Poison Ivy #12

Writer: G. Willow Wilson Artist: Marcio Takara Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 3, 2023 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 15
8.4Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

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Ivy and Janet's celebrity wellness excursion comes to a horrifically tantalizing close as Pamela Isley faces the unintended fruits of her murderous road trip. Will she make it back home to Harley in one piece or is Ivy going to be added to Glop's body count?

  • 10
    COMICON - Scott Redmond May 4, 2023

    A few loose ends and a rampaging lamia spore won't keep Poison Ivy from the love of her life, as ‘Poison Ivy' #12 brings the first year of this amazing series to a close and sets it up for what's coming next. Defying all odds, this former mini-series turned limited series turned ongoing brings its A-game with every single issue tapping into some amazing character, story, and visual energy. Now's the time to hop on board if you haven't already. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    The Comicbook Dispatch - tcreadscomics May 2, 2023

    POISON IVY #12 wraps up the series second arc on a very strong note. Wilson successfully ties it into the first arc. By doing so, she lays the foundation for what could be a series where characters actions truly matter and will impact stories down the road. A new arc begins in the next issue, and its worth checking out by anyone who hasnt yet sampled the series. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff May 9, 2023

    An issue like #12 was bound to happen eventually. Wilson and company need to balance out the moody supernatural horror with the occasional moment of action intensity that blows over into deeply reflective inner emotional drama. The story was building to this sort of climax over the course of the past eleven issues. Its nice to see it play out in a suitably dramatic burst. Itll be interesting to see where Wilson and company take the story from here. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    Comic Watch - Lillian Hochwender May 2, 2023

    Issue after issue, Poison Ivy continues to be a near perfect marriage of style and substance. Poison Ivy #12 is no exception. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield May 2, 2023

    It feels like commentary in search of a story, but the overall concept of the series is strong. I'm hoping the addition of Harley to the title will help it get back the momentum of the first arc. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Fay Clark May 5, 2023

    I'm so happy that this comic's getting a longer run now. I couldn't imagine having to stop at this issue and say goodbye to the Ivy of today. Wilson's made me fall in love with this character all over again and this is definitely going to be the revival of Pamela Isley and her poisonous ways. I can't wait to see what we get from her in the future, will be here for ride and probably love every second of it. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Batman-News - Theresa Campagna May 2, 2023

    The Poison Ivy ongoing series is far from perfect. Wilson has some great concepts and a good voice for Ivy, but I want to see the execution of this series improve as it continues. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicBook.com - Nicole Drum May 3, 2023

    I really like Poison Ivy as a series and while this issue is a good one with its further explored idea of Ivy developing a conscience and doing better to make some sort of amends for her previous actions, it's also obvious that this is where the series was intended to end before it was extended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Psycamorean May 8, 2023

    Anyone else slightly put off by the anti-vax allegory? I still really enjoyed the issue but the allegory is a bit muddled. Poison Ivy has caused a deadly fungus pandemic and has created an antidote for it, and one of the people she's treating decides she doesn't want chemicals in her body. Poison Ivy, being a victim of scientific experimentation, totally gets that and lets this infectious woman leave and probably spread the fungus to a bunch more people. And the allegory is pretty obvious, she's anti-vax. But the woman is an affluent white woman who doesn't understand science, and therefore is anti-medicine, which makes total sense for the group Ivy is in.

    But why are we giving that crowd the empathy? If she was from a group of p more

  • 8.5
    Screaming Enigma Jul 9, 2023

    This was an enjoyable issue overall, but, as another user pointed out in their review, the anti-vax allegory in this issue is kinda weird. I understand that the woman who denied being cured was supposed to represent those who are anti-vax, but I just feel like it wasn't executed in the best way. You can read Psycamorean's review (the user I mentioned) for a more in-depth analysis of that, as I agree with pretty much everything they said. Either way, this issue was still a good read and I'm excited that Ivy and Harley are finally back together in Gotham. I'm sure Ivy's little fling of sorts with Janet is going to come up sooner or later, but I hope there's a good resolution to it and that it doesn't ruin Ivy and Harley's relationship. If you more

  • 9.5
    Daki14 May 18, 2023

  • 9.0
    Jawsh May 17, 2023

  • 8.5
    KittyNone May 8, 2023

  • 8.5
    Luxe May 7, 2023

  • 8.5
    DaddyChar May 3, 2023

  • 8.0
    Joresti May 10, 2023

  • 8.0
    Rader May 6, 2023

  • 8.0
    Vertigo Girl May 2, 2023

  • 7.5
    Hailey Aug 27, 2023

  • 7.5
    cincyfan May 8, 2023

  • 7.0
    ZONS9 May 8, 2023

  • 7.0
    Watchtower022 May 7, 2023

  • 6.5
    Williamflipper Nov 7, 2024

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