Age Of X-Man: X-Tremists #4

Event\Storyline: Age Of X-Man Writer: Leah Williams Artist: Georges Jeanty Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 29, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 15
6.3Critic Rating
5.7User Rating

Northstar - the guiding light that keeps the traveler reassured they are going in the right direction. If only the name rang true for poor Jean-Paul...
Rated T+

  • 8.0 - Connor Casey May 29, 2019

    The issue continues the side story's excellent pace and somber tone, all while careening towards a climax that will likely be heartwarming or heartbreaking, if not both. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Comicsverse - Peyton Hinckle May 29, 2019

    Williams hones in on Northstar like few comic writers can. The way she manages to develop his character in leaps and bounds in only one issue is more than impressive. What isn't so impressive is the artwork in AGE OF X-MAN: X-TREMISTS #4. The contrast between Williams' lofty writing and Jeanty's cartoon-ish pencils keeps this issue from getting a higher score. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff May 29, 2019

    It's strange pacing that sees a group of people sullenly dragging themselves through the ongoing frustration of perpetuating a false world. The significant shift at the end of the issue has been foreshadowed ever since the first issue, but the sudden change at issue's end still manages to hold an emotional impact leading up to the end of the Age of X-Man. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - waltgator Jun 1, 2019

    With being the last issue before it comes to an end, so much happened that just happened out of nowhere. So when you are fired from the team, you just get your mind wiped and you still stay on the team, even though couldn't they have done that to Colossus in the way beginning instead of sending him to prison. The dialogue for Bobby is just wow awful! Leah better not be on any future Iceman books. The stuff about Jubilee came right out of left field and just flowed terribly. The art couldn't even save this issue. Some panels the characters don't even have faces. Read Full Review

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