Why are you still bothering with this series if you don't want to read a meta story on comics culture?
"MEANWHILE," Part Four
Ellie, Ryan, and the rest of the crew close in on the shadowy figure taking out comics' finest. Murder! Mayhem! Spilled Ink! Ungodly revelations! Puppies! The latest chapter has it all, as we explore the insane world beyond the dome! Oh, and then there's [REMOVED BY THE KIRKMAN ESTATE] !
Shaw delivers some amazing art on every page of this issue. I continue to love the visual contrast between human characters and comic book characters. Its a great visual cue that keeps the reader visually engaged with the story and its characters. Read Full Review
Crossover #11 continues this book's run of excellence. Cates uses himself as a mouthpiece to give readers more about the secrets of this story. It's a tantalizing glimpse that leaves the reader wanting more. Shaw's art is wonderful and is some of the best work he's done on this series. The end reveal is a big deal and bodes well for what's to come in this book. Read Full Review
The issue nicely begins with the crossover between reality and fiction and ends with a massive character reveal as the world of The Walking Dead has crashed into our narrative. This issue is a perfect encapsulation of what this book is about, massive surprises, great character work, interesting meta textual commentary and great art. This book is one we'll be rereading for decades to come, revealing more nuance each time we read it. Cates and Shaw are incredible story-tellers and have so much to say about comics and writing even while they bring in more and more toys to play with. Read Full Review
With the latest issue, I can't help to feel that they should do this every week. Just release a new issue every week, please. Keeping us in suspense for a month, especially after that final page, is nothing short of torture. If you haven't picked up Crossover yet, get your boots on go to your nearest comic shop, and get your copies. You are missing out on every geek's dream world a world with seemingly endless possibilities. Read Full Review
Crossover #11finally reveals the mystery behind its narrator and the comic creator killer while also commenting on the nature of how stories can grow and evolve. This is an issue that people will be talking about, making me even more excited for the next issue. Read Full Review
Despite the ultra-meta narrative spiraling out of control, Cates' character work is as fascinating as ever. Read Full Review
Really good issue. I love how meta everything is. And props for making *that* character something I can be excited about again after his native series ran him into the ground. I do wonder if it's actually him though, since he's not styled the way the other comic characters are. Maybe it was an art hiccup, or maybe he's not actually what we think he is. Either way, I'm down.
I can understand why everybody is divided on this comic book but I loved it. Geoff Shaw continues to bring great pencils to the book. The meta commentary is fun and self aware. Awesome ending as well! Look forward to seeing how the story escalates!
A little bit underwhelming compared to the previous ones but introducing Negan at the end somehow salvaged it.
Cates can't stop jerking himself off. Yeah we get it, you didn't broke trought until 2017, feels bad about it to this day, you love Image Comics and comics culture, and you've read SuperGods too close to your Mark Millar re-reads. A book is not ONLY made of shit you had in your head while writing y'know...