disservice. When last issue ended, I was left wondering how Geoff Johns was going to tie up nearly everything in one final issue. When it was announced there were to be six extra pages of story added to the issue, I figured that would be just enough. Boy, was I wrong. The unfortunate thing is that its only 36 pages. What we have here is a 64-page story stuffed into 36. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn May 3, 2006

    I was not thrilled with Bart returning as the Flash instead of Barry or Wally. I have never found Bart to be interesting. As far as the new Flash is concerned, I have no problems with Jay being the new Flash. However, DC has already said that the first Flash is not going to be the regular new Flash. So that brings us back to Bart as our new Flash. Uggggh. No thanks. Plus, I don't like the de-powered Flash. They did this when Wally took over for Barry after the first Crisis. Wally could only run at the speed of sound. Now, Jay can only run at the speed of sound. Snore. Boring. I like my Flashes fast. I mean really fast. Vibrating through walls. Throwing a Rubick's cube into the air, running across town, read some files, running back and catching the Rubick's cube in his hand fast! Speed of sound is horridly boring. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Aronson May 7, 2006

    But credit where credit is due: DC has managed to keep me entertained up to this point, and now that this exercise in excess is out of the way, let s hope Infinite Crisis was just a bridge to better stories. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate May 5, 2006

    Well, congratulate yourself, DC. You've finally done it. You've worn out every shred of optimism I had for your future. I'm now officially as detached from the DCU as I am Marvel. No offense to Marvel. I just never had the kind of affinity I had with the DC heroes. Read Full Review

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