Back to the Future #1
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Back to the Future #1

Writer: Bob Gale Artist: Dan Schoening, Brent Schoonover Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: October 21, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 23 User Reviews: 5
7.5Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

"Untold Tales and Alternate Timelines," Part 1: Back to the Future creator/screenwriter Bob Gale returns with all-new tales from the twisting and turning timeline that made Back to the Future a, well... timeless pop-culture phenomenon! Take a trip back to 1985 and be there when Doc Brown and Marty McFly first meet, and then jump even farther back, to 1945, to witness Doc's involvement in the super-secret Manhattan Project!

  • 10
    Graphic Policy - pharoahmiles Oct 21, 2015

    Altogether, this serves as an excellent expansion to the mythology surrounding the movies and definitely serves as closure for diehard fans like myself. Bob Gale, Erik Burnham and John Barber, sidesteps the pitfalls that would mar movie tie-ins and capture the essence of the movies, as it does not hurt that Bob Gale was the original screenwriter for all three movies. The art by Dan Schoening and Brent Schoonover capture this timeless phenomenon in all the perfect colors as they richly capture every detail in the right amount of light. Overall, this a comic full of possibilities, and in reading it, I can hear Doc Brown say where we are going, we dont need no roads!! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Oct 21, 2015

    Overall though, Back to the Future #1 is a love letter to fans of the series. It has all of the charm, wit, and heart of the original trilogy while fleshing out lots of cool details that fans would love to see. If youve ever enjoyed the film series or been affected by it in anyway, then you need to check out this series. Its the perfect way to travel back to the story of the original trilogy and feels like revisiting some old friends who havent changed a bit. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Danny Wall Oct 24, 2015

    This is more than just a re-hash of familiar BTTF scenes. There's a real attempt here to build into the world and expand the universe, as it were. I'm happy to see a bit of a road not taken here, as it's natural to want to just pick up with the series in a kind of Part 4, much in the same way the animated series spin-off did. Instead, we round out some of the story points in straightforward way. I'm not sure if that's both a strength and a weakness, though, as the revelations are new but the story beats and frameworks aren't. With familiar characterization and spot-on voices, though, not to mention the original screenwriter involved, it's quite a nice adaptation and sure to fit any fan's expectations. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 21, 2015

    This new series may not be the full-fledged sequel some Back to the Future fans were hoping for, but it certainly does the trick as far as capturing the look and feel of the original trilogy and telling fun new stories set in that universe. The first story in particular shows how much potential there is in exploring the back-story of these characters and fleshing out the key relationships in the films. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Capeless Crusader - Kevin Dempsey Nov 2, 2015

    Back to the Future #1 is an incredibly fun blast to the past that recaptures the magic of the beloved movies and the characters. While the two stories are not perfect by any means, they both deliver some interesting bits that will make you want to pick up the next book in the series. I would definitely recommend this as a must read for any fan of the franchise. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Derek Baker Oct 20, 2015

    We have really lucked out. This is a trulygreat comic. Back To The Future is a sacred franchise and IDW has gone out of its way to make sure this is done right. Heres to many more stories with Marty and Doc. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopOptiq - Austin Gorton Oct 21, 2015

    According to a text piece in the back of the issue by Bob Gale, the series has an initial order of four issues from IDW – whether more follow depends on sales, of course, and it remains to be seen just how many worthwhile stories there are to tell, even given the series' expansive approach to it settings. But those are concerns for the future. While there's certainly nothing in this issue that is required reading or radically changes the text of the films, fans of the series will nevertheless be entertained, and there's definitely potential in the idea of an anthology series featuring a variety of different creators set all across the Back to the Future universe. This first issue meets that potential. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Oct 20, 2015

    This comic book definitely does the long-lasting franchise justice. I can’t wait to see all the characters come into play; this is sure to be an amazing series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Pop Break - Logan J. Fowler Oct 21, 2015

    For those expecting more time travel/a DeLorean, look elsewhere. This issue is setup, pure and simple. If you are true fan of Back to the Future and want to know the backstory behind its heroes, look no further. Otherwise, disappointment is bound to set in. In any case, Back to the Future # 1 is a fun, entertaining read and should delight those who love anything having to do with the film trilogy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Oct 21, 2015

    The original Back to the Future screenwriter, Bob Gale, teams up with scripters John Barber and Erik Burnham as well as artists Brent Schoonover and Dan Schoening to tell two prequel stories to the legendary series, and fans of the original series will likely love what they deliver. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Oct 22, 2015

    Overall, the new Back to the Future series is a good one that allows fan to have more stories. It's not a sequel, but it sure adds a lot to the franchise's overall mythos. The second story might not be as strong as the first one, but I'm still intrigued enough to see what's going to happen next. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Apr 11, 2016

    While this comic wasn't perfect, it did capture a bit of that old Back to the Future magic that I love so much.  The second story dealing with a young Doc Brown and the Manhattan Project was my favorite here, but the first one showing Doc and Marty's first meeting was good and easily would have fit into the animated universe.  This mini is a celebration of everything Back to the Future and it's off to a good start. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    BGCP - Swing Kinker Nov 19, 2015

    If things continue as strongly as they have started then we are in for a hell of a good series. The franchise is in very good hands. Read Full Review

  • 7.5 - John McCubbin Oct 21, 2015

    Back to the Future #1 wasn't the perfect start to celebrate the franchise's 30th Anniversary, but that doesn't stop it from being a must have for fans of the beloved property. Giving us two fun stories that are thoroughly entertaining, the creative team certainly capture the tone of these characters, even if the pacing is off at times. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Comicsverse - Brian Delpozo Oct 23, 2015

    Overall, I would recommend BACK TO THE FUTURE #1 to die hard fans of the franchise, who should be able to look past the deficiencies in the art and enjoy the canon-friendly stories it tells. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Oct 21, 2015

    "Back to the Future" #1 is a fun romp, although not quite as much fun as a trip in a time-traveling DeLorean. Gale delivers a mostly faithful tribute to the franchise he co-created, one that's both worthy of purchase and far less dangerous to the fabric of the space-time continuum. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Sergio Pereira Oct 25, 2015

    Back to the Future #1 is a mixed bag of flavour. There are good parts to it, but nothing that really stands out as spectacular just yet. Lets see where the future stories lead. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Infinite Comix - Daniel Gehen Oct 25, 2015

    While the story itself is interesting, it does not feel like a natural inclusion to the world of Back to the Future" yet. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Oct 20, 2015

    Gale reminds us in the back-matter that the danger of playing with a time travel story is that one can undo all the things that worked in the first place. Back to the Future thankfully avoids that by focusing on the specific moments we never got to see before. This first issue is a mixed bag, and the ongoing appeal is going to depend on the strength of the stories chosen for the next three issues. That said, fans will struggle to not find at least something they like in this, especially given that it is the closest we'll get to Bob Gale writing another series film - at least for now. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Bounding Into Comics - Justin Wright Oct 22, 2015

    Much like the films, Gale delivers a story that is fun for all ages in Back to the Future #1. But the antics and plot don't quite make for a fully formed narrative. It's quite likely that these stories may be fleshed out a little more over the five issue run of this miniseries. It doesn't quite hit 88 miles per hour, but lightning doesn't always strike the same clock tower, and it's just enough to get to spend time with these characters again. Hopefully we'll get some better development in the following issues. It's only a slightly rocky start, but where we're going we don't need roads. Happy reading! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Following The Nerd - Phil Robinson Oct 20, 2015

    The problem with having all of time to play around with is the possibility of a lack of focus. In the creators' defence there isn't any heresy in regards to the legacy of the films, this is just another story along the way for these characters, full of "Great Scott!" exclamations, hopefully delivering some genuine "Great Scott!" moments some time soon. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geek-O-Rama - Rick Nov 7, 2016

    All in all, an okay double-feature, if you can sit all the way through the first reel. I think the second story definitely makes up for the first. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Oct 20, 2015

    This is an okay start with the potential to be a great read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Villain Jun 29, 2016

    This Back to the Future comic really works for people who have already seen the movies. Marty McFly is not perfected in this book but Doc Brown was very well done. If you've seen the films (which would be the only way I would recommend this series) you already know and love the characters and adding more depth to their story only made me love them more.

  • 6.0
    Gizmo Oct 28, 2015

    The first story has mediocre artwork but had a fun and quirky script, even if the character motivations are stretched a bit. The second story has excellent artwork but a mediocre story. The second story will continue, so it is just a short introduction and will hopefully get more interesting. Overall, this is only for BTTF fans to read because the stories are basically backstories to the movies. Skip this if you are not obsessed with the movies because even fans of the movies may not even stick this one out.

  • 8.0
    wacashack Oct 22, 2015

  • 7.5
    beatbox1980 Nov 28, 2018

  • 6.0

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