As Hazel and her family venture into the Badlands, their newest companion is left to hold down the fort on her own.
Every time I miss an issue or two of this book, I come back and immediately regret it (and also grab all the ensuing issues to enjoy in a big marathon.) Saga #45 works as a narrative, as a meta-narrative and as a single-issue read, with art that stands out even by the high standards of the book. Read Full Review
Saga has been one of those comics that has garnered high praise during its publication run and deservedly so. What Staples and Vaughan have crafted is a very personal story told on a grand scale, and chapter forty-five continues this high level of writing and art that we have come to love these last five years. Staples and Vaughan have found the perfect balance when it comes to telling their stories of Marko, Alana and Hazel and it always a pleasure to get to read and experience them. Read Full Review
Saga is building towards an interesting turn in the story that both expands the world but continues to define what it means to be a family in an increasing dire situation. Quality of this book continues to stay consistent, even while we learn more new things about our protagonists. Read Full Review
Saga #45 offers a great explanation of Alana's forgone child which will continue into the next issue. There is only one thing that is certain as long as the child remains Alana does not. Read Full Review
Omg, Petri is so awesome. And the cliffhanger can't be beat.