End of Story Arc. The critically acclaimed series continues! As the first Redcoat adventure concludes, tragedy hits Simon Pure in a way he never expected. In this emotionally riveting tale, Mr. Pure will come face to face with the consequences of his long, long life and his reckless actions throughout it. Plus, does Simon learn the secret of life within these pages? Some might say... he does.
Redcoat #7 is the emotionally wrecking epilogue to the adventurous tales of Simon Pure and Albert Einstein. It is a goodbye to a friend that I think many readers can connect with and especially for those of us who have had to say goodbye many times to those we have loved. This is my number one pull this week. Read it. Read Full Review
This has been one of my favorite titles since it started, and this was a tremendous manner to end this initial arc. Thankfully there's just a minor hiatus as Redcoat's next arc kicks off in December. Read Full Review
Its not often that a series of laws itself in entire issue to simply allow a single conversation to happen, without any flashbacks or anything like that. What Johns and Company are bringing to the page it is something that would work remarkably well in a number of different dramatic narrative formats without much of any benefit of any background information. It would seem kind of strange for people who arent completely familiar with it. However, there is a great deal of background material provided in the biography at the end of the issue. Honestly, its a very good starting point for anyone unfamiliar with.Johns ambitious multi-title project known as The Unnamed. Read Full Review
REDCOAT #7 delivers a surprisingly heartfelt transition issue as Simon and Albert say goodbye for the last time. Geoff Johns's tearjerker of a script instills gobs of character depth for Simon, and the art team's emotional acting is stellar. Read Full Review
Redcoat #7 is a quieter chapter as Simon says goodbye to his good friend Albert Einstein. In this goodbye, the creators seem to suggest Simon will have a new lease on life, and this first story arc is closed. Read Full Review
This prologue to the first story arc goes back to 1955, when Simon visits his friend Albert Einstein, with whom he had not spoken since the final battle with Benedict Arnold.
Simon dressed in his signature red coat, tells a dying Einstein of his adventures after they went their separate ways in 1892, with much nostalgia. Simon is pained to see another great friend have to leave while he remains immortal and feels that his life is worthless, because he never learns anything and has not made the world a better place, Einstein consoles him and thinks differently.
This installment closes with Simon's painful memories from 1782 to 1955. This sequence is moving and will touch your heart.
Bryan H more
This issue is proof that comic books can tell meaningful stories. The ending was a bit rushed though, which is a shame because it could have been a perfect comic.
Redcoat hits hard in this issue. That's all I really can say. Gets a good perspective on Simon.
Well written and drawn comic. Those last couple of panels hit hard. Good stuff.
Good stuff. This is the kind of character insight we need and it hits pretty hard. Hard to root for a character that's a POS 100% of the time.