After unmasking herself, waging a war for the fate of the Multiverse and nearly losing her father, Gwen Stacy has had a rough year...and it's not about to get any easier! ESPECIALLY when something's started going wrong with the mysterious suit that gives her her abilities. With no other choice, Gwen finds herself swinging through the skies of the Marvel Universe alongside special guest stars SPIDER-MAN and SPIDER-MAN, and finally embracing an all-new codename! We'll give you three guesses...
Rated T
Gwens got a name now. The Ghost Spider will be returning next month in another number one as the Spider-Gwen name is dropped. The future of a character regularly living between timelines has great potential that should be a lot of fun for McGuire to explore in the months to come. Shes carefully constructed a very sophisticated angle on the Marvel web-slinger milieu. It will be interesting to see where she takes it. Read Full Review
Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider #10 was a fun and well-balanced issue. There were some serious tones, of course. But on the whole, the issue was overwhelmingly, and beautifully, heartwarming. Seeing Gwen keep on fighting is inspiring. Read Full Review
I'm sad to see the series come to a close, though not before Gwen chooses a new super-hero name and scarfs down a few hot dogs, but I'm happy to see her adventures will be continuing in the new series. Must-read. Read Full Review
A fun excursions involving hot dogs and a bee dinosaur ensues, leaving Gwen feeling more optimistic about her future as a superhero than she has in quite some time. Read Full Review
Finally! Ghost-Spider is here! We get her calling herself that, even though felt odd. I do prefer this way of how she thought of the name than how she thought of the name in Spider-Geddon which felt forced. Well I know one thing for sure after reading this, Seanan better not be writing any Spider-Man in the near future! The artwork was eh okay, like a 6.5. But after reading this issue, I asked myself, would I give this issue to someone? Strangely, yes I would. A nice one-shot that tells you a little about Gwen. Be a good issue to read before reading her new series in August. Read Full Review
Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider #10 is more of a transition issue rather than conclusion to an ongoing series. Seanan McGuire did well in setting up why Spider-Gwen will be splitting her time between Earth-65 and Earth-616 moving forward. Spider-Gwen's interactions with Peter Parker's Spider-Man was a major positive for this issue. Unfortunately all of this set-up for the new Ghost-Spider series caused the strength of Spider-Gwen's series to be forgotten: her supporting cast. The lack of involvement from them made the major decision Gwen makes not have the impact it should as we conclude the short-lived Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider series. Read Full Review
I really like the dynamic between Gwen and Peter here. If this is what I can expect in the next series, I can't wait.
The dialogue was snappy and fun and I enjoyed it.
It's honestly a shame that some of Marvel's best series often get limited series since not many people read it. I may not like modern Marvel Comics, but I can still appreciate the underrated series.
"I Keep saying that death love Gwen Stacy let's commit."
It's an enjoyable story about a character who's tops for lovability, but only the most slavish devotion could make a reader overlook the ample room for improvement.