Superman #7

Writer: Keith Giffen Artist: Dan Jurgens Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 28, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 8
7.1Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

The start of an insanely epic arc from the new writing team of Keith Giffen and Dan Jurgens! New love interests, new roommates, and a new foe: the wicked Helspont! What does this monster want with Superman, and how does it all connect to the Daemonites?

  • 9.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Mar 30, 2012

    I wasn't too pleased with the previous six issues of Superman written by George Perez. The art was great, but the story was ho-hum, and the ultimate ending anti-climatic. This is the first issue since the DC 52 redo that's lived up to the reboot promise for the man of steel in his own book. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Keith Callbeck Mar 29, 2012

    My Superman doesn't say "what can you do?" My Superman says, "Stay behind me. I havethis!", and now he's back. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Apr 2, 2012

    The artwork was amazing and had that epic vibe you want out of an epic hero. Everything from the story to the page layouts were executed to perfection and for the first time in seven months, I'm excited to read a Superman book again. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Mar 31, 2012

    The new creative team of Keith Griffin, Dan Jurgens and Jesus Marino is fantastic. The artwork is solid, with some jagged edges that convey Helspont's authoritative presence, and the writing is still as solid as George Perez's work on the first six issues. The end of the issue sets up next month's the main event: Superman Vs. Helspont. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Mar 30, 2012

    Now I have some reservations about the Daemonite plot, especially if Superman gets controlled and acts the part of the bad guy next issue. I wish there was some background to Helspont provided as that might make this an easier arc to grab me from the beginning. Jesus Merino continues to provide great finished art here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Mar 28, 2012

    I've been sadly losing interest in this Superman title more and more each month. Finally it appears that the sun is coming out. Things are looking up for this series. With the intention of a new direction (or at least new story arc), there aren't huge drastic changes but you can feel that an effort is being made to up the ante for this book. That feeling is much appreciated and having Helspont around the corner is enough to get me excited for future issues (I cannot wait to see what he has planned for the DC Universe). This is starting to feel like the Superman comic I've been waiting for. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    A Comic Book Blog - T. A. Ewart Apr 4, 2012

    The story read like one from the 1990s, which is appropriate, as Perez's read like one from the 1980s. The problem, for me, is that it feels like things have happened before this issue that I have no knowledge of, when I haven't missed a single issue. At the end of it all, I feel like DC is trying to convince me that Superman is no longer relevant. It's working. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 28, 2012

    That aside, this issue is a pleasing return to form for DC's signature hero. Yes, the book is safe in a lot of ways. The new creators don't attempt to push any boundaries yet. But a solid, competent, more traditional Superman book is exactly what the franchise needs right now, and Giffen and company deliver that. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Mar 29, 2012

    Overall, there are several little touches throughout "Superman" #7 that made me feel like this creative team was moving in the right direction. The Daily Planet scene, for example, was great, but it goes beyond that. Even something as simple as there being a monorail station in Metropolis made me smile; it's just the right sort of moment where you'd nod and say to yourself that yes, Metropolis would have a monorail. My biggest regret with "Superman" #7 was that this wasn't "Superman" #1. Finally, one of DC's most important flagship titles feels back on track. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Examiner - Michael Seigler Mar 28, 2012

    This is a little more straight-laced, down-to-business, 'I'm-writing-Superman-now-so-I-have-to-act-professional' Giffen, which is not at all a bad thing - its a side of him that desperately needs to be shown after the commercially disastrous, criminally underappreciated OMAC. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Brian Bannen Apr 2, 2012

    That said, I enjoyed this comic more than the previous Superman issues. Jurgens has the history with the character needed to help sell his persona, and through working with Giffen, Jurgens has helped produce an engaging story that showcases the many different facets of Kal-El, Clark Kent and Superman. By being aware of Clark's life outside of being a superhero, Giffen and Jurgens have added another layer to this story, one that makes for interesting conflicts, and one which makes me, as a reader, excited to see how the story is finished. I was a bit disappointed after he first arc, but now I'm more confident. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Multiversity Comics - Chad Bowers Mar 30, 2012

    I'm tired of the Man of Tomorrow feeling like yesterday's superhero. Step up, DC. You're the only ones who can make this book better. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Mar 31, 2012

    Tapping Dan Jurgens to work on this title as part of its new creative team makes some sense from an editorial standpoint. After all, Jurgens helmed some of the most popular and visible Superman comics in history: name the Death of Superman and related stories. Unfortunately, Jesus Merino's finishes over his pencils are overwhelming. Jurgens' art doesn't really look all that much like his art, whereas Merino's rougher style comes shining through. I was also surprised DC left the Helspont designed untouched. It's a typical early-1990s villain design, meant to look Kewl but failing to actually be cool. Why DC continues to mine the wreckage of the industry of the '90s is puzzling, given the fact the New 52 titles incorporating such elements the most are among its poorest sellers. Read Full Review

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