The world’s greatest secret agent is murdering every crooked politician and spymaster he blames for the world we’re in right now, a killing spree that takes him to presidents and prime ministers in a race against the brain tumor that’s killing him. He’s literally the world’s most wanted man, and only the person he loves most can take him down.
Roland King wastes no time getting through his list of the British establishment's worst and most wicked. And with that amount of heat, King has not gone unnoticed. A fast paced, action-fuelled second issue that gives us a further uncomfortable look into King's past and explains a lot about the current state of his relationship with the family he ignored. Read Full Review
OverallThis is a fantastic second issue, which sees the events from issue one escalate and then some. This is very much the anti-james bond book and gives us a secret agent that has suddenly grown a set and is truly looking to question the morality of the government and the systems that he has spent his life protecting. Read Full Review
Scalera delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. The visuals are both brutal and conceptually beautifully at the same time. They are wonderfully composed and thrilling throughout. Read Full Review
If you're looking for a slow burn character analysis, this isn't your book. A dope premise, summer blockbuster action and a lead character that's a force of nature are the star attractions here. King of Spies is just about everything we'll miss Daniel Craig doing as James Bond and then some. Read Full Review
King of Spies is definitely not a boring title and with King vs. King on the horizon it's only going to get wilder. Read Full Review
ACTION... PACKED! I'm loving this series. The world was quickly built in issue #1, and this issue just continues to build on the very fun and entertaining series. I'm not sure why I enjoy seeing the old guy wreck shop like this, but it's amazing. It's a mini series so there's not much time left to wrap up the loose ends, but you can already tell something is building with the flashbacks/memories that the main character is having. I can't wait to see how this ends.
And the art is action packed. You can easily see how this could be made into a movie!
This issue is still super strong, but it goes full on Millar fun-crazy mode. I do see some Nemesis-like action pieces, which are amazingly drawn by Scallera. But we still feel some weight from the characters backstories and personalities. And the over the top flashy comentaries on society are also there. Although I had questions about the physics of things, I has so fucking entertained by it, I didn't thought much else.
Pencil/Ink: Very Good
Writing: Great
Story: Very Good
Layout: Good
Color: Good
Lettering: Good
I am not really a fan of Mark Millar, but I got to say that this series is off to an extremely strong start right now and I'm super invested. Image comics is my favorite comic book company, and it clearly shows.
Liked this a little better than the first. Seems like it's just going to a be a fun action movie type story.