waltgator's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Weird Science Marvel Comics Reviews: 91
7.3Avg. Review Rating

Age of X-Man: Omega #1

Jul 17, 2019

Well, the book obviously had its ups and downs. I enjoyed the dialogue and liked how we got to see everyone from the books. But at the same time, I would have preferred more characters from NextGen and X-Tremists. The issue felt like a nice closure but at the same time, wow! The art was not that good! Juan Frigeri should have been on art. Would not recommend this book at all if you are not caught up on all of the Age of X-Man books.

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Age Of X-Man: NextGen #5

Jun 19, 2019

Well this miniseries did have some good issues! And if we do get X-men books besides the ones that are already been announced, really hope we get Ed Brisson back on to write this young team. That Uncanny run, at one point I was hoping they would kill off these young mutants, but now I enjoy them! Now only did I enjoy this team but also Department X, a team who I have yet to enjoy in their own book. The art really made the issue enjoyable as well!

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Age Of X-Man: Prisoner X #1

Mar 10, 2019

Later back at dinner, Gabby actually snitches to Beasts about talking to Bishop, causing him to show him a beat down. Bishop was able to hold his own against Beast for a little while until he started to have flash backs of Beasts as an x-men which confuses him and lets Beasts get the upper hand. The guards send the two of them to their own cells, where he closes his eyes and gets a vision of his past villains taunting him about how the fun isn't over with him yet. He wakes to find a note on the floor saying to believe the dreams because everything else is fake.

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Age Of X-Man: Prisoner X #4

Jun 7, 2019

With this being the penultimate issue, I have one thing I want to answer next issue… who is their benefactor? Can't be X-man, due to fact Legion and X-man were fighting each other back in real world. Some things felt out of place and just there. The art overall did really good job at painting us a story. Every scene, besides the scene with Dani and Lorna talking about what happened before, could have just read the scene by the art and not the dialogue.

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Age Of X-Man: Prisoner X #5

Jul 3, 2019

If you have been following along with the Age of X-Man books then you know what you are in store for. As well, this is by far the best of the Age of X-Man books with an ending that makes me excited for the Omega special. The positives to this issue is that it has some great artwork, great action scene, and great dialogue. Only downside is that not enough from Dani and Gabby. My recommendation would be buy this issue and even when it comes out in trade, buy the trade for a friend.

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Age Of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #2

Mar 21, 2019

Later that night, Kurt heads to where Meggan told him to go, only to be recognized by some sketchy girl telling him to go right through this door and it will blow his mind. When Kurt goes through the door he walks right into a basically a club where people can go to dance, kiss, and have some fun! Rule is to wear a mask so people don't know its you. Would be a good idea except as soon as Kurt gets in there, he recognizes someone who is already in a mask and his own appearance is not easy to miss. He freaks out and leaves the building as he poofs out on her again. Twice in one day. As he returns home, he enters his room to find none other than, Mystique telling that she is here to explain everything!

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Age Of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #3

Apr 29, 2019

They go and find Celeste who helps them track down the young girl. She may be my favorite character in this book, has spunk. The little girl's name is Tenia Jean. Kurt and Meggan teleport to Kurt's room where he gathers a few things even though they are in a hurry due to the fact they are going to be moving Tenia soon. Before they do anything they get interrupted by Irma, who Celeste told her what is happening and she arranges a press event the next day in which we can assume is a mall. Unfortunately the rival had a similar idea and arrived at the mall to start some trouble, we end the issue with a fight about to begin.

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Age Of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #4

May 22, 2019

Well amazing art! Can't really say much positive about it. It's such a shame that Frigeri art isn't getting paired with someone stronger of a writer than McGuire. Only last few pages of this issue progressed and the reveal came true to who is the villain of this mini. Each issue felt like the plot of the overall story is different, and this issue isn't different. Some of the reveals felt completely out of left field. Too much information all at the end plus confusing information, feels like they were rushing in some parts.

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Age Of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #5

Jun 19, 2019

Well the issue wasn't worse in the run, but didn't redeem itself by the end. I will say this, the art always did it's job! I was impressed and enjoyed each panel. However, this issue had some parts that felt rushed and other things felt like we are just repeating ourselves. The ending was okay, it was just how they got there with the dialogue was my biggest issue.

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Age Of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men #5

Jun 12, 2019

While this mini series, wasn't one I was always looking forward to each issue, the ending really nailed it! We get a sense that the books are all going to get getting connected by the end of their run in a way. As well as seeing more of what Nature Girl can do which now I'm hoping we see her when Hickman takes over. The change in art really did a great job to let us know when a time shift has occurred as well as help tell the story!

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Age Of X-Man: X-Tremists #4

Jun 1, 2019

With being the last issue before it comes to an end, so much happened that just happened out of nowhere. So when you are fired from the team, you just get your mind wiped and you still stay on the team, even though couldn't they have done that to Colossus in the way beginning instead of sending him to prison. The dialogue for Bobby is just wow awful! Leah better not be on any future Iceman books. The stuff about Jubilee came right out of left field and just flowed terribly. The art couldn't even save this issue. Some panels the characters don't even have faces.

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Age Of X-Man: X-Tremists #5

Jun 27, 2019

Well probably my favorite issue in the mini! It explained a few things and actually made me curious to keep reading. Something this book has failed to keep doing. Was relief when I saw come continuity connections between this book and NextGen. The dialogue didn't hate it as well! Pretty good dialogue and good artwork, I'd say pick this up!

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Agents of Atlas (2019) #2

Oct 23, 2019

What is this story about because I have no idea and really from what I have read, nothing is telling me that this book should even exist. It has some awesome characters but we don't even get much from any of them. Unfortunately, even the art wasn't all that great in the book. I feel like Greg Pak really could care less about this book. Otherwise, he would write at least a decent story. I would not recommend this book at all! Nothing about this book is even interesting and it is a shame that these characters are being wasted away.

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Agents of Atlas (2019) #3

Oct 23, 2019

What is this story about because I have no idea and really from what I have read, nothing is telling me that this book should even exist. It has some awesome characters but we don't even get much from any of them. Unfortunately, even the art wasn't all that great in the book. I feel like Greg Pak really could care less about this book. Otherwise, he would write at least a decent story. I would not recommend this book at all! Nothing about this book is even interesting and it is a shame that these characters are being wasted away.

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Agents of Atlas (2019) #4

Nov 15, 2019

Well, we have one issue left and really feel like this should have been a three-issue mini-series. No clue if Greg Pak just cashed in a favor from Marvel so he could write whatever he would like even if it is garbage. Because that is what this story really is. Not much as really happen and the only thing that would entice me to come back is what Shang-Chi finds out later on in the issue. But overall it is quite sad that we aren't getting much from fan favorite's Amadeus or even Silk. We're not even getting much for readers to be new fans of some of these characters. The artwork varies throughout this issue from eh okay to actually pretty.

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Agents of Atlas (2019) #5

Dec 18, 2019

Once Shang-Chi and Crescent confront Jimmy, things pick up a bit. It turns out that both Jimmy and Mike have dragons in their headquarters and it becomes a guessing game of what to do and who to trust.  We then find out the ramifications of bringing down the beasts and learn a pretty good teason why Nguyen is bringing people to Pan.  At this point, however, there is only a couple pages left and i was wondering how all this would be wrapped up.  The answer is it isn't.  Nope!  This mini just leads into another #1 and that kinda stinks!

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Annihilation - Scourge: Nova #1

Dec 5, 2019

Well at first I was a bit nervous going into this book. I thought I was going to be lost. But, I was surprised that I did just fine! However, as much as I enjoyed the story, the art just didn't seem to work for me in this issue. Besides the art and the "Yancy Street incident", I thoroughly enjoyed the issue. The dialogue was good and the backstory on Nova really helped me dive into the issue comfortably. This series has only sparked my interest in Nova and I would love to see Rosenberg on a Nova series in the near future. I would highly recommend this issue!

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Ant-Man (2020) #3

Apr 7, 2020

This issue was a great, complete story from beginning to end. The art was good and Nick Spencer really knows how to write Scott. My only realy complaint it I want more with Scott and the ants because what we get is so damn good! I can easily recommend this issue and even if you haven't read the first two of the series, give this one a try and I bet you will love it!

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Deadpool v Gambit #1

Apr 4, 2020

We get some great characters in this issue, but unfortunately, this issue was just average. It didn't leave me wanting more and really wasn't much fun overall. That just seems impossible with an issue that has Deadpool and Spider-Man in it! If you are reading the current Black Cat run, you might want to give this a look and see what's going on. I just hope the next issue is an improvement!

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Deadpool: The Duck #1

Apr 9, 2020

I went from not being familiar with Stuart Moore to wanting him on a Deadpool book right now! This issue was a lot of fun and had me giggling to myself a bunch of times, and the art was great throughout. I highly recommend this issue to anyone who wants a little fun during these crazy times!

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Fantastic Four (2018) #17

Dec 12, 2019

Final Thoughts:I'm really digging each issue as we go along! The artwork is very good and the dialogue is just Fantastic. I really believe that Dan Slott nails down each member of the team. I would recommend this issue to anyone. However, maybe they should start with part two of the story arc first. As interesting as this issue is, I do wish we would see more from the Overseer. This issue didn't wow me but I definitely had a great time reading it. You should definitely check it out!

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Fearless (2019) #1

Jul 25, 2019

I am shocked that I liked this! Thought it would have been forced girl power and how awful men are. First story was pretty good except for one part with bad dialogue and another with bad art. First story has me hooked on. The second story, would advise anyone to skip it because felt like it was oddly placed in this book. The third story, quick but such a tease that can't wait to see what Kelly has in store! Would I recommend this? Oh yes I would!

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #5

May 15, 2019

This book was a very quick read! Unfortunately, wanted to get more about the team we have but only ones who talked were the ones who have been doing most of the talk so far in this story. They are few characters who I know nothing about that I was actually looking forward to get invested in. I will admit the page with Cosmic Ghost Rider about to lay waste did look wicked! Hoping to see more of him. The art on some panels looked good while others looked alright, nothing I would brag about. The twist kind of saw coming. Again hoping this book gets it's groove after this first story gets done.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #7

Jul 24, 2019

For being the first issue of a story arc, I am okay with being a bit confused because it only intrigues me to want to read more. But, that is all we got from this issue. I am intrigued about the enemy and the cliffhanger, which are the two big things in my opinion. The art was very good! The dialogue was good from what we got, even though it felt like we didnt get much talking from a couple of our team members. Overall, we get a good jumping on point for those who skipped the first arc.

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Invisible Woman (2019) #2

Aug 7, 2019

While I enjoyed the last issue, this issue just didn't do it for me. Some of the dialogue was off and it doesn't even feel like Susan Storm. The art is pretty good but some of the scenes took longer than they should have. The issue has more negatives than positive. Hopefully next issue sways me differently. I would not recommend this issue.

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Marvel's Avengers (2019): Captain America #1

Mar 18, 2020

I really enjoyed each and every one of the Marvel Avenger's one-shots, except for this! The writing was the best part and even that was just okay. The art was really awful and it felt like Paul Allor was trying a bit too hard to write a Captain America issue. I would not recommend this issue!

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Marvel's Avengers (2019): Black Widow #1

Mar 24, 2020

Well, I didn't think I would enjoy this comic but not only did I appreciate this issue, I also left wanting to watch the Black Widow movie now. Plus, I want to buy the game to see what happens next! The artwork was ok. I won't brag about it because truthfully, Ive seen better in other Gamerverse issues. But thankfully, this issue had dialogue and storytelling that really kept my attention. This is a very enjoyable issue and I would highly recommend this to anyone interested in Black Widow or the game!

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Marvel's Spider-Man: The Black Cat Strikes #1

Jan 15, 2020

This is a good issue that nails both the art and story. It is a fast read and nothing felt forced. Dennis Hallum told us what we needed to know right off the bat and then it's full speed ahead. Recommended.

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Marvel's Spider-Man: The Black Cat Strikes #2

Feb 12, 2020

Since this is a mini-series, I thought we would have more of an overall story going after two issues. That said, this book is a whole lot of fun, and the dialogue and art were great. Highly recommend!

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Marvel's Spider-Man: The Black Cat Strikes #5

Jun 30, 2020

Final Thoughts:Well, this is the first Gamerverse run that I would recommend getting each issue and even the trade! Plus, Hallum really did stick the landing. The art feels just like a video game and I was genuinely a bit sad that the final issue was a quick read. Nevertheless, I had a lot of fun reading it. Sure, this week's issue was a quick read but Hallum managed to cram a lot into this concluding issue. Hallum delivered on all parts with action, great art, and fun dialogue with an ending that was quite satisfying. Not only was it a great issue but it wrapped up the overall story well! I highly recommend this series and issue. If you can, give it a look!

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Meet The Skrulls #1

Mar 8, 2019

We cut back to a field trip with a school that could possibly be doing a butterfly field trip. There, some girl that one can assume is Skrull just the way she is being all weird like, is playing with a caterpillar. Unfortunately, this outcast is being bullied by some of her classmates due to her stalking one of the popular kids. Personally, at this point I thought the Skrull was going to attack the bullies just out of rage but a teacher came by and for a split second that got the Skrull to quickly leave the situation while the teacher punishes the two bullies for not paying attention. Instead we see a butterfly fly off and leave the building to go on travel, which obviously is a Skrull. At this point, there has been no narration at all, which is quiet surprising but it only adds a bit of mystery as to what is going on.

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Meet The Skrulls #2

Mar 21, 2019

Once again we get another issue with no narration, no clue if this is what the writer is known for but it isn't an issue with this issue, everything was real straight and forward. Really enjoying what we get with Alice, Madison, and the dad Carl. Still wish had more information on the mom, Gloria. I will give Niko and Robbie this, they really do one great job as a team! If you weren't already invested in the family, you would be invested due to the cliffhanger.

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Meet The Skrulls #3

Apr 28, 2019

Final ThoughtsSo we finally get the result of the battle of last week's cliffhanger, something that I have been looking forward to since issue one, and the result was a bit disappointed that we don't see any of the battle. The artwork though was a bit off in this issue on a few panels. But other than those two things, issue is a great. Been saying this for a while even though there is no narration boxes, this book doesn't need them. It is straight forward.

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Meet The Skrulls #4

May 2, 2019

The team of Thompson and Henrichon is really making this book stand out! Most books I feel like the return of Ivy would have been forced but this felt more natural in a way. This could easily be one of Marvel's best miniseries of 2019! I am looking forward to the exciting conclusion of this miniseries!

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Meet The Skrulls #5

Jun 6, 2019

I will give this book credit, before I started reading this run, could careless about Skrulls. Now I will admit now I am looking forward to next time we see a Skrull, mainly Alice. The issue isn't too complicated, mainly just straight to the point. And the art really works well with the book. Book was good amount of action as well!

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #3

Feb 22, 2019

What a quick end to the first story arc! Unfortunately feel like it was a bit too quick and easy! Not much of an inner battle between the trio! Another issue or two would have made the story a bit better as well as maybe some adult henchmen for Snatcher. But overall hope to see more team-ups with Miles and Rhino or Miles and Rhino. Art was beautiful and the dialogue was great! Just needed to be a bit longer of a story.

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #4

Mar 21, 2019

Later, the gang heads to the movies where Ganke is the one that ruins the mood between Miles and Barbara when he shoots Miles a text giving him a heads up that Vice Principal Lyle is out looking for him. Which seems like a lot of time has passed since Vice Principal Lyle banging at the door to now. The gang quickly and successfully beats Vice Principal Lyle back to school. That night, we see Miles in bed writing to his journal about a wonderful day he had all right before realizing that now he may actually be sick.

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #6

May 23, 2019

This book feels so much like a Spider-Man character without being Peter Parker. Both the art and the writer is superb to when it comes to Spider-Man! However, I need more from Miles life. The deal with Barbara needs more explanation and give Ganke more time with his buddy! That friendship is squad goals! Do like the new character Starling and hopefully we see her soon whether it's a cameo or for longer. Highly recommend this book.

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #7

Jun 19, 2019

We really don't get much here in sense of pushing forward with story or character moments really. We get a snippet of scenes from Miles life. Both super and normal life. This felt more like a breath issue after last story arc. The issue however, does plant some seeds for future stories. The dialogue was good! But it was the art that weakened the book. Saladin Ahmed does a great job so far with new characters and this new character that Miles faces off against, seems to be a great foe for Miles. Bring on the next issue!

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #8

Jul 10, 2019

This issue felt a bit of a downer. A bit of what is happening in this story arc without actually telling us the main plot points. While I enjoyed the artwork, would have preferred some dialogue or narration to give me more on the story.

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #9

Aug 14, 2019

This issue definitely was a hard one to review since I really loked the story, but kept stumbling with the art. However, the dialogue was great and the action scenes did have me pumped. Overall, I would recommend it

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #10

Sep 11, 2019

The trail leads Miles to come face to face with the Ultimate Universe's Green Goblin. However, it's strange that Miles doesn't remember who he is at first. They both go at it and what seems like could be a draw, ends up being a handicap match until someone steps on Miles. Someone who calls himself Ultimatum but has a face like Giant-Man.

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #11

Oct 9, 2019

I will admit, first time reading it I read it fast but the second time when I read it I enjoyed it so much more and appreciated Ahmed's work better. The art is once again, amazing! I was expecting this book to answer some questions about Ultimatum but hoping this is a 5-6 issue story. If that is the case then I am okay waiting for an issue or so. Highly recommend! The dialogue, story, and art proves why this book is happening.

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #12

Nov 6, 2019

While this issue doesn't really push the overall story forward much, I really enjoyed it. I still hope we get more about Ultimatum soon, but I truly can recommend this issue to anyone who likes good action, character development, Miles, and amazing art. Go check it out!

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #13

Dec 11, 2019

While this issue really didn't do a lot for the overall story, I still enjoyed it a lot. It was action-packed with good, snappy dialogue that keeps everything moving at a nice pace. This issue comes highly recommended.

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #14

Jan 2, 2020

The issue itself was alright solid! The first half really not much to get my attention, just the basic superheros stuff. But towards the second half of the book, felt more of a Miles book than just the generic superhero book. The art would probably give it 66. With three artists, and digging two of them, thats barely passing. The dialogue was god except for that whole exchange of words between Miles and Ganke. The cliffhanger would feel a bit more if we saw more from Mister Dutcher. Ultimately with this continuing our Ultimatum story arc, we get nowhere! Which makes me wonder if Saladin has a long-term plan for Miles?

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #15

Feb 5, 2020

I quite enjoyed this issue, but I am starting to get impatient with the overall story progression. The art is excellent, and so is the dialogue, and I can easily recommend it to Spider-Man fans and those who love Miles especially.

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #16

Mar 4, 2020

Final ThoughtsOverall, I enjoyed this issue. The first half was cute with Miles babysitting his baby sister, while the second showed how bad to the bone Ultimatum really is. Unfortunately, this book is heading off to the Outlawed story because I want more of what we got this month! Hopefully, Ahmed will find a way to connect this story to the Outlawed stuff, but for now, I highly recommend this issue!

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #17

Jun 10, 2020

Final Thoughts:Miles is finally back, and while this issue ties heavily into Outlawed, Saldin Ahmed does a great job with it. The issue mixes a feel-good moment with some family time, all wrapped into the Outlawed event looming over all the young hero books. I highly recommend checking this issue out!

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #18

Sep 2, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed this issue of Miles Morales! While the Outlawed parts felt forced, I am still looking forward to the next issue. This book has excellent art, dialogue, and plenty of cool action scenes to keep the reader's attention. I highly recommend picking this up and adding it to your pull list.

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #20

Nov 10, 2020

Well, I am a guy who loves action scenes, and that is what we got. Can't overly love this issue but certain I do not dislike it! Besides the issue with Captain America driving the kids home, the only thing I would change for this issue would be just a little better job at art. The art is good but can always be better. If you want a Miles Morales book filled with action and guest appearances then I would highly recommend this issue!

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #21

Dec 4, 2020

Eh, the issue was good but feels like Ahmed was planning more but choose to hold back. The issue was good but to be the finale of this epic story, was lackluster. So much needed to be explained a bit more. Maybe would have been better if we got half the action we did and the other half is some of the missing information on the Goblin drugs or Ultimatum's suit. The art is very good throughout this issue!

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #22

Jan 6, 2021

For a cool-down issue, this was a great comic! The only downside was the artwork. It was okay and I have no doubt it will grow on me. However, it was still a downgrade from what we got before. The story was very fun, enjoyable, and the dialogue matched it! I recommend giving this issue a look.

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Mr. and Mrs. X #11

May 25, 2019

Now with only one more issue left, this issue felt rushed in some parts. Issue does show the love that they have for each other is strong, although isn't that all we have been getting in this series as well. The artwork is amazing but wish they draw Rogue to look a bit older, not a fan of her looking like she is still in middle school. The issue was a bit underwhelming, but hey let's hope it closes strong!

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Mr. and Mrs. X #12

Jun 26, 2019

Well the book is all done and I am quite sadden. The book had so much potential and this issue alone is a great example for it. Kelly Thompson does wonders with these two. Can make you feel for the characters and we get great action scene in this issue! Only downside would be something felt a bit rushed.

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Old Man Quill #8

Aug 7, 2019

I liked this issue but felt like it was not needed as much. The issue could have been shortened a bit. Things were answered but I wish they did stuff to actually progress the story. The issue is a bit of a side story and not needed. The art was pretty good and I enjoyed the dialogue.

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Runaways (2017) #21

May 23, 2019

At first I thought it was going to be a boring issue, but turns out to be an issue with great feelings that makes you excited for the future and some great humor! The art really compliments the writing and makes it easier to read. For a one-shot issue, it definitely is adding on for future storylines.

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Runaways (2017) #22

Jun 26, 2019

This issue does another great job to get you with the feelings! Especially from with Nico and Karolina as well as with Chase! All of the scenes were great with artwork as well as with the writing, except for with Gib and Molly. She didn't bring her Molly charm that we are love when they were talking, thankfully she brought some of it later one. The battle scene with the Runaways vs. Doombot had some great moments that make you realize, why you enjoy this team!

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Runaways (2017) #23

Jul 31, 2019

The art is enjoyable… but really the book feels stale and this issue just proves it. Nothing is happening and the characters aren't doing anything. The run started out good but mainly because they had a common goal. Typically, they have a five-issue story arc so this would be the last issue in the story arc. However, I'm hoping we have one more issue left. The only good I can see from this issue is the set up for a Karolina and Nico comic as well as a spin-off for two more of the characters. Molly's character hasn't done much, so she and Gib are basically being wasted. I would not recommend this issue.

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Runaways (2017) #24

Aug 30, 2019

Well this seems to be a recap issue. But done nicely. The art was very good with great scenes. But someone who has been reading all of the issues, will agree that this run feels stale now and not as good as when the title first came out in mid 2000's. Now that we have a recap issue, hopefully we get a better story. Would recommend this issue to anyone who has either not been reading the recent issues or someone who wants to jump on the book.

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Runaways (2017) #25

Oct 2, 2019

Well, it seems like the book is finally doing something! The first problem I have with this issue is that the team was forced to leave their homes. It could have been just something simple and natural. Also, what's going on with Gib? He needs to go. Other than that, a thoroughly enjoyable issue! The art is very good. This issue actually now has me excited for whats to come. This may be the jumping on point that this book has been waiting for!

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Runaways (2017) #26

Oct 30, 2019

Not much action happened here, just a good amount of dialogue. If this book is actually planning what I think they are planning then I am so looking forward to more of what is to come. This is a book that for the longest time has gone nowhere. But if we are setting up something new and adventures for our Runaways, then this could be the saving grace that the book has been waiting for. The art is very good! Dialogue, on the other hand, is a mix. It has some great parts and others felt forced and out of the blue.

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Runaways (2017) #27

Nov 13, 2019

I really enjoyed this issue! It had Great dialogue, great scenes and great artwork! There was that odd part with Gib, but still, I recommend this issue as we move forward with some big changes.8.5/10

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Runaways (2017) #28

Dec 18, 2019

This os a Gert heavy issue and I'm really glad for that. The story, art and dialogue are all really good and I can easily recommend this to anyone, though I'd suggest first reading the last issue if you are just jumping onboard. For a while, I thought this book was stuck in a bit of a rut, but I'm digging the direction it is going now and can't wait to see what more is to come!

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Runaways (2017) #30

Feb 20, 2020

Give Rainbow a round of applause! This issue has it all! Great artwork, great story, and great dialogue. This was one issue, I was sad that it ended and can't wait for the next issue! This issue really surprised me, and I would highly recommend! Even if this is your first time reading a Runaways issue. After you read this issue, you will want to read more. The art, the nod to West Coast Avengers, the call out to Alex, and the gun, nothing but smiles throughout my face from this Runaways fan!

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Runaways (2017) #31

Mar 17, 2020

Truly a great issue! Enjoyed the writing and the art. Such a shame that the “Dad” part got swiped away and no reactions from anyone. This issue I highly recommend. Lots of action and scenes that will have you on the edge of your seat. And with that cliffhanger, what is going to happen next and when will we see that character again. This ending feels like an ending to the book until it gets rebooted again. Hopefully Rainbow can keep up with these amazing issues!

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Runaways (2017) #33

Feb 5, 2021

Well, I do wish we got a page or two of a comic strip style for previously on, but other than that, good issue! The majority of this issue seems like set-up, but the way we are getting it is quite boring and uninteresting. Thankfully it was the last scene that made the difference for the issue. Too bad the art went downhill a bit. As for now, I would recommend this issue only because of the last scene. But not something that is a necessity.

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Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider (2018) #8

May 1, 2019

Final ThoughtSeems like the Ghost Spider part of her name was only to draw in new readers and really not change a thing about the character. Unless the Symbiote will have some changes coming up. Well the cliffhanger sure got me looking forward to next issue which I must say, might be the first time I have been looking for a Spider-Gwen issue. The artwork unfortunately needs to stay consist because some of the pages were terrible and not worth looking at! McGuire is doing fine on writing but he needs a new artist.

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Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider (2018) #10

Jul 3, 2019

Finally! Ghost-Spider is here! We get her calling herself that, even though felt odd. I do prefer this way of how she thought of the name than how she thought of the name in Spider-Geddon which felt forced. Well I know one thing for sure after reading this, Seanan better not be writing any Spider-Man in the near future! The artwork was eh okay, like a 6.5. But after reading this issue, I asked myself, would I give this issue to someone? Strangely, yes I would. A nice one-shot that tells you a little about Gwen. Be a good issue to read before reading her new series in August.

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Spider-Man: City At War #3

Jun 1, 2019

Well, was not a fan of the Miles and MJ's section of the video game and was not fan of them getting each an issue in this mini-series. While the art is great, if you have already played the game then no clue why you would pick this up. If you didn't play the game, then you will not be a fan of this issue because it was centered on MJ. Would have been nice to see some background on Mary Jane.

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Spider-Man: City At War #5

Jul 17, 2019

Only real downside to this issue was not enough Sinister Six. With one issue left, really hope we are in for some real nice fight scenes. With one downside, this issue did quite a bit for it's upsides such as the time jumps worked well with the book, did a nice jump on setting things up for sequels, the art was good (not great that would brag but wasn't awful, it did it's job), and the dialogue thoroughly enjoy. I get it that it isn't the books fault for making MJ like a Iris West but not as good so can't fault the writer.

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Spider-Man: Velocity #1

Aug 29, 2019

Well I feel like my hype was what kind of left me a bit disappointed. Seems like we are getting quite a bit of information but just too soon. Some wasted panels and pages that could have been used to set things up and shown us a better issue. The dialogue, I guess is good. This is a different Earth so they can be not what we are used to. The art mixes between good and just okay. Needs progress. Nothing really on this issue to make me brag about to others. Hopefully issue two gets me excited again for this story.

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Spider-Man: Velocity #2

Sep 25, 2019

Well started off actually great! Besides the whole time skip. But it wasnt a major time skip like City at War. Art has improved in some panels and other panels basically stayed the same. Can tell which panels were rushed. Would I recommend it? Leaning towards yes but next issue better make me psyched for following issue with an awesome cliffhanger, one we got didnt do the trick.

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Spider-Man: Velocity #3

Oct 24, 2019

Final ThoughtsIt might be the first issue that I thoroughly enjoyed! Was it perfect? No, far from it but it had moments that were great and it progressed the story well while including a cliffhanger that I actually want to read about! Art was pretty solid and I would easily recommend this issue to anyone!

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Spider-Man: Velocity #4

Nov 20, 2019

Was the last issue's high score a fluke? I think so! This story easily could have been a 3 issue mini-series. So many scenes occurred in this issue that took up more space then they did, while other scenes that we got progress on the story, ended too short. Like the last page where Spider-Man is on the screens and he has quite a bit of dialogue, the dialogue was just wasted. It's strange that the City At War story so much happened, but in this story, not enough has happened. Dennis also really needs to start working on his cliffhangers. If she dies, so what? Hopeless has done nothing to make me actually care for Haley. The art is eh pretty solid. Really hoping that Dennis has a trick up his sleeve for me to win me over on the last issue.

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Spider-Man: Velocity #5

Dec 17, 2019

Pretty sure part of Hopeless's contract was each issue must have Mary Jane in it because her scene is very pointless and makes no sense as to why they even have it in here. Just a useless scene. But we do end with finding out Mary Jane published her article to let the world know the truth. As well as for Pete to drop off Haley's costume… guess she had a sudden change in heart.

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Star Wars: Age Of Resistance: Rey #1

Sep 18, 2019

As much as I enjoy Tom Taylor's work, this issue didn't do the trick for me. The art was very good for most of the issue but this just feels like a wasted opportunity. It Could have done so much more to show why we all love Rey, but this certainly does not. Would I recommend this issue? Not really.

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Star Wars: Age Of Resistance: Rey #1

Sep 20, 2019

As much as I enjoy Tom Taylor's work, this issue didn't do the trick for me. The art was very good for most of the issue but this just feels like a wasted issue. Could have done so much more to show why we all love Rey, but this certainly does not. We had some scenes that went on for quite a while and other scenes that were just cut off too soon. Would I recommend this issue? No. Not even if you are a die-hard Star Wars fan.

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Superior Spider-Man (2018) #6

May 30, 2019

The issue started off with a parallel of two encounters Otto and Strange had, which ultimately did nothing for the story. The issue did a little bit better with the pacing than last issue, which felt like it took forever to read to read. The issue did have one time that dragged on but after, was enjoy to read! With great dialogue, the banter between the two doctor's had me hoping we see more of them. The art team did great job except for the flashback scene. Even though it did feel like a flashback, the art was a bit off on some of the panels. Overall, book is defiantly one to pick up!

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Superior Spider-Man (2018) #8

Jun 27, 2019

I know nothing about the War of the Realms book, and I thoroughly enjoyed this issue! The big thing that I pulled out of this, Gage should totally do a West Coast Avengers book. That and I need to start reading that book! This book could be my favorite issue in the Superior run yet, had great laughable moments and some character development for Otto. If had to grab any two books from Marvel, it would be this and last issue of this book.

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The End (2020): Miles Morales #1

Jan 8, 2020

Well, all I have to say is, why? Why is this issue even a thing? The art was a solid B while some of the faces were unquestionably disturbing. And, the story just felt like it was trying to tell something new but somehow it didnt know where to go or what direction to focus on. I truly would not recommend this to anyone, especially Miles fans like myself.

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Tony Stark: Iron Man #11

May 25, 2019

Finally the long story arc is done! This issue isn't one to gaga over. Art was okay and dialogue ranged from good to forced. Did enjoy seeing the Champions there, might actually start reading them now. The final battle scene felt rushed and I know Tony Stark has a big ego, could have had him work more with his team. It's great to see Jan staying on the team and hopefully she gets more time in the books.

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Tony Stark: Iron Man #14

Jul 24, 2019

I do love how we get forward progression this month, but a lot of what we get is a bit forced to get there.  The set up with Arno is really good and there is potential for a great villain here. The art was solid and I'll check out the next issue to decide whether I'll continue reading the series.

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Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #1

Mar 28, 2020

I can't say this is the most enjoyment I have had when reading a team-up issue featuring both Spider-Man and Wolverine. If you wanted to read this to see what that duo is like, don't pick this up. Total waste of your time. The art does not help the issue at all. The story, however, is okay but what we got, could have been shortened down. I really hope more of these team-up issues are legit team-ups. While I think he did a great job on this issue with the voice of Logan; however, the voice of Peter felt off. The idea seems good but the execution failed.

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Ultimate X-Men #1

Mar 28, 2020

For a first issue, Mark truly hit it out of the park! A great introduction to our characters and very nice nods to past media on this team. The art only had a couple of pages out of like the mid-'30s to really hit a nosedive. But other than that, the art was gorgeous. At times the issue is very dialogue-heavy. Would highly recommend this. If you are enjoying the current X-Men books, then give this one a whirl as well!

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) #17

May 2, 2019

We see Scott giving a speech at the funeral as he is the first of few as Logan tracks down who killed Wolfsbane. While at the funeral, Scott, Jamie, Moonstar, and Illyana takes turns mourning and giving a speech to everyone who attended the funeral. And one thing I have got to say, these Stan's Soapbox pages are getting quite annoying, give respect to the guy but the page feels at this point like an advertise page.

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) #18

May 16, 2019

Well hoping this turns into a Suicide Squad type book where now any character can be killed off. Other than that this issue is mainly just a book with nice action scenes and rushed events that makes me question if they have a game plan or just throwing things together. Art could have been better. If you want an issue about action scenes then pick this up but if you want more than that in an issue then keep on looking.

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) #19

Jun 7, 2019

At first I thought this was the penultimate issue, glad we still have three more issues. Otherwise would have hated it! We get a nice history of how things got here, unfortunately it could have been better. Had some scenes that felt pointless or could have been cut down while some scenes could have been bit more to explain. The art however was great and the action scenes were great to view!

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) #20

Jun 20, 2019

Feels like it has been quite a while since truly enjoyed this book! For a while it has only been the art that got my interested in this book, this issue got hooked right from first page. Not much action happens but a lot does happen and can't wait for next issue when it hits the fans! The team has got smaller which is great! Helped the book in a way, too big of a team especially majority of them no clue who they were and the book didn't do anything to get me interested in them.

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) #21

Jul 3, 2019

Well it is the penultimate issue and let's start off with the negatives. Last half of the issue seems a bit rushed and somethings happened that just happened. Nothing to build up to something things in the issue that seemed to be a big thing. But now the positives. It seems like the stakes are going up an extra few notches for next issue. That is one thing the book hasn't done, maybe since X-man first arrived on scene in the beginning of this run. The art wasn't bad but wasn't so great.

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Uncanny X-Men (2018) #22

Jul 17, 2019

Well that is it, the closing issue on the Uncanny run of 2018-2019. Was glad that we did get deaths at the end of the series, could actually feel the risks after each issue.

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