The fate of America rests entirely in Simon Pure's immortal hands! Though he'd rather drop it and run! Simon, Benedict Arnold, and 13-year-old Albert Einstein face off against the hooded cult-master, the Grand Architect. Will Simon risk his immortality to save Einstein and America? Also: Simon tests the true bounds of his eternal life... and the result will terrify both you and him!
Redcoat #6 wraps this tumultuous arc by showing that there is more than meets the eye with Simon, and unlikely allies and courage can be found in even the most unexpected places. This may have been my favorite issue of the series so far, as it delivers emotion and action. The cliffhanger in particular has me on edge, and I can't wait to see where it leads next! Read Full Review
Redcoat #6 definitely had the feel like an issue that could mark the start of a prolonged hiatus. At least one more issue is coming titled Epilogue so there might still be a lengthy gap ahead. Hopefully it won't be long for the next adventure as Redcoat #6 showed this title has as many stories as Pure has years left to go. Read Full Review
REDCOAT #6 ends the first arc (minus the next issue's epilogue) with a bang. We had our doubts about this series, based on the weak start, but Geoff Johns finishes the arc much stronger than he started. Plus, the art team's output is stellar and consistent with the rest of the Ghost Machine titles. Read Full Review
Redcoat's first story arc comes to a close in grandiose fashion, relying on the strengths of the series when it comes to big set pieces, bizarre supernatural shenanigans, and Simon Pure's deadpan wit to make for a solid sixth issue. Read Full Review