Superman #6

Writer: George Perez Artist: Nicola Scott Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 22, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 8
6.1Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

Recently, an onslaught of creatures has targeted Superman, nearly destroying Metropolis in the process. And now...Superman is helping them finish the job?! Guest-starring Supergirl!

  • 8.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Feb 27, 2012

    Dan Jurgens and Keith Giffen take over the writing duties next month as the ending of this issue opens the door to some interesting possibilities. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Feb 27, 2012

    And while the last few pages sort-of just fizzle out with lengthy explanations, at least there's a Superman vs. Superman brawl to pad it out. The real value in this first Supermanarc is the lead-up to the Summoning arc that's been referred to in Stormwatch. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Poet Mase Feb 22, 2012

    I haven't loved this series so far, but I absolutely have to show respect for George Perez. It's one of the hardest things in the world to give your all creating something for others to enjoy as much as you do only to see them react unfavorably. By gracefully excusing himself from his post as writer of Superman in order to focus on his artistic pursuits Perez has not accepted failure in his latest venture. Rather, Perez has proven once again his deep love for comic books, their characters, and their fans. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Feb 24, 2012

    Heather is glad that Clark is visiting but understands that he doesn't love her. And a Lois/Clark relationship is strongly hinted at in the end. In a short time, we have gone a long way away from a naked guy in Lois' apartment in issue one. But, much like with the 'distrust' plotline, why open up the can of worms of Lois dating someone else and someone being interested in Clark, only to semi-shut the door on it. I actually was hoping to see more of Heather and Clark. But this issue felt like Perez was cleaning the deck for the incoming Giffen/Jurgens team. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Feb 23, 2012

    The reference to a future issue of "Supergirl" and resultant time-box has me earmarking this tale for a re-read in the near future. George Prez's "Superman" story may not be the greatest of a generation but it was a solid, entertaining read. Now that the character, cast, and continuity has been established around Kal-El, I'd like to see Prez come back for another tale or two. However, Keith Giffen and Dan Jurgens will be co-writing this book in the immediate future. I'm interested to see how their take varies but I'm rather hesitant as the art may not have that masterful touch. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Feb 24, 2012

    After six months, it would seem that DC doesn't really know who Superman is yet. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Mar 3, 2012

    While the script failed to fulfill the promise of earlier issues, the artwork is effective and impressive in its meticulous level of detail. Nicola Scott (and regular series artist Jesus Merino, who was responsible for some previous issues) is clearly taking cues from Perez, either directly or as an inspiration. Scott does an excellent job of instilling a harsh quality into the face of the Angry, Fake Superman and a softer, more human look for the genuine article while still presenting them as being identical in appearance. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    cxPulp - Walt Kneeland Feb 25, 2012

    This issue seems to be for those already following the title and moreso, the entire Super-corner of the new DCU. This is no jumping-on point (maybe the next issue will be as it begins a "new arc"), and if you liked whatever Superman's been up to since Superman #5 you might care to follow him (or Supergirl) into this issue to see how things turn out. Read Full Review

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