Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #5

Writer: Tini Howard Artist: Vasco Georgiev Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 21, 2023 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 8
8.8Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

EARTH'S MOST FURIOUS HEROES UNITE! And the villains alike! Morgan Le Fay has saddled up with her old lover, none other than Doctor Doom! And that can't mean good things for the old country. But Betsy Braddock has a plan up her sleeve?and a Multiverse of allies even Morgan can't magic-wand away. The fight for Britain, for Betsy, for Captains everywhere comes to a head!
Rated T+

  • 9.7
    SciFiPulse - Ian Cullen Jun 26, 2023

    This is a satisfying conclusion to the story arc, but it looks like it could well likely lead into a future arc as I don't think Betsy's solution is as elegant as she thinks it might be. I loved how S.T.R.I.K.E. was used in this issue. But for me, the best inclusion was seeing Faiza Hussain get a good role as she is a character that Paul Cornell introduced to the Marvel Universe via his run on Captain Britain and is a character that I don't think we've seen enough of. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    AIPT - jonathan jones Jun 21, 2023

    Full of heart and drama, Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #5 is a fitting finale for the Braddocks and their assorted allies. Dark days may be ahead for mutantkind, but Captain Britain has found a happy place for her story to resolve for the time being. Telling a story this long, this queerly, this magically, in the state of current corporate comics creation is a thing worth celebrating, and this finale is a job well done. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - Jenna Anderson Jun 21, 2023

    Here's hoping this isn't the final time that Tini Howard writes Betsy, because this issue is chock-full of charm, accompanied expertly by Vasco Georgiev's art. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    COMICON - Scott Redmond Jun 28, 2023

    Another series with Britain's new Captain comes to a close as the final issue of ‘Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain' works to close out years worth of plotlines and story beats. A mostly solid issue puts the punctuation on a multi-series attempt to do the character and her side of the Marvel Universe justice after years of neglect. Hopefully it's not the last of these characters and creators we see at the house of ideas. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comic Watch - Sean Winningham Jun 22, 2023

    This was a great concluding story to a wonderful character series. Although it felt like it could have used a few pages or even another entire issue to help with the pacing and bring the story to a fuller conclusion, this was a wonderful story that was written and illustrated in a very fun and exciting way. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Jun 22, 2023

    Betsy is an appealing enough character that she really deserves a bit more of a central focus. Howard is trying to give her extended cast a bit too much of the plot. The inner struggles of Betsy should rest more or less at the center of the book, but shes not allowed nearly enough time on the page to develop into anything more than the leader of a team. Its cool to see her in charge, but there should be more of a focus on her and who she is in the center of her own book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    KittyNone Jun 22, 2023

    More charming and coherent than it has any right to be, being the finale to three series each with their own direction and welter of subplots. But there's definitely stuff that gets garbled in the rush — in particular, it's a shame there wasn't more time to explore Rachel's status quo, because "Askani" was always a concept void of meaning and "lesbrarian of the Sacred Timeline" sounds like a fun direction for Rachel, but it was wedged in so hastily that there just wasn't time to make it clear. Ultimately, these last two series were shoved out and cancelled so fast that they feel like cliff's notes for series rather than stories in their own right, much as I enjoyed what little we got of this one

  • 6.5
    CrazyforRAMU Sep 23, 2024

    I've never connected with this series. I'll gladly accept a chunk of responsibility for that. The story, the characters, and the writing style were never to my taste, and I was lukewarm at best on the art.

    But the creators had over a hundred pages to *make* me care about Betsy Braddock and her adventures, and they never got the job done. It's not an impossible job; I'd argue that it's a storyteller's *most important* job. Passionate, talented storytelling has, time and time again, won me over to characters and stories I wasn't initially interested in. It just never happened here.

    So even though this finale is a nicely-paced heist-type story that neatly wraps up the plot and gives Betsy a solid happily ever after, I com more

  • 5.5
    Colleen St. Lucie Jul 19, 2023

    After completing this series I'm not sure what the point was. Hoping for a break from Betsy, she received a huge push the past 4 years and needs to be in background for a while.

  • 9.0
    wesshamu Jul 16, 2023

  • 9.0
    Bruno Mael Jun 21, 2023

  • 7.5
    NickNightingale Jan 6, 2024

  • 7.0
    daspidaboy Nov 16, 2024

  • 7.0
    Psycamorean Mar 14, 2024

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