• Skirmishes between each side continue in the wake of a failed attempt at peace. General Rogers and his forces in the Blue continue development of Project Bellcurve, the top-secret effort to win the war in one epic stroke, while Iron President Stark discovers deeply troubling data about the course of the nation's history since its division.
Rated T+
CIVIL WAR is like a witnessing some close friends become engaged in a big argument. You feel bad for listening in but you can't pull yourself away out of concern and curiosity. The original Civil War arc was a brutal and spectacular story. This series continues the fight and takes it to a completely different level. Things have gotten really ugly between Captain America and Iron Man. Charles Soule and Leinil Francis Yu are doing wonders with this book. Civil War was one of those arcs you never felt needed to be explored further. Soule and Yu have easily convinced us we need to see it continue and they are just the ones to do it. Read Full Review
This is a huge improvement on the last issue mostly due to the world opening up and being revealed to us. The art is top notch and does a fantastic job with the smaller moments and the bigger moments too. A really good issue all around. Read Full Review
The visuals continue to carry the story in their own way. Seeing the capital cities of the Blue and the Iron was not only breathtaking, they really accentuate the politics of place. Stark's Resilient Alpha (a city we've seen a variant of before) is a sprawling technological utopia. This gilded empire matches the bureaucratic and ambitious nature of Stark's politics and perhaps his approach to the super-human question.big, imposing, and intricate. The capital of the Blue "Liberation" is a mountain side refuge, complete with a sweet Cap Shield Motif. A majestic unassuming refugeremote and protected. Seeing the nerve centre of both factions really anchors each ideology and gives them a sense of importance and place on par with the Inhumans' Attilan or Namor's Atlantis. I'm seriously dying to see Blue and Iron variants of Hellicarriers next. Read Full Review
Overall, Civil War #2 remains intriguing and engaging that can sustain the readers' interest to the middle portion of the tale of the endless conflict. Some red herrings are in-placed to keep the readers off their feet a bit. But the art department shines more so for Yu et al displays some of their excellent artistic illustrations yet. Now, let's see how things turn out in the next issue. Read Full Review
Civil War is shaping up to be a great series worthy of its namesake, and if you're loathe to pick up anything Secret Wars, do yourself a favor and check out this series. It's a winner with a growing cast of characters, a pertinent conflict, and a creative team that's producing work well worth the cost of admission. With Captain America: Civil War on the horizon, this is a great primer for things to come. Read Full Review
The original Civil War is such a wonderful series, there's no surprise Marvel would like to dig deeper into the concept, and the world surroundings it. No, the new story has nothing to do with the Secret Wars event overall, but it's great to see what would happen if Civil War never ends. Read Full Review
Civil War‘s second issue builds upon the first, wisely moving the concept of the original series further along to deal more with the effects of long-term war, giving this series more thematic punch than simply exploring an alternate reality. It does suffer from feeling like, due to the temporary nature of the event, the outcome is inconsequential, but it's a fascinating exploration of extreme versions of two of Marvel's signature characters. Read Full Review
All in all, another compelling cliffhanger combined with a quality script and some fantastic artwork make Civil War #2 one to recommend. Read Full Review
This Civil War series is so far one of my favorites of the Secret Wars event, and that's saying a lot since there's so many great series to enjoy. There's plenty of call backs to the original event that are played out here, but on a smaller scale yet at that the same time, this mini series also feels as though it's just as big as the original. Soule and Yu are both in sync with one another as they come to the halfway point of the series and I'm looking forward to what looks to be even better second half. Read Full Review
Soule and Yu deliver another great chapter ofCivil War! They take the incredible potential provided by the concept of Battleworld and manage to improve on Millar's original series. This issue is an in-between, stage-setting issue that will no doubt read smoother when collected in a trade, but is still important, exciting, and delightfully quiet. Read Full Review
Civil War #2 is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but with this issue it's quickly become clear that this is a mini-series worthy of its name. So by all means rush out and grab this before it sells out at your local shop. Recommended. Read Full Review
Like the original story, Civil War is a great idea that isn't entirely successful in its execution. The new series doesn't do nearly enough to flesh out its world or move the plot forward. Even so, the appeal of seeing the Avengers split by a philosophical divide is as strong as ever. Read Full Review
"Civil War" #2 is one of the better "Secret Wars" byproducts, and Soule, Yu and Alanguilan all ensure that it's a worthwhile effort, one that's easily followed by those more interested in this story as a sequel-of-sorts to Marvel's nearly decade old event than as part of their current one. Read Full Review
Ultimately, this series follows its namesake when it comes to having trouble finding a focus - but the original Civil War also was relatively simple in scope and scale compared to this. Yet if Soule can really dig into this alternate history, he'll find a whole world of storytelling possibilities. Here's hoping that this Civil War continues to heat up. Read Full Review
Secret Wars: Civil War #2 was a fantastic read. Soule delivers a nuanced and multifaceted read that captivates the reader's attention from start to finish. This is an issue that warrants several reads. I love an issue with plenty of substance. Soule certainly treats the reader to an issue that is worth every penny of the cover price. I would certainly recommend giving this Secret Wars tie-in mini series a try. Read Full Review
While it's not a surprise that a mini series doesn't take time to flesh out its cast of B characters, it's hard to see Elektra taking up Daredevil's mantle and not want some kind of an explanation. Parker's motivations begin to show here in this issue as he has to decide on who's more important in future issues; The civilians of the Blue or the family he left behind in the Iron? Much like the original premise, a alternate Civil War arc looks great on paper. He's hoping future issues expands more out of the Stark/Rogers/Parker POVthan this one does. Read Full Review
Civil War still hasn't managed to claw its way up to being legitimately good as the drab aesthetic keep the comic from visually realizing its proposed big scale superhero war of nations but there's enough here to be worth your time if what I've said so far has intrigued you. Not one of Battleworld's best but still far from its worst. Read Full Review