How could we possibly top the shocking final page of THE SILENCER #12? Buckle up and find out! The Leviathan War ends, and a winner rises-but what does that mean for the Silencer? At long last, learn the secrets behind the Silencer's powers, her rise as Talia's right hand and how she became the woman known as Honor Guest...
The "Baker's Dozen" issue does the trick. It literally is a catch up issue to provide an origin story to the Silencer and how she came to be under Talia Al Ghul's tutoring. And it goes with the current "wiping the slate" clean within some of the Batman storylines (cue Ric Grayson's current storyline in Nightwing. However, the Lazarus Pits are always the perfect "control, alt, delete" within Talia and Ra's' world so they can erase any mistakes and have things their way. With the current state of the Silencer, you have to stay tuned to see how she can escape Talia's clutches and how her husband and son will fare. And you have to keep seeing how Talia is drawn as she is once again illustrated beautifully! Read Full Review
V Ken Marion's art is amazing and beautiful both in its style and details. Everything works from the detailed backgrounds to the well-defined and beautifully detailed characters. Read Full Review
But now I want more of The Silencer's early days with Talia. Not right away, but somewhere along the line, this character may warrant a more in-depth origin story. For now, we'll have to settle for the mess she's into thanks to her old friend. Read Full Review
SILENCER #13 dives deep into the Silencer's past. An awesome character-focused comic. Although some of the visuals are subpar, the plot twists and secrets revealed in this issue are too good to pass up. Read Full Review
The Silencer is entering its second year of stories as one of only two books not yet canceled from its line, and it's doing so by completely upending its concept. Read Full Review
We don't get much in this issue! Flashbacks are peppered throughout and I didn't find them interesting or engaging compared to the flow of the modern-day storyline, which I really wanted to see move along. I'm still on board with this book since I like all the characters, so I have hope it'll pick up next month. Read Full Review
The issue isn't necessarily of poor quality, other than offering audiences very little in the realm of the assassination action, and it may well satiate devout fans of the character. Read Full Review