With the assistance of advanced technology from an unnamed planet, Superman begins his voyage home-only to discover that, even at fantastic rates of speed, Earth could still be several lifetimes away. However, hope arrives in the form of a familiar species allowing Superman to hitch a ride with them, but they encounter a grave threat to their existence on a mysterious planet along the way.
It's one of the most intriguing Superman stories in a long time, finding trauma in Superman experiencing something that only he could possibly survive. Read Full Review
Pagulayan delivers some great art in the issue. The visual spectrum of the universe is both beautifully mysterious while also emphasizing the loneliness of its vastness. Read Full Review
Superman's biggest problem in this issue is...being Superman! Priest, Carlo Pagulayan and company take being Superman to a level of helping and punishment that drives Superman on such an emotional journey for our entertainment. Get ready to see how lonely and cold the universe can be. Read Full Review
This continues to be a very fun and intriguing read even when it's not filled page to page with non-stop action. Read Full Review
It's a unique problem that challenges the iconic superhero in new and surprising ways, and Superman: Lost #3 lays out the daunting journey ahead alongside its potential consequences quite well. Read Full Review
Superman: Lost #3 is a weirdly beautiful and alien book with fantastic art, but Priest sets up a story that never goes anywhere or finishes. It's as if the creative team said, "Let's make it pretty, and we'll worry about telling a story later." At a $4.99 price point, with no backup, "telling a story later" isn't good enough. Read Full Review
I didn't hate this issue. I didn't love this issue. I didn't like this issue. It simply was. And apathy about an issue isn't a good thing. The art and the Sand Superman raised things a bit. But my confusion around the planet and its purpose and perhaps just a dash too much science talk brought it down. And I can't help but think of how excited I was after the first issue and keep hoping we get back to that feeling. Read Full Review
The most interesting in-continuity Superman comic I've read in years!
This is a definite improvement over the last two issues. Keep this up and I might actually turn around on this one.
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