Cate and Kate learn that the only thing worse than selling your soul to the Devil is selling it to someone you thought was the Devil. Can they save a soul from being saved? Also, their Mother returns, bringing the first-ever evil along with her.
The sisters open the issue in an alley and end it swimming in darkness. Their journey continues. Boothby and Lagac have something that feels effortlessly unique here. This is a great accomplishment as the urban fantasy genre has been tread quite heavily by pop fiction in recent years. Cate and Kate are a lot of fun to hang out with for 30 pages per month. Read Full Review
Gisele Lagace's art is such a great match to this story and these characters. All of the pages perfectly complement the pace, style, humor and tone of the story Boothby is telling. Read Full Review
Exorsisters #4 continues a fantastic run, with just the right balance of tight storytelling, accessible art and good craft to support all of Boothbys dark humor and sinister portents. Read Full Review
Exorsisters #4 is really starting to move the plot forward at an exceptional pace. We still don't know everything that's going on here, and that's a good thing. Cate and Kate are dealing with something that they've never seen before"on multiple fronts. From creatures pretending to be something they're not, to complicated plots that they haven't even begun to unravel. Read Full Review
Exorsisters #4 may not have the sleekness that I thought the previous three issues had, but it remains a great story with a lot of wittiness, imagination, and originality. Despite not being as enthralled as I was at the beginning of this series, this fourth issue establishes important plot points and does so with entertaining storytelling and marvelous artwork. Read Full Review
While the book often reads like it's trying too hard, especially with Kate, the only real let down this issue is that there wasn't more of it. Read Full Review
What Exorsisters may lack in grisly substance is more than made up for in a delightful tone and its good natured brand of storytelling. Who knew than demon spawn could be so much fun? It's just one of those just go with it and enjoy type of stories. Read Full Review
The premise behind Exorsisters #4 is interesting, and I like how the story is growing into a definite arc. The little "cases" that Cate and Kate work on are often lighthearted, and they help ease our way into this decidedly weird world. I appreciate the humorous moments, especially in a story which feels pretty heavy overall. Read Full Review
Rating: 3/5 paranormal detectives (though easily a 4/5 if the humor is what you are looking for) Read Full Review
Exorsisters #4 continues to drag down a series that was supposed to be centered around mysticism in exchange for a few quick chuckles and a cute art style that cannot be considered scary by anyone. Read Full Review
Exorsisters turn weirdly this time. But not a good weird. For one the fact that the angel fall some minute ago and that the angel wearing the devil outfit at time for con the human. And that the human have time to attempt some robbery. And I find weird that a Angel can't fight against shadow figure.
I'm not fond of all the Kate mother vengeance thing.
Cover - I take the variant. Nice but not in link 1/2
Writing - I have to say this issue is a little boring. And the Angel in a devil outfit isn't that funny. 1.5/2
Arts - Always love the Archie or Amanda Connor Style. But I find the layout and pics too static. Where is all the energy I see in the first issue ? 2.5/3
Feeling - A disappointement. I will take the ne more