Captain America: Steve Rogers #7

Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: Jesus Saiz Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 9, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 22
7.8Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

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The Red Skull marches across Europe, and S.H.I.E.L.D. comes apart at the seams! Steve opens a door - and the secret behind it will shake the Marvel Universe to its core...
Rated T+

  • 8.5
    The Lost Lighthouse - thelostlighthouse Nov 10, 2016

    One review for this comic dropped it a couple of points for the lack of action and how much text there was. Personally, for the first issue of a new arc I'm don't think these take away from the issue at all. The characters are given a chance to develop and the stage is now set for what I hope will be a fantastic new arc in Captain America's story. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Heroes Direct - Adam Fitch Nov 12, 2016

    There's no action in this comic. There's a huge amount of narrative, monologue, and plotlines to get stuck into, but nothing visual. There's a thick portion of story to get through which is a treat, and there's a promise of a big battle at some point. This is the start of a new, fascinating, and thrilling arc. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Joe Ruggirello Nov 10, 2016

    There's a lot going on in Captain America #7. A. LOT. Plotting, scheming,'s easy to lose track of who's siding with whom to betray who. But once you get the various sides straight, you can appreciate the complexity of Nick Spencer's (still?) controversial Cap story arc. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Nov 9, 2016

    If you've dug the flashbacks in this series prepare yourself for some of the most interesting and enlightening scenes yet. Spencer is expanding the story in interesting and global ways, making Captain America the go to for political intrigue in comics. That said, there's so much dialogue it gets to the point where it becomes a chore to read through this. There are interesting elements being set up sure, but the balance and pace is slowed to a crawl. Read Full Review

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