The smash-hit ongoing series returns with a bold new direction, as Erin, Mac, and Tiffany find themselves launched from 1988 to a distant and terrifying future.
So many looses ends have surfaced in the span of 6 issues, but I know it's all going to come together beautifully. Now, I feel like I need to go watch Back To The Future or something. Time-space continuums are all cool until you really have to think more about them. Read Full Review
I have a feeling next issue will be back to the action as we get some idea what the device is for, and what the new Erin's plans are. KJ probably isn't going to show up for a little while longer, but there are plenty of ways we could be surprised on that. This was a good opening issue for the new arc. Read Full Review
The focus should be on the girls. The twists keep the book grounded and Vaughan certainly gets the benefitof the doubt. I just hope the story doesn't go too off the rails because theactual paper girls have been the highlight of these books and should be the focus, not time travel nonsense. Read Full Review
Will Paper Girls be about their survival? Getting back to their own time? Effects to the time continuum, their implications, and what it all means? What kind of story will Paper Girls be? A cheap time-travelling gimmick or a mind-jarring look into the future through the eyes of our four leads? We're going to find out soon, and I look forward to the payoff of trusting our writer with offering readers such little information. In the meantime, the characters are enough to keep me invested. Read Full Review
'Paper Girls' is back and I want answers! Unfortunately, the mystery only deepens as the girls are thrust through space and time leading to more unanswered questions. Yet, this new arc is irresistibly engaging and funny. It might work better as a trade but you can't go wrong with Vaughan, Chiang, and Wilson on a title. Read Full Review
Visually the tag team of Cliff Chiang and Matt Wilson remains on point, Wilson's somber palette balanced well against Chiang's excellently realized setting. At times they get to cut loose with out there designs and brilliant colors, but as of now the real fun, and mystery, appears saved for next issue. Read Full Review
After an incredibly strong first story arc, "Paper Girls" #6 feels very slow-going. The final pages start to turn up the excitement, but -- if I was a new reader starting out on this second story arc -- I'm not certain I would see what everyone else was talking about. Hopefully, the next issue will be back up to full speed again, but -- while "Paper Girls" #6 sure looks great -- the story just isn't up to the high standards of the previous issues. Read Full Review
A disappointing return to Paper Girls. Somebody call Doc Brown, I want to go back to 1988. Read Full Review
Paper Girls is finally back and with a very solid issue. The series is taking an interesting turn after the last issue's cliff-hanger.
Erin's older self was way too quick to believe these girls, but I suppose no one wants to read 10 pages of trying to convince her, so I'll suspend disbelief. The best part was when the girls saw the flat screen tv, I know I'd flip out like that too if I were in the same position.